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"Call the bride's for the further rituals." The priest called.

Yes, it was Panchami thithi already, the wedding of the 4 great heavenly pairs.

The mantapas' were decorated equally lavishly and the grooms, Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna were already seated on the left side, waiting for their brides, after completing the beginning rituals.

Sita followed by her younger sisters, Mandavi, Urmila and Shruthakirti came down the stairs, their heads low shying, the red tinge constantly sitting on their cheeks.

The brides were looking extremely beautiful in the extravagantly designed half sarees, Sita in maroon, Mandavi in royal blue, Urmila in royal red, Shruthakirti in deep pink.

The girls hung their head low shyly and slowly walked up to the mantapas where the grooms sat mesmerized.

Giving a smile to each other, they sat together continuing the rituals. As time passed with each completed ritual came the next ritual, Kanyadaan.

Janaka smiled in satisfaction that his girls have got a family in their in-law's. Janaka and Kushadhwaja proceeded towards Sita and Mandavi respectively.

Janaka started the ritual with a wide smile. "Rama, I have faith that you will always stand beside her in every step of your life. And I can assure by what I know about Sita, she will be with you, supporting you always. Always stay blessed dears." Janaka smiled, his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Though, you should get accustomed to her long lectures!" Janaka chuckled through his tears making the situation light.

On the other side, Kushadhwaja said, "Bharata, I am now giving my eldest daughter to you in this ritual of Kanyadaan, though she is mischievous, she is matured and will understand you. I guarantee it. Stay with each other always!" Kushadhwaja said controlling his tears.

He then walked to Shruthakirthi while Janaka walked to Lakshmana and Urmila. 

"The youngest kid of the family, but proves that age is not a number for the level of maturity she has. I am not praising my own children, but I am just telling what I have seen in Kirthi. Shatrughna, I believe, however naughty you are, you will be taking care of her. Just be with each through thick and thin!" Kushadhwaja smiled.

Meanwhile, Janaka gripped Urmila and Lakshmana's hands as he said, "There's a lot to tell about, which we will talk later after the weddings." he paused. "But right now I ask you not to mind the pranks she has tried on you!" he laughed.

"Pitashri!" Urmila laughed heartily with all others joining.

Following to the kanyadaan ritual, the grooms led by the brides took the seven vows promising an eternity of togetherness, through every obstacle of their lives. 

The priest then instructed the four princes to fill the bride's hair partition with the vermilion he gave. Lakshmana took a pinch of it and looked into her love filled eyes. He smiled without any botherations in his mind for the first time that day.

The days had flew quickly and the butterflies in everyone's stomachs increased highly. Especially Lakshmana, who had thought that he would never marry, who had thought that he would not welcome any lady in his life who holds so much prominence in his life. 

He never ever knew that she who would be that lady he would happily spend his life with.

Urmila, on the other hand had the same feelings. Her mentor and inspiration was her Mata Gargi. Since childhood she had seen her as the role model for her life and had made up her mind that she would follow Gargi's path. 

But love doesn't listen to the mind, does it?

"The marriage is now complete. You both will now be continuing your journey of life as husband and wife. Let the Almighty's blessings always be on you both." the priest who sat next to Lakshmana and Urmila said.


"Lakshmana, your father had been telling me yesterday about your thoughts of being unmarried." Janaka initiated the conversation.

Lakshmana laughed and replied, "Yeah, and our lives took a sharp turn as our feet touch the land of knowledge, Mithila!" 

"Pitashri, can I ask you something? If you don't mind." Lakshmana asked hesitantly.

Janaka placed his hand on Lakshmana's shoulder and smiled, "Continue."

"Pitashri, in a short span of time, we have seen how much you love your daughters. Then how could you decide that we, brothers were the men for them?" 

Janaka chuckled and answered, "I know my four daughters really well. They will not believe someone very easily. And few days before, I saw the trust and fate they had for you boys. And, that's it!"

Lakshmana smiled warmly. He was happy that she trusted him.

"Putra, I would like to confess something." Janaka started.

"Sita, as you know was found in the soil for us. She was not our own daughter, but we have cared, loved and nurtured her as our own." Janaka paused.

Lakshmana realised the gravity of his words and nodded quietly in response.

"Mandavi and Kirthi were staying in Mithila away from their parents. So, me and Sunaina have tried our best for them not to feel alone. And in all these tries, we as parents failed to shower all our love to Urmila."

Janaka's eyes were brimmed with tears. Whenever he and Sunaina saw Urmila, the guilt would prick them every time.

Lakshmana kept his palm on Janaka's lap, trying to console him. He didn't know what to answer.

"Pitashri!" Urmila called from behind.

Janaka quickly wiped his tears and turned to her.

Urmila, having an eagle's eye, observed Janaka's puffed eyes. Though she knew the actual reason behind it, she smiled faintly and sat between her father and her husband.

Turning to Lakshmana she said, "Tell me, how dare you?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"What did I dare now?" asked Lakshmana in confusion.

"How dare you make my father cry? What did you do? For the pranks I did for you, you can take the revenge from me. Not from my father." she said in her innocent accent.

Janaka and Lakshmana broke into splits of laughter seeing her.

It was like a 3 year old child in a bridal half saree, pouting that her parents didn't get her the chocolate she asked.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes and puffed her cheeks cutely.

"If your mother see you like this, the you know what she will tell." Janaka warned smiling.

"Ha, ha." she said, "Urmila, you are no more a child. You are married for God sake! Behave in a matured way." she mimicked Sunaina.

"Hahahaha!" Lakshmana laughed heartily.

Janaka carressed her cheeks and left to the other side of the palace as a servant informed him that Dasharatha had been calling him.

"Urmila!" Lakshmana called slowly.

There were no one around them accept a few maids and soldiers.

"Hmm?" she turned to look at him, who was having a scared look.

"What happened?" She asked in confusion.

"There's. There's a. There's a li." Lakshmana stammered.

"What li?" Urmila asked impatient.

"Lizard!" he shreiked making her jump upon her toes afraid.

"So, that means the warrior princess of Mithila is afraid of a fake lizard?" he cracked.

Realising that it was one of his prank, she shouted, "Now you shall be afraid of this warrior princess!" and ran chasing him, tucking her saree up.

The next moment the corridors of the palace saw the chasing of Lakshmana and Urmila, like how Jerry used to get chased by Tom.

"These two will never change!" Sita laughed seeing them.


#Lehenga - Half saree
#Pitashri - Father
#Putra - Son


The End. (Temporarily)

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