special : three

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chapter thirty-nine ;;
special : three
third person

The sounds of voices are mere buzzes now as they all coincide like one big cluster. There's a lot of smells and noises. There's a lot of movement between bodies that are sweaty from dancing, simply sitting around, or on an acid trip too intense to even breathe properly.

Summer invades through the house's opened windows. Apparently, the air conditioner's broken, and everyone can tell. No one actually cares, though. They're too busy in their own worlds of frat parties and simply being downright stupid.

Taehyung's only slightly concerned about the bodies that he steps over in the overcrowded house, a pale hand limply on his shoulder. He rather enjoys the sight of boys and girls in their early twenties so fucked out of their brains, and his thoughts remain on how they got there, whether the people overdosed and are dying, or if they took LSD and are watching the ceiling explode with colors.

These types of thoughts most definitely aren't safe ones. He should be going 'I need to get out of here. This is too much.', but his eighteen year old brain is only hopped up with excitement and lungs filled with a slight second hand high from intense fumes of weed. It explains the smoke seeping into the outdated wallpaper.

"You're too young for this." The mint haired boy finally tuts from behind Taehyung, fingers tapping out a soft rhythm into his strong shoulder.

"Nonsense," the younger turns his head and smiles back at Yoongi, watching how the elder's eyes shimmer in the colored lights half hazardously strewn across the rather large house, "we're practically the same age, Yoongs. We're both too young if you think I'm too young." He's so naive and rambunctious, feeding into the blood of rebellion and how his best friend with benefits is supposed to be up tomorrow morning at 6:30am.

Yoongi lets out a deep chuckle and nuzzles into the sharp cut of Taehyung's jawline ever so slightly. It's barely noticeable over the scent of hard liquor seeping out of the elder's white teeth and the fact that their bodies are practically melded together, but such a notion makes Taehyung's heart shutter.

Stop, Taehyung snaps out of it and keeps up the snarky persona.

"So, why have you taken me here tonight?" Yoongi questions when pulling further away and allows his small nose to stick up in the slightest while looking around.

"For fun," Taehyung shrugs, letting his index finger circle around a red solo cup he grasps tightly, "we haven't gone out in a while."

"Because reality, Tae Tae, I have a future to look after now." Yoongi responds, hiding the sad notes all he can, hides his tiring eyes behind worn leather of the taller's jacket. His fingers begin to softly draw along the edges as a distraction from the stiffness of the younger's tanned jaw. Yoongi doesn't like seeing Taehyung sad, doesn't like seeing him weighed down by what comes with the idea of growing up.

"Right," Taehyung weakly mumbles before downing the rest of whatever sticky substance resides in the cup. It's something that burns his throat and tastes stale against the tongue- lime yet over-saturated in sweet syrup and bitter liquor. Somehow, he likes the taste and the feeling it spreads along each finger and toe, and Taehyung finds his hand loosely intertwining with Yoongi's whilst walking further into the suffocating crowds.

"Are you tired?" Yoongi whispers softly, absolutely amazed by how Taehyung can hear over intense bass from whatever song's playing.

"Won't be for long." He plainly responds, as his squinted eyes search around the musky place for anyone who appears to have something good in store.

The eighteen year old wants something that'll make his body fly through the fucking clouds before crashing down intensely and then craving more, wants to feel reality through withdrawal, begging for mercy as side effects take case. He's a bit of an abuser on himself, in all honesty, young, and lithe, and reckless.

"Don't do anything too hard." Yoongi instructs. He blinks through the blurring effects of alcohol and breathes deeply through the intense beating of his heart at the intake.

"No promises," Taehyung stops in his footsteps, and glazed eyes glance over towards Yoongi in the atmosphere which becomes hotter and more humid by the millisecond. There's a glint to his rounded eyes. There's a type of cunning smile playing across his supple lips that are dampened through a tongue quickly surpassing, and the younger male's smile grows even more. Soon enough, there's a large tan hand gripping tightly on a thin bicep. Dimples form in the sticky skin, "I want to feel the Devil in my veins and God on my mouth." He pauses for a second, licks his lips one more time and looks away.

"That's gonna be all you. I'm not in the mood to not feel my limbs." Yoongi responds. Admittedly, his throat feels a little more dry. His toes curl ever so slightly in his warm shoes at the type of wickedness which conjures within Taehyung. Surely, it'll die out in only a couple years, but now it's hot and ethereal and everything under the sun all at once.

The night's stars and moon shine through each opened window and cast a haunting shadow against everything, "You know damn well I'm not letting you leave without getting at least a little overworked with me." Taehyung hums into the starchy air.

Both males glance over at each other once the comment's spoken, that familiar primal sort of feeling resonating in their strong bones. At least Yoongi finds it absolutely carnal and all the fun. Too bad Taehyung takes that animalistic nature with a soft blanket, finds sweet and resonating peace in each cast of the twenty year old's eyes and each hum passing his triangle lips.

Yoongi sighs and scratches the back of his neck, "I really shouldn't be here."

"Oh c'mon," Taehyung groans huskily, yanking the elder's arm as his black bangs sway, "forget that stupid CEO training of yours and just spend time with me for one night." The elder continues to silently stare in the midst of other bodies pushing into their two stationary ones, "I miss you, Yoongi." Small shoulders relax from their rigid state at the crestfallen words, soft and true. It makes Yoongi's chest clench.

"...Then show me a good time, so I know it's worth it."

Taehyung smiles a shit-eating grin, lips forming a box and eyes exploding in a new type of excitement that correlates with his increasing heartbeat and the churning in his stomach. It feels like old times, feels like nostalgia punching him square in the jaw as they head back towards the kitchen to fill their cups even more.

