❄Maybe This Christmas❄

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"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.Everywhere you go..."

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of the alarm next to me, the radio was up and playing Christmas songs with some hosts talking about today's news and weather.

I internally groaned and adjusted my eyes at the light coming through the curtains. My hands grabbed the sheets and I tried to block out the small amount of sunlight, to try and sleep just a few minutes more.

Moving the sheets back down I huffed and turned to my side to see my husband fast asleep on his side of the bed. "And it is 6:40.." I opened my eyes wide this time and jumped out of bed.

"It's almost late!" I almost shouted. In a hurry I put on a coat and warm slippers and began to run out the door and down the stairs.

"Kevin! Wake up the kids." I shouted when I reached down the stairs.

Heading straight into the kitchen I began to quickly make some eggs and bacon. I heard footsteps approaching and I looked over and saw Kevin with messy hair and two small kids walking next to him.

Our twins. Mason and Katherine McCallister. I sighed relieved when I saw them all ready with their clothes on ready for school. "It's the last day of school! Can't we stay?" Katherine asked looking at us both.

Mason stayed quiet and began to eat his food. "Like you said it's the late day of school. Just one more day and you and your brother will be free of homework, think you can take one more day?" Kevin asked her.

I glanced back up and smiled at them. "Of course dad! We'll be on our best behavior, but remember today were leaving school early." Mason reminded us.

"That's right. We'll try our best to pick you up." I told them and handed them their lunch for school.

"If not your uncle Fuller or Rory will pick you both up..maybe even Stacy."

"No!" Both out kids shouted. Kevin and I stare at them weirdly and raised an eyebrow. "Why not she's the babysitter?" Kevin asked standing next to me now.

"She's always on her phone and doesn't like to play with us." The kids pout and I look at them. "Well she is older and my co-worker, she is a very busy woman."

I look at Kevin and he nods. "I know how you kids feel but your mother is right. We both work a lot, so I promise you later today we'll head out and eat anything you two want."

Mason and Katherine's eyes lit up and they both shouted, "waffles and ice cream!" We both chuckled and stared at them lovingly. "It's a promise then."

Both Kevin and I handed the kids their backpacks and zipped up their coats so they wouldn't feel cold. The four of us walked up ahead at the bus stop and slowly we saw the vehicle approaching.

"Behave you two, and take care of your sister." Kevin told them but looked at our boy. He scoffed but nodded his head. "I will dad."

The bus made its stop and we waved at them goodbye when they entered. Few other kids also entered and we watched the bus slowly from itself away. "Late again..you remind me of mom." Kevin jokes when we new back in.

He closed the door behind him and the house felt a bit too quiet. Kevin and I have known each other since we were diapers, at the age of 10 our parents accidentally left us and we had to face the wet bandits. A year later the same incident happened but we were lost in NewYork.

Kevin and I never mentioned that incident again or ever spoke to it at our kids. Right after we graduated college Kevin and I were expecting the twins and from then on we've lived here, since his parents left Kevin the house and they moved into a smaller one just a few minutes away from here.

"Guess running late runs in the family now." I smirk and see Kevin chuckle. "Guess you're right but I'm always on time."

I quickly ran to the bathroom and took a shower, I didn't take much time so I changed into some warm clothes and blow dried my dark slightly short hair and past by Kevin who was about to take a shower also.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked and peeked my head in and could only see his silhouette through the glass door since the water was running hot.

"I think I'll order take out, you'll be running late to work." He called back. I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me, I closed the door just a bit and tried not to laugh when I heard him singing some song.

Reminds me of the time he walked in on his uncle Frank back then. I sat down on our bed and began to pack my crossover bag with pictures and my camera. The door opened and I saw Kevin walk back in already changed and his blonde hair a bit wet.

I smiled and took the towel and began drying him a bit. "Christmas is in a couple of days what do you think we should do?"

Kevin sat down on the bed now since I couldn't quite reach his height. "Maybe something different? Can't believe the kids will be turning 10 this year, it feels like yesterday when they were born."

Kevin and I remember that day. We were having a Christmas dinner when it happened and his entire family and him rushed me to the hospital, we felt a bit embarrassed since the waiting room was filled with both our families. The twins were born on that same Christmas night and since then we've had to plan double.

