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( 17 AGAIN )

      "You have an ear for languages." The Mom continues.

      "Hmm. Um, any of the neighbourhood pets go missing recently?" The Sister asks sarcastically.

      "Are you smoking drugs?" The Dad asks.

      "Leonard. He is not smoking drugs."

      "Have any of you seen me w-w-with a book? It'd be big and old, uh, leather-bound, maybe some strange writing on it. Or..." Sam/G sighs. "Frankly, I'm probably hiding it."

      "Gary, no!" The Mom yells as Sam/G eats cereal.

      "W-what?" Sam/G asks.

      "You're allergic to wheat gluten."

[ ☼ ]

       Sam/G laughs as the toilet flushes. "Gluten." He says.

      "You've seriously sprung a leak." Gary's Sister says.


      "If mom and dad ever found that creepy old book of yours, you'd be grounded for a decade. And you're bringing it up at breakfast?" She asks.

      "So there is a book. Sydney, where do I keep it?"

[ ☼ ]

       "So, uh, where we going, anyway?" Gary/S asks.

       "To work. The case?" Elena says.

      "Oh, right. yeah-the case. Of course. Where, uh, do you want to start?"

       "Well, since you couldn't find where Maggie Briggs was buried, now we have to do an all-day tombstone roll to see if we can dig her up." Dean says.

       "Wait. M-Maggie Briggs? You mean, like-like, the witch Maggie Briggs?" Asks Gary/S.

       "Yeah, Sherlock." Dean says.

       "Yeah, she's in the basement."

       "Come again? W-what basement?" Asks Dean.

       "Isaiah Pickett's house. Okay, there's this legend that he hung her, but he didn't." Gary/S says. "The real truth is is that she was carrying his illegitimate child, and he killed her and then buried her in the basement."

       "That would explain the scratches. How do you know all this?" Asks Elena.

      "Oh, I've done all kinds of research on it. Last night."

      "Yeah. Nice work...I guess." Dean says. Bob seger's "rock 'n' roll never forgets" plays.

      "Aw, man, turn it up!" Gary/S yells.

      "Seriously?" Dean asks.

       "Hell yeah!"

[ ☼ ]

       Sam/G is talking on the phone. "Dean! Someone has stolen my body! The guy right next to you is not me! Check your friggin' voicemail. Damn it." The cellphone beeps and he sighs.

       "Gary?" A boy names Trevor asks.

      "Are you okay?" His friend Nora asks.

      "Yeah I'm Gary... Gary is okay." Sam/G says.

      "So we're referring to ourselves in the third person now?" Asks Trevor.

      "We heard about last night. What happened?" Nora asks.

      "Got drunk. No big thing. Look, uh, what's my locker number?"

      Trevor laughs. "Are you-are you still drunk?" He asks.

      "Yeah, yeah, I see, like, three of you right now. Um, so-so, what's my locker number?" Sam/G asks and Trevor opens it for him. Sam/G looks inside and sees a book. "Oh, no, Gary. This is a very, very bad book."

[ ☼ ]

      Gary/S, Elena and Dean enter the basement of the old house. "Boo-yah! Master chief is in the house, bizatches!" Gary/S yells.

       "Are you all right?" Dean asks.

       "Yeah. Fine."

       "Well, I'll be damned. Willow moss."

       "Yeah, right. It's, uh, supposed to grow over witches' graves, right?" Gary/S asks.

      "Yeah." Dean says.

       Gary/S grunts. "Hey, man, I'm really sorry about this." He says.

      "Sorry about what? Sam! You okay?" Elena asks.

      "Let's get the hell out of here!"

      "Wait, wait, wait we still got to burn the body, you idiot. Come on." Dean sets the bones on fire. Fire crackling

      Gary/S watches in amazement. "Dude, that was sweet!" He yells.

[ ☼ ]

       "Hey, Gary, wait up!" Trevor yells.

       "Where are you going?" Asks Nora.

       "I got something to do."

       "You're skipping class? You?" Asks Trevor.

      "Not feeling like myself, okay?" Sam/G says.

      "Well, whatever it is, we can talk it out, bro. Come with us." Trevor says.

       "I don't have time. I got to go. I'm sorry."

