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        In front of a headstone marked Clay James Thompson, a man reaches up through the soil and drags himself out of the grave.

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      Benny Sutton reclines on the sofa watching a documentary about cheetahs. A thunderstorm rages outside.

       "Here on the savannah, the wildebeest lounges, lazy and self-content, and is oblivious to the fierce predator that stalks him from the shadows. The great wildebeest herds migrate south in search of water, drinking their fill in preparation for the long dry season to come. The wildebeest are on edge. Every movement could be a sound of potential attack. Merely a rustle of the wind through the bushes could scare the entire herd into a bone-crushing stampede."

        The trailer door rattles. Benny investigates, but it seems to be just the wind. He returns to the sofa.

        "At first the animal reacts with confusion..."

        The wind blows the door open. Benny closes the door and locks it.

        "The wildebeest returns warily to its watering hole, where..."

        Suddenly, behind him is a man covered in mud. Benny tries to fire a shotgun, but it's empty.

        "...who are closing in for the kill. When it attacks, it attacks quickly."

        "No." Benny says. The man begins to strangle Benny. "Please! God! No!"


[ ☼ ]

      Sam, Elena and Dean get out of the Impala. "Bobby, listen, when you get this message, call! Okay?" Sam says and hangs up.

       "Is he still not home? How far could he get in that chair?" Dean asks.

       "So, what do we do?" Sam asks.

       "Well... Guess we just do it ourselves." Dean says as they sit down at a table opposite a man. "Mr. Wells, why don't you tell us what you saw in your own words."

       "Call me Digger."

        "Digger?" Dean asks. "Who gave you that name?"

        "I did." Digger says.

        "You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that." Dean says.

        "Who died and made you queen?"

        "Okay. Uh, why don't you just tell us what you saw?" Elena asks.

        "I saw Clay Thompson climb into Benny Sutton's trailer through the window." Digger says. "Couple minutes later, Clay walked out, and Benny's dead."

        "And, uh..." Dean holds up photo. "...Is this the guy you saw?"

       "Well, he was all covered with mud, but, yeah. That's Clay." Says Digger.

       "And you are aware that Clay Thompson died five years ago?" Sam asks.


        "And you're positive that it was this guy." Says Elena.

       "You calling me a liar?"

       "No, no, no. Of course not." Sam says. "Look. Can you think of any reason why Clay Thompson, alive or dead, would want to kill Benny Sutton?"

        "Hell, yeah. Well, five years ago, Benny's the one that killed Clay in the first place." Says Digger.

       "Is that a fact?" Dean asks.

       "Well, yeah, so-called "hunting accident." Now, if you ask me... Clay came back from the grave to get a little payback."

        "Go on." Dean says.

       Sheriff Jody Mills enters the diner, talking on a cell phone. "Owen, put down the cupcake and pick up an apple...Okay? Okay. I love you." She says.

       "Heads up. "Fargo." Digger says.

       "Digger." Jody says.


        "Gentlemen. Lady." Jody says. "I'm Sheriff Jody Mills. I don't believe we've had the pleasure."

       "Agents Dorfman, Hill and Neidermeyer. FBI." Dean says and they show her their badges.

       "Welcome to Sioux Falls, everyone. Can I ask you what you're doing with Digger here?"

       "They're doing their job. They believe me, Sheriff." Digger says.

       "The FBI believes a dead man committed a murder?" Jody asks.

       "Look, we're just asking a few questions, Sheriff. That's all." Sam says.

      "Of course, if a dead man didn't commit the murder, then, uh, who did?" Dean asks.

       "What'd you say your jurisdiction here was again?" Asks Jody.

       "Our jurisdiction is wherever the United States government sends us."
Dean says.

       "Oh, yeah. How 'bout me and your supervisor have a little chat about that?"

       "Absolutely." Sam hands her a business card. Sheriff Mills calls the number on the card, and Bobby answers, pretending to be the FBI supervisor.

