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As King Janaka had requested the great sage Viswamitra, Rama and Lakshmana to come for the palace for dinner, the sisters were busy in the kitchen. They had planned everything by themselves and had planned to do everything from cutting the vegetables to serving the princes.

After 4 long hours of being in the kitchen, they were finally done with cooking and thought to take some rest. Sita went to her room thinking about the day's events. Mandavi went to get ready. She is very particular about these things. Shrutakirthi went to library to read some scripts while our fire went towards the lake near the Gauri temple.

Taking a round at the mandir and after bowing to Goddess Gauri, she went to her favourite place! The lake. It was the place that gave her peace and tranquility after her sister Sita's lap.

She dipped her legs in the cold water and closed her beautiful eyes cooling herself down. But, it seemed like the fire has to meet the fire yet again.

Lakshmana who had come to the Gauri temple as to thank her for making his wish fulfill. The wish of his brother Rama getting married to his mother figured Janak Nandini Sita.

As he was coming back, he saw Urmila sitting near the lake. Seeing her, memories reloaded. Frog. How can someone call him, Ayodhya Kumar, Dasharath Nandan, Saumitra Lakshmana a frog!?

As he was thinking about it, a devilish idea came into his clever mind. He saw a pot which was kept very far from Urmila. He went there and took the pot and filled it with water. He slowly went towards her taking slow and inaudible steps. As he was as near as he could execute the plan, he saw her pretty eyes closed peacefully.

As he had first seen her, she was a warrior princess. And if someone is very close to her, she will get to know even without opening her doe shaped eyes. So, he kept the pot filled with water just above her face.

And as expected, Urmila felt something wierd. Sensing danger her hands slowly made it's way towards her waist where she had kept 3 daggers ready.

Lakshmana knew his plan would work perfectly now. He held the pot of water without making even the slightest of movement. He was waiting for the perfect time to pour the water on her face.

But before that, Urmila swiftly moved the daggers upwards and unfortunately to the bottom of the mud put making a hole. And the water in the pot fell on her face and a bit on her half saree making her drenched.

She in a swift opened her eyes and got up and looked at Saumitra with bloodshot eyes. "What is this??" Urmila asked frustrated.

Lakshmana who was sitting in front of her made sign telling her to wait and said, "Give me 2 minutes Janak Nandini." And he burst out laughing and rolling on the floor. Urmila who was already frustrated with the eldest Sumitra Nandan's prank became more frustrated and angry seeing him laughing at her condition.

"Dasharath Nandan!!!!" Urmila shouted loudly and Lakshmana tried to control his laughter but ended up laughing more. Urmila was now very angry. Beyond control. How can someone prank HER!

She looked here and there and found the helping reason for her angerness. The pot which helped Lakshmana to execute his prank. She took that and threw at the Ramaanuj's  hands and Lakhan catched it at the right time.

He took a deep breath in and let it out to suppress his uncontrollable laughter. But somehow he managed to control it and he looked at Urmila who was staring at him angrily.

"What did you do to me? Why? How dare you to prank me prince Lakshmana? You don't even know me properly and how can you do this to me? I repeat how dare you? What have you thought of yourself huh? Great person eh? That you can do anything you want eh? Wh.. " she was interrupted by Lakshmana.

"Hey! Stop, stop, stop! How much will you talk princess? Patience, patience. Patience is very important in life. And you don't have even 1% of it!" said Lakshmana giggling.

(A/N: Only if he knew how much patience she had which he will come to know in the future...)

Urmila kept staring at him waiting for him to give the answer. When he didn't for around 12 seconds, she raised her eyebrow and told him to answer her questions now!

"The only answer for all your question is that, I just pranked you because I thought it would be fun to prank with the 'Fire Princess' as the whole Mithila call you."