Christmas and birthday presents for them both. Now that they'll be 10 years old his and my parents havent stopped asking me if we're planning on having more. I'm in my thirties now so I guess it'll be impossible for me to have more, and if Kevin and I are completely honest..we love giving out attention to just both.

"We can go shopping tonight and leave one of your brothers to take care of them."

"Sounds like a deal, Alice." I smiled down at Kevin, leaned down and quickly kissed his lips and pulled back. "I'll try and come back early so we can eat those waffles."

"Good luck on your writing." I cheered and wave at him goodbye. "Good luck to you too honey." Kevin said before I left the room.

I started working as a photographer and Kevin as an author. He writes both adult and children's book, he had been going to meetings to get his book published around this month. He didn't want me to read it yet but he did tease me and said it'll be a children's novel this time again.

Since this house has many rooms, he transformed one into an office. The twins room is the one that used to be from Buzz and the other guests rooms are tidied up in case any of his brothers or cousins decide to stay.

Later today his brother Rory would be arriving, he and a band he has will be playing at the parks holiday festival. I do hope he arrived safely. I left Kevin a small note reminding him of it and went over to my work.


"Make sure to print these and sent them to this address." I hand my friend Rebecca an usb and she quickly took notes.

Rebecca is my co-worker and occasionally takes care of the twins when she isn't busy. Today we've received a lot of work, since it's Christmas season everyone has been takin pictures either of their families or kids with Santa Claus.

"Sure boss, but Alice.. I think you are missing something." Rebecca handed me my phone and my mouth fell open when I saw the hour. "Shhoot!" I made it to my office and grabbed my coat.

The kids! "I'll text you in case something happens." In a hurry I began running down the stairs and made it to my car. My phone buzzed again and it was a text from Kevin.

'We're at the diner come meet us here'- Kevin

I changed my direction and began driving a couple of blocks down the snowy road. I saw the Denny's logo up ahead and parked my car when I arrived.

I unbuckled my seat belt and locked the door when I made it out, I do hope he isn't upset again. I jogged inside and noticed Kevin sitting near the window with Mason and Kate looking at the menu in their father's hands.

I sighed in relief and noticed two other familiar faces. Fuller and Rory were walking over to us, "Hey the rest of the family is here!" Fuller said cheerfully and pushed his glasses back to his face.

He doesn't used them often anymore but he still needs them, as for Rory well he looked different. He has longer hair now and considers himself the black sheep of the family. "Hey there." Rory waved and gave us a small smile.

I went over to them and hugged them tight, "Look kids it's your uncles." Kevin commented and the kids screamed in delight and raced to them. "What did you bring me for Christmas?!" Kate smiled at them and Mason rolled his eyes. "Give them some space sis." He muttered and tried to pull her away.

Kevin chuckled and made some space for me to sit next to him. I slid next to him and took a look at the menu and he did the same, "Mason, Kate, why don't you show your uncle's the ice cream up front?"

Kevin suggested and gave his family a smile. Both adults nodded their heads and followed their nephew and niece to the front of the diner. "I thought we agreed to not be late and pick them up from school, Alice. I'm a busy man, I had to run and head to school."

I noticed Kevin also opening up the menu but he clearly wasn't reading the selection of foods their. "I know and I'm sorry. I didn't realize the time and-"

"We both have to be responsible-"

"I am Kevin! It was just this one time.."

"It's been more than one time already, Al. Let's just try to make this Christmas a good one for the kids and everyone else..we'll head out tonight and take care of the presents."

"..Okay.." I simply replied in a whisper and frowned at Kevin, he did the same.

No one else knows about this..but Kevin and I are having a rough time lately. For months now we've been having more fights than usual, we discuss when the kids aren't around. We've both been extremely busy especially me, so it's one of the many reasons we fight.

Sometimes we'll just ignore each other's presence but quickly talk again when the twins are nearby. But I'm not the only one guilty here, Kevin has been stuck on his book and sometimes won't leave his office, I sometimes wonder if he really is working on his book.

I play with the ring on my finger and frown. Its been years since Kevin gave me this ring, he promised we'd get married but it still hand happened, now I'm really wondering if that'll ever happen.

I fight back the tears, we heard footsteps and we both smiled back and placed our menus down. "We're back! Guess what the kids want cookies and cream."

We both nod our heads and smiled at the twins, "Sure. They can have whatever they want." The kids took their seats in front of us and their uncle's next to us.

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