Chapter 9: The Bird

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Aerlinniel POV

Gandalf and I have finally made it to the Woodland-Realm gates. It had been a long day of traveling and I am so happy to be home. Although, I will miss the Dwarves and Imryll and Bilbo very much.

"This is where we must say our farewells, for I have somewhere else I need to be. I will come to see you though." Gandalf tells me.

I immediately embrace him in a hug. I thought he was going to stay for a while, but I understand that he needs to be somewhere.

"Farewell Gandalf, I hope that you have safe travels and I also hope to see you soon." I say to him when I back out of the hug.

"Farewell, my dear." He says back to me.

And just like that he's gone.

I give a sigh and turn back to face the gates of the Woodland-Realm. Slowly, I walk forward. I finally get to be with Elarinya and Faelwen! I start to walk faster with this thought.

The guards open the doors for me and I enter. I turn right and walk towards where I hope Elarinya will be when I hear familiar laughter coming from the left.

"Elarinya? Faelwen?" I call out their names.

"Aerlinniel!" They both shout at the same time and I am all of the sudden tackled in an embrace from them.

"You are finally back! I am so happy to see you, Aerlinniel!" My sister exclaims joyfully.

"We have both missed you so much!" Faelwen adds. "You are back to stay right?"

"For now, yes. I promised the Dwarves and Bilbo that I would go and visit them. But, I am here and I will stay here for a while. I want to spend time with the both of you. Finally, we can all be together. The only thing that would make it better is if Legolas was here." I tell them.

"He did not come back with you?" Elarinya questions. "King Thranduil, Tauriel, Mallory and the rest of them all came back a while ago. We did not see Legolas so we assumed he was with you."

"No, he did not come back with me. I do not think he is coming back at all. I do not even know the reason why he left, or where he went. I do hope to see him again one day though." I explain to them.

"Well, we are both just glad that you made it home safe. You would probably like to rest." Faelwen commented.

I would like to rest, but I also want to talk with them.

I decide, "How about we all go find a comfortable place to sit and rest and you tell me all about what has happened here while I was away."

Legolas POV

I wish I did not leave her behind. But I had to. She misses her sister and her friend. I just have to keep telling myself that. It would not have been right of me to ask her to come with me, I am so glad I didn't.

But, then again, I also wish I did. It has been a few weeks and I already miss her a lot. I hope that one day we will see each other again.

I hear a bird whistle and I look up to see the bird on a branch. I wonder what kind of bird it is. It is not one I have seen before. It is starting to get dark, so I better keep moving if I want to make it a little farther before I rest.

I wonder where this ranger is that my Ada talked about. I have been asking around for him by his name he is known as in the wild: Strider. No luck in finding him so far. But, I will keep looking.

This same bird flies over my head and whistles again landing on a branch right in front of me. I wonder what it is doing. And, I think nothing of it until the bird does it yet again.

I stop and stare at the bird. What is it doing? It feels like it is trying to tell me something, but what? The bird gives out a loud whistle. And that's when I hear it. Many footsteps. They are Orcs.

I unsheathe my sword and run quietly in the direction of the Orcs.


Sorry that this is up so late guys, and I am also sorry this is not the best chapter. I do have a question:

What are some things you guys would like to see happen in the next few chapters?

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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