       Trevor sighs. "Hey!" He does something to Sam/G and he falls to the ground.

       "Trevor!" Nora yells.

       "Well, what else was I supposed to do?"

[ ☼ ]

       Dean, Elena and Gary/S are sitting at a booth. A Waitress comes over with a notepad. "Do me a favor, sweetheart. Could you bring me a cheeseburger with extra bacon? And fry an egg on top of it, would you? Also pancakes for the lady." Dean says.


       "Ooh, that-that sounds good. Ditto." Says Gary/S and Elena looks at him like he's grown an extra limb.

       "Be right back with your order." The Waitress says and leaves.

       "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Sam?" Elena asks.

       "W-what do you mean?"

      "Bacon cheeseburgers now?" Dean asks.

       "I don't know. I eat them, don't I? Anyways, we are celebrating."

      "Yeah, I guess. Another one bites the dust. Nice work today." Dean says.

       "You too. I had a, uh, really awesome day, man. Seriously." Gary/S says as the food arrives. "Whoo! Sweet."

      "A really awesome day?" Elena repeats.

      "Yeah. why not?"

      "It was a random, d-list ghost hunt. Tha-that's awesome to you?" Asks Dean.

      "I can't be in a good mood?" Gary/S asks.

      "Yeah, I guess. .. No, actually. It's not really your style, Sam." Dean says.

      "Well, then, it's a new me. I mean, come on. Why shouldn't I be happy? I've got a gun, I'm getting drunk, and I look like this." Gary/S says. "I don't know. You ever feel like your whole future is being decided for you?"

      "Uh, yeah, Sam, I feel like that a lot." Dean says.

      "No matter how much you fight it, you can't stop the plan. The stupid, stupid plan. So, I don't know. I guess it's, uh, it's just nice to do a little ass-kicking for a change, that's all. Uh, you know what? I-I'm drunk." Gary/S chuckles. "Sorry. Just-just forget it."

       "No, no. It's all right. .. I'll drink to that. Wow, you know, is it just me, or are we actually drinking together?" Asks Dean.

      "We don't do it that often, huh?"

       Dean scoffs. "Yeah, you could say that." He says.

      "Well, we should. You're a good guy, Dean."

      "Oh, you are drunk." Elena says.

      "Here we go." The Waitress says.

       "Mmm! Thank you." Dean says.


      "No, but I mean it. You really are a good guy." Gary/S says.

[ ☾]

      Sam/G grunts. "Hey! What the hell's going on?!" He's tied to a chair.

      "You can scream all you want. No one can hear you! My parents are out of town!" Trevor yells and makes a call. "Gary."

      "T. what up?" Gary/S asks.

      "Where are you?" Trevor asks.

      "Uh, I can't really tell you right now, but, man, you wouldn't believe it." He says.

      "Well, where's Dean?" Asks Trevor.

      "Uh, the Cloverleaf on route 6. Why?" Gary/S asks.

      "You mean you haven't killed him yet?"

      "What? Wait, wait, wait, wait. W-what do you mean? Kill Dean?" Sam/G asks.

      "Building up to it." Gary/S answers.

      "Look, Gary, we got problems here." Trevor says. "I'm looking at your body right now-with this other dude in it."

     "What?" Gary/S asks.

      "Yeah, he's been in your house. He's hanging out with your parents."

      "Okay just...calm down. Whatever he says, no one's gonna believe him, right? I mean, w-we're still good." Gary/S says.

     "Would you just hurry up and kill the son of a bitch already, would you?" Asks Trevor.

      "Don't rush me. I'll do it."

      "Yeah, you better." Trevor says. A door opens.

      "Got to go." Gary/S hangs up. "Oh, man. I am in way over my head."

      "I don't think he's gonna do it." Says Trevor.

      "Just relax this is Gary we're talking about." Nora says.

      "What the hell is going on here? How do you know who Dean is?" Sam asks.

      "Everybody knows Dean. He's hells most wanted." Trevor says.

      "Oh, no. No. Have you idiots been talking to demons?" Sam/G asks.

      "Oh, right. We're the idiots."

      Sam/G sighs. "You're just kids. You have no idea what you're messing with." He says.

      "Well, we know that there's a price on Dean's head, and we're the ones that are gonna collect."

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