Chapter 5: Inspired by Victory

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"You bet we will!" Agrees Carissa. "Let's transform!"

"Iris, Princess of Ephidea!" "Talia, Princess of Xeris!" "Auriana, Princess of Volta!" "Lyna, Princess of Borealis!" "Carissa, Princess of Calix!" Auriana gives the girls their masks, which Lyna gushes about, then they all hold hands, Auriana holding Amaru. "Crystal Levitus!" Says Lyna as they all fly towards the building, the citizens of Paris gasping in awe. The girls then land.

"Well, well," says Keara as the girls narrow their eyes. "Time to do some wrecking!" "Amaru, the arena!" Shouts Iris. Amaru jumps and claps his hands and the arena comes forth, along with Amaru transforming into a pegasus. But then two figures step out from behind Hawkmoth . It's Mephisto and Praxina!

"Haha! We saw you guys go to Paris and decided to help destroy you!" Says Praxina, cackling.

At the edge of the arena the girls see Gabriel Agreste standing robotically with his eyes straight forward. Why is Adriens father there? Thinks Iris. "Hahaha, yes, I've absorbed Gabriel's negative energy to bring me strength!" Cackles Hawkmoth, breaking her thoughts.

"All right, here is the plan," says Talia. "Iris and I will go distract the twins, Lyna and Carissa go fight Keara, and Auriana, go trap Mr. Agreste and Hawkmoth, and then free Ladybug and Cat Noir and then help them with fighting Keara. Sound good?"

The girls then split up. Lyna and Carissa go to Keara. Keara smirks at them and levitates a pillar from the arena and throws it at them. "Crystal Levitus!" Says Lyna, and puts it back, doing the same thing each time and Keara gets frustrated. While she was distracted, Carissa had been building her spell. "Crystal Ruca!" She shouts, the crystal exploding and shooting Keara across the arena.

Auriana had finished her crystal cage and now was breaking open the cage holding Ladybug and Cat Noir, which wasn't hard since her magic wasn't blocked. "Crystal Collidum!" The cage shatters and Ladybug and Cat Noir leap out from it. "Will you be okay to fight Keara?" Ladybug asks Cat Noir gently. He responds by smiling weakly and nodding. They went to fight.

Iris and Talia don't have much trouble fighting the two at all. The twins seemed to be a bit tired and weren't giving it their all, but they were still trying to trap Iris.

The two battles rage on in the arena. Spells flying back and forth, sometimes Keara clouding their minds with darkness. Ladybug and Cat Noir are mostly shielding, but Carissa fights. Amaru fights Keara as well, trying to break her spells. Then Iris gets an idea. "Girls, the big magic!" The princesses nod and Lyna tells Ladybug and Cat Noir what they mean. The two battles start to get closer and closer to each other, until the villains are right beside each other. Then the girls run to the middle, and do the spell with their weapons. "Crystal Quinta!" They shout. Mephisto and Praxina disappear, while Keara glows and goes into the dust. "Nooooooo!" She shouts, and snaps one of her hands for some reason. Then Hawkmoth disappears. They all agree to then meet at the Lolirock stage, but Adrien can get his father back home first. Then they high-five for defeating Keara!

At the Agreste mansion, Adrien had just explained to Nathalie why his father was away, and was putting him on his bed.

"Father, why did Hawkmoth want you for your negative energy? Are you really like that?" Asks Adrien.

"Actually Adrien, he didn't get that much energy from me." Mr. Agreste smiles, but then sighs. "However, I think I know who Hawkmoth is, but I won't reveal my suspicions until I am sure. Go with your friends and relax now, Adrien. Getting me from Cat Noir then dragging me here must be tiring."

Adrien nods and leaves to go meet the others.

A few minutes later, Adrien arrives at the stage. The girls and Nathaniel are setting up a little picnic before the show. "Hi Adrien!" Says Iris. "We were going to have a picnic to celebrate before our show!"

"Is your father alright?" Asks Marinette, concern furrowing her brow.

"Yeah, It's cool," Adrien smiles. "Now, let's celebrate! I'm going to the concert with my dad and Nino, it'll be great!"

"You two and your parents and friends can come free tonight in the front row!" Says Auriana. "Just tell them you won something!"

"Thanks Auriana!" Replies Marinette. "I'm coming with my friend Alya."

When they finished the picnic, they set up for the concert, and soon people came in. Marinette and Adrien left to their seats and a few minutes later, it was time to perform!

"Hello Paris!" Shouts Iris at the roaring crowd. "This next song is dedicated to the heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Cat Noir!"

"Oh, when I'm feeling doubts

I know I can count on my best friends

Yeah, the word is out

United, our friendship rocks

I'll be out, standing side by side

Hear that sound, hear that sound

Let the whole world know that we're back in town

Spread the word around

We've come back in town

Let the music take you higher

Raise your hands, you can touch the sky

Reach the stars, we can make you fly

Call the girls, fun is in the air

SOS, we'll be always there

Raise your hands, you can touch the sky

Rock your world in a fantasy

Let the music take you



One, two, three

Yeah, we're stepping out

Hear that sound, hear that sound

Let the whole world know

Say it loud and proud

That we're back in town

Spread the word around

I'll be out, standing side by side

Hear that sound

Can you hear that sound?

Let the whole world know that we're back in town

Spread the word around

We've come back in town

Let the music take you higher

Raise your hands, you can touch the sky

Reach the stars, we can make you fly

Call the girls, fun is in the air

SOS, we'll be always there

Raise your hands, you can touch the sky

Rock your world in a fantasy

Spread your wings, we will set you free

Call the girls, fun is in the air

Let the music take you!"

The crowd screams in excitement after the song.

When the concert is over, the girls, Adrien, and Nathaniel got to bed. They are all a little sad of course. After all, tomorrow they are leaving...

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