Urmila just nodded and went away not before giving an angry stare at the prankster. Lakshmana had not expected this. He had expected her to shout at him and prank him too. But that didn't happen. Was she upset about something? Is something nagging her mind? Was that the reason for her to just move away? Lot's of unanswered questions filled his mind. But, pushing his thoughts away, he went back to the ashram and served the revered sage Vishwamitra till the evening.

In the evening,

As invited for the dinner by King Janaka, Lakshmana, Rama and Viswamitra set out for the palace and were welcomed by King Janaka, Queen Sunaina, King Kushadhwaj and Queen Chandrabhaga.

Lakshmana's eyes were searching for just and just one person. Urmila! He over imagined things and was guilty. He thought that she was was hurt by his acts. Or she might have thought about her sister Sita's farewell that's why she might be sad. Many thoughts nagged his mind and he concluded that whatever he did was wrong.

But, he was wrong. The fire being silent was not because she was sad or depressed but the fire being silent denotes danger. On the way from the lake to the palace, she had decided one thing. Prank back Saumitra! And while cooking for the food too, she was thinking the same but not even 1 good idea came to her mind.

While cooking, she asked Shrutakirthi for the chilly powder. She had still not planned anything and she was upset with that thought. As ordered Shrutakirthi gave it to her.

While she was about to put it to the container that held the rasam, Mandavi said, "Be careful demoness. The container of the rice pudding is just next to the container of the rasam. Don't mix the chilly powder with the rice pudding." giggling while Siya rolled her eyes.

This was it. Mandavi helped her!! She just nodded to Mandavi's words and carefully put the chilly powder to the rasam itself. And later she filled a bowl of chilly powder and hid it where no one would be able to see. She was ready with her plan. Just the execution was left.

Before going to the main hall, Urmila called all her sisters and said, "Sister Sita will serve brother-in-law. Shrutakirthi will be engaging the trio with random talks. Mandavi will serve sage Vishwamitra and I will serve Saumitra."

But Mandavi was not an easy girl to get manipulated. She quickly asked Urmila, "But, you and the eldest Sumitra Nandan have some kind of enemity right?"

But Urmila was equally clever and brilliant. "I am grateful to what he did today morning and nothing else. A token of gratitude. Shouldn't I give that too?"

Mandavi was still not fully convinced. But Sita managed to shut her up. Siya was happy that her sister and Lakshmana were not fighting. All 4 quickly went out and bowed to the guests and talked for some time.

All this while Lakshmana was staring Urmila guiltily while Urmila put up a sad face noticing Lakshmana's stare and continued her drama. Urmila was royally ignoring Lakshmana and she was enjoying it.

After sometime, as planned, Shrutakirthi stayed back in the dining hall talking about scriptures with the trio. Mandavi, Siya and Urmila came to the kitchen to start serving.

Mandavi first went with the rice pudding and was followed by Sita. Urmila checking upon if someone is around or not, took the bowl out from it's hiding place and went to put it to the rice pudding when suddenly an empty vessel feel down from the shelf due to the wind force.

Urmila who was taking the chilly powder spoon by spoon trembled with the sudden sound and with that fear the whole bowl of chilly powder was in the rice pudding.

"Hey Lord! Why did I do this?? It is very much. Not as I had planned." she mumbled frustrated. But now nothing could be changed. The rice pudding had turned a slight shade of red. She poured more rice pudding to the bowl to patch it up and went to the hall running.

She kept the bowl on the plate of Lakshmana when he said a sorry audible only to Urmila. But she maintained a stern face and went back to the kitchen to bring the other items.

Chronologically Mandavi, Sita and Urmila served the trio and all this while Urmila didn't speak a word which did not go unnoticed by Rama. He thought to talk with his sister later and pushed the matter for time being.

After the sisters had completed serving everything, Viswamitra, Rama and Lakshmana started having the food. They all started with the rice pudding and Viswamitra and Rama appreciated the sisters for the delicious rice pudding.

