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Lakshmana's POV,

I was so upset when brother Rama started teasing me joining princess lizard. I have observed that she loves teasing and taunting me. Whenever she meets me, she will not leave without teasing me.

She's an unique girl indeed. Not only Urmila, even her sisters princess Sita, Mandavi and Shrutakirthi. Wait Lakshmana. When did princess Urmila become just Urmila to you. Have a control on yourself. You are becoming mad day by day.

Princess Urmila, wait and watch. Now brother Rama is in my team not yours. You pranked me with that chilly powder. Only I know how much difficult it was to complete the rice pudding.

While teacher Vishwamitra and brother Rama were relishing the rice pudding, I was having a hard time completing it. No one feels pity on me. So I should feel it myself! Though she apologized that day, she had meant to spoil the rice pudding. She said it herself. Honest girl!

But now it's my turn. I have made brother Rama also to join my team. Princess lizard Urmila, wait for my action now! While thinking this, she came and stood before me looking at me. But I ignored her continued sharping my arrows.

"Prince frog. Oops! Prince Lakshmana?" she called. She called me frog wantedly! I just hummed in response not looking at her.

"I am speaking to you. Not to the trees or your arrows. I had thought that you were sensible enough to lift your head and talk to me looking straight to my face. But my thought was wrong."

I hummed again in response. I could have retorted back but it will not irritate her much than this. As expected, she was very much irritated. Fury in her eyes was visible clearly.

"Attitude King! Don't know how to behave with others. Egoistic person. I was totally right the day I met you. You are a dumb person. You don't know to speak also and your mind is also dumb. Idioitic Stupid prince you are! Don't have a basic mannerism and common sense. I am not here begging you to talk to me! Get lost frog!"

Saying so much she walked off far from my sight but wait. Wait, is she going to the forest? I asked the nearby man and asked where the path led to. And he confirmed my thought.

The path where she went led to the forest, the dangerous woods. Haww this girl! She can do anything when she's angry. Thinking this I rushed following her.

Urmila's POV,

He's such a stupid and idiotic person. Can anyone be more dumb than him. I sometimes wonder whether he's the brother of brother-in-law Rama or not. I had thought to apologize to him today but he's so egoistic and didn't bother to even look at me! Who cares. Let him do whatever he want. Mad man.

In fury, I going towards the jungle to search for tranquility. The lake would have been better but there is a special ritual organised and I will not be given my lone time. With no choice I have to come to the woods.

I was walking inside the jungle when I heard dry leaves crumble. Alerted with the noice, I kept my hand on the dagger tied to my waist. I felt someone is just behind me and turned to see King Somnath. That King who had suggested to marry any of the other 3 sisters!

"Pranipat King." I bowed down with respect.

"Pranipat Queen." he said smirking.

"Queen? I think you are illusioning me as someone else. I am the princess of Mithila, princess Urmila. Not a Queen. "

"Who can become a Queen in the future." he interrupted me with the smug smile constant. I knew what he was meaning. But no. That's not possible.

"No one knows the future Oh King! We shouldn't be dreaming something which we know that it may not happen." I said.

But he quipped back saying, "But this will happen Princess. You can become the Queen of Malla just by nodding your head in a yes."

That was it. My anger was rising each moment. What had he thought of himself eh. He already has 6 queens and he want to marry once again. I am almost the age of his son and this stupid is proposing me for marriage. I felt like killing him this very moment. But controlled. He's the guest of Mithila and I can't do this.

"I have said this before also King. I do not wish to be your Queen. Please go from here before my anger reach it's peak. " I said calmly but my voice dangerously low.

"Urmila. Don't be foolish. I will give you everything. You tell what you want and I will bring it for you however and wherever it maybe."

He's the one who's being foolish and he's telling me. "Will you give whatever I want King?" I asked to which he nodded.

"Then give me your life. I am asking for your life. Give it."

I smirked while he was stunned. His eyes widened in horror and soon recovered. His eyes now had different emotion. He looked at my whole body disgustingly and- lustfully!

He was approaching forward as I took my steps backward. His eyes never left my body. Disgusting, this is what I felt now. My hand was gripped on my dagger. I was ready to defend myself from his disgusting gaze.

My back reached something hard. I looked back to see a tree and as soon as I turned front, I knew I was trapped. He had trapped me between him and the tree. He raised his one hand and when he was about to touch my face, I came into action.

That was the moment I was expecting and soon moved my dagger across his hands making a cut in his left hand and a deep scar in the other. As soon as he left the hands to check himself, I moved away and stood afar him.

He was crying in pain and I ran away before he could chase me. This is what happens when someone deals with Janak Nandini Urmila. I heard his voice coming near to me, he was chasing me again. But at once, the voice was never audible. At once it stopped. I dared not look back and ran away as fast as I could to the Gauri temple.

I went to the lake first, washed my face and the dagger which had his blood dripping. And soon, I was with the people singing songs in praise of the mother Gauri. The royal family had also joined me after a few minutes and later brother-in-law Rana and him.

We completed the ritual and was heading back to see the commander in chief of Mithila coming to us. He told us to follow him and seeing his expressions, I knew something worst had happened.

We followed him and saw few people surrounded. As they saw my father, they moved aside revealing a dead body. We moved a bit more near to see who's was it and I  was numb to see the dead body of him, the ruler of Malla King Somnath!



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