They don't stand any further apart than a couple inches, Taehyung's large hand occasionally ghosting against Yoongi's back when leaning across the counter to grab vodka and a can of 7 Up, "What ratio do you want?" The younger boy questions as he cracks the can open, being quick to drink up the fizz that forms.

"Whatever ratio you want to give." Yoongi simply responds. It's a smart and playful answer that he knows will make Taehyung smile.

"Grab two lime slices." The younger speaks through a smile and pours out the fizzy soda into their cups.

"I don't like lime." Yoongi scrunches his face in the slightest, "It's so gross."

"Fine then," Taehyung turns towards the mint haired boy, smiling down and stepping closer so they can breathe in each other's ever so slightly intoxicated breaths, "just one lime slice."

"Sure thing, Cutie," Yoongi winks before turning away. The simple action whips a frothy type of laughter out of Taehyung, leaving the younger boy to simply stand and stare at Yoongi in absolute fondness.

Yoongi grabs a lime slice and spins back around, a toothy grin playing along his pink lips. He puts the lime on the rim of Taehyung's for him, running it around the edge a couple times before dropping it into the liquid. Again, the younger boy only stands there, hand subconsciously going up to rub against Yoongi's lower back in a slow, comforting motion.

Taehyung reaches down for their plastic red cups, handing Yoongi his, "You're cuter." Caramelized brown eyes glance up rather shyly through long black bangs, mouth hidden behind the rim of his cup and voice slightly muffled.

"Tae..." Yoongi whispers. It's almost like a warning, to remember what's happening between them.

That sweet and gummy facade fizzles into thin air almost too quickly, as if it was never actually real. Taehyung doesn't bother to reach out and grab for it, though. He only looks around the kitchen filled with other people's bodies somewhat awkwardly.

"I know, I know," Taehyung shrugs it off in another chug rather than sip of vodka and 7 Up, tasting the tangy lime on his lips and ever so slightly cringing at the taste. Lime's not much of his favorite either, "I'm just messing around, Yoongi. It's nothing to worry about."


"I'm tired." Yoongi mumbles later that night, both males laying down on a leather sofa in the stranger's house that has died down ever so slightly.

The parties much calmer now. More people have taken pills, shot up, and smoked whatever they desire at this point- including Taehyung and Yoongi who have Mary Jane dancing across their fuzzy brains. But the younger boy wants more.

"M'Yeah," Taehyung questions, large hand slowly running up and down Yoongi's back. His voice is absolute gravel right now, sending chills through everyone in earshot.

"Mm," Yoongi nods his head. He looks up at Taehyung's glazed over eyes, his chin slightly digging into the younger's collarbone before casually dipping down and kissing at the sun-kissed skin.

The brunette's hand slowly stops, and his head subtly goes back at the wet warmth. That same humid atmosphere seems to amplify in a matter of mere seconds when Yoongi crawls further up Taehyung's thin body so his neck's easier to access. A tan hand easily slides into the elder's back pocket to keep him there, the other pushing into his leather jacket to take out a piece of paper with cartoon characters printed against the front in a grid type of pattern.

Bright blue distracts Yoongi from his sensual and nonchalant task that goes with being tipsy and slightly high. He glanced at the piece of paper and then back at Taehyung, noticing how some pieces have already been torn off, "What's-"

"LSD," the younger huskily speaks out before Yoongi can even finish his sentence, leaving a chaste kiss on the elder's spit covered lips, "I've had it a couple times." Taehyung continues on, thumb tracing against a black back pocket, "It's...It's definitely something." He chuckles and leans forward to leave another opened mouth kiss, "I think you'll like it, though, wanna try?" His hand leaves Yoongi's pocket to tear off one of the small squares.

"What's in it?" The elder cautiously asks, yet he's no doubt curious.

"Nothing bad- no mixed shit. I've already put it through this testing thing." Taehyung places the small scrap of bright blue with a rocket ship cartoon on his finger tip, and he lifts it up towards Yoongi's supple lips, "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah," Yoongi breathes out. He parts his lips and opens his mouth so Taehyung can place the piece of paper down. It's bitter once the elder closes his mouth. Slanted eyes squeeze shut tightly at the taste, smacking the younger's chest in anger for putting him through this.

"Suck on it for a minute or two before chewing up the paper and swallowing, okay?" Another piece is torn off a couple seconds after Yoongi gets used to the bitter taste. This piece belongs to Taehyung, as it's placed onto the brunette's tongue.

His hand instantly slides back into Yoongi's pocket, other arm used as a support for his neck. The mint hair boy lays back down more comfortably, beginning to chew on the paper before swallowing and simply waiting for the intense effects to slap him around and take ahold.


This whole experience entirely seemed so innocent, something any two teenagers in a rather unhealthy relationship would join in.

Too bad Taehyung had no idea what type of path he was putting Yoongi down. Too bad he didn't know his best friend with benefits would get addicted after only one intake. Too bad he didn't know Yoongi would become so unlike himself, put hatred at Taehyung for making him the way he became, finding salvation in the elder's dad who was a doctor that made him better after a few years in and out of insanity.

Too bad Taehyung didn't know what goes around does in fact come around.



my 3 month hiatus has finally come to and end...be back in another 3 months lmao (jkjk)

bUuTttt my exams start next week & end the day before the last day of school, so pls wish me luck. i have two science ones this year- one for my grade level & one above ajskdkf.

sorry for this being cringey and/or disappointing hahhh, but i guess it shows how tae & yoongi used to be as well????

gbye good vibes to everyone ly

ps: peep at how tae was so chill w giving yoongi goddamn LSD, but he's too scared to even face jungkook while smoking hhHhHH

pps: we're learning abt drugs & drug prevention in health class rn lmao don't do drugs kids it leads to u hating ur best friend and smashing their dad

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