Lakshmana took a bit of rice pudding and regretted it. He felt as if his whole body was on fire. He gulped down the dish immediately and heard his brother and teacher appreciate it. How can they? Was it their sarcastic compliment? he thought.

He too nodded his head with his brother Rama agreeing to his words helplessly when he saw Urmila who was sad till now having a wide smirk on her pretty face.

"How is the rice pudding prince Lakshmana?" she asked wantedly with a huge smirk. Lakshmana got it now. She was returning his prank. 

"Delicious! The best rice pudding that I have ever had princess. Thank you for this!" he replied. He didn't mean any word that he said. None.

Urmila was smart enough to get that he didn't really mean it. But still she offered, "Glad that you liked it. You have liked it so much, so I shall go and bring one more bowl of the dish for you." and started walking towards when Lakshmana interrupted.

"No, no princess. No thanks. The starter is only so good, I am just imagining how the other delicacies will be. Let me finish all these and if I really need, then I shall surely ask you."

"Do not hesitate prince. You will be served whatever you wish to have." she said smiling hiding her smirk. Lakshmana nodded to her. Somehow, he managed to escape the another bowl. But he had to finish this one.

Lakshmana started to eat the worst first. So, he started with the rice pudding, but the spiciness was too much to handle. He drank some water but still was of no use. He ate some plain rice to manage it.

Somehow or the other he tried many wierd ways to cover what he was feeling. Sometimes salt, sometimes plain rice, sometimes the yogurt and sometimes the seasoned flatbread.

And finally, he succeeded in his mission. 'Mission Eat The Rice Pudding'

He sighed in relief. And started with the other dishes. Thank God it was not like the rice pudding. It was really very delicious! So yummy! He managed to have the food quickly making up with the speed of Rama and Vishwamitra.

And here our fire princess felt a bit guilty. She actually didn't intend to mix the whole bowl of chilly powder but it happened accidentally. But he didn't waste a drop of rice pudding too. She saw his struggles and was sorry for her act and decided to make it up.

When the trio went to wash their hands properly, she followed them behind with towels in her hands to give them to dry their hands. She bowed to Viswamitra and handed the towel to him. He smiled warmly at her and took the towel to dry his hands.

The same happened with Rama too. While going back to the main hall, Rama said, "Need to talk to you. Shall we meet in the ashram or somewhere else please.?"

"Sure brother-in-law. Please don't ask please. You can order your sister anything. I will be in the ashram tomorrow morning!" He smiled at her ruffled her hair lovingly and went back.

Lakshmana was next in the line. He was gazing at her while Maithili sheepishly smiled and handed the towel. When he was about to go she stopped him. "Wait prince.  Sorry for the rice pudding. I didn't mean to put so much chilly powder in it. It was an accident."

"But you had intended to add chilly powder right princess?" Saumitra asked turning back towards her while she nodded bowing her head down.
"May I ask why?"

She looked at his eyes and replied, "Yes. Because you had pranked me. 'ME' Sumitra Nandan! You had pranked the one who pranks others. And as a sweet revenge, I pranked you back. But I swear, I didn't intend to put so much chilly powder. It was an accident and I am sorry for that." saying it she handed him some sweets.

He took it smiling and went back without saying one word. Urmila was confused whether she was forgiven or not. By the time she reached the main hall, she saw that they all were returning back to the ashram. She bowed her head as a mark of respect as Viswamitra passed by her.

She smiled at her brother-in-law who returned her the same smile and whispered, "Don't forget tomorrow." She nodded and smiled. Next Lakshmana came and joined his palms to her.

She returned it back and whispered, "Am I forgiven?" with a cute pout.

"Yes princess!"

She smiled widely and saw the three go back! She was smiling throughout the night. Everyone were confused but didn't ask anything as they observed that she hadn't smiled so much any day and let her enjoy the moment!


#Rasam - a thin, very spicy southern Indian soup served with other dishes, typically as a drink.



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