       "Agent Willis speaking." Bobby says.

       "Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills...Bobby?" Jody asks.

       "Oh...Excuse me?" Asks Bobby.

       "Is this Bobby Singer?"

       "Listen, I don't know who this is, but... this is Agent Tom Willis of the FBI." Says Bobby.

       "Bull crap." Jody says and hangs up. "FBI, huh?"

        "So, uh... So you know Bobby Singer?" Elena asks.

        "That is... a fun coincidence." Dean says.

       "Here's what I know about Bobby Singer." Jody says. "He's a menace around here, ass-full of drunk-and-disorderlies and mail fraud. You understanding me?"

       "I think we all can agree that you've made yourself perfectly clear, yes." Dean says.

       "So, whatever the four of you are planning, it ends here. Now. Ten-four on that, Agents?"

       "Yeah." Dean says.

[ ☼ ]

        "You know how many times we called? Where have you been?" Dean asks.

        "Playing murderball." Bobby says.

        "What's that smell?" Elena asks. "Is that soap? Did you clean?"

        "What are you, my mother? Bite me!" Bobby yells.

        "Bobby, seriously." Elena says.

        "I been working." Bobby says. "You know, trying to find a way to stop the devil."

       "Find anything?" Dean asks.

       "What do you think?"

       "Bobby, it's just... there's a case less than five miles from your house." Sam says.

        "What, the–the Benny Sutton thing? That's what this is about?" Bobby asks.

       "You knew about this?" Asks Dean.

        "Hell, yes. I checked into it already. There's nothing here."

        "Except a witness who saw a dead guy commit murder." Sam says.

        "What witness? Digger Wells?"

        "Yeah. So?" Elena asks.

        "So, he's a drunk." Bobby says.
        "Well, what about the lightning storms? They look like omens." Sam says.

        "Except in February in South Dakota in storm season." Bobby says. "Guys, I thought it was something, too. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

       "So who killed the guy?" Sam asks.

        "Take your pick. This Benny Sutton guy was a grade-a son of a bitch." Bobby says. "There's a list of the living a year long wouldn't mind putting a cap in his ass."

        "So, you're telling us... nothing?" Elena asks.

        "Sorry. Looks like you wasted a tank of gas on this one."

        "Great." Dean says.

[ ☾]

        Dean parks the Impala near St. Anthony's Cemetery. "What's up?" Sam asks.

        "Isn't that the graveyard back there?" Dean asks.

        "Yeah. So what?" Elena asks. "Bobby already checked it out."

        "And? What, Bobby's never wrong? Come on. We'll take a peek, and then we'll hit the road. Can't hurt." Dean says.

[ ☾]

        Walking through the cemetery, Sam, Elena and Dean see a grave with overturned soil. "Hey." Sam stops at Clay Thompson's headstone.

        "That look fresh to you?" Dean asks.

        "Yeah, actually." Sam says. Sam and Dean dig up the grave and discover the coffin is empty. "What is going on here?"

        "I don't know, but something stinks." Dean says.

[ ☾]

       Sam, Elena and Dean break into the house and look around. A man attacks Dean, thinking he is a burglar. Dean pushes him to the ground. "Don't shoot me! Please! There's money in the safe." Clay says.

        "We don't want your money." Dean says.

         "What do you want? Anything. Please..."

         "You're Clay Thompson, right?" Sam asks.

        "Who are you?" Clay asks.

        "Um, FBI." Elena says.

         "FBI? Oh, my God. This is about Benny."

         "Wha... what about Benny?" Dean asks.

         "He killed me! He shot me in the back! I'm supposed to let him get away with that?" Clay asks.

         "Hold up. Are... are you confessing?" Dean asks.

        "Please. I'll go with you. Just...just don't wake my kids."

        "Y-you'll go with us where?" Sam asks.

        "Jail." Says Clay.

        "Let me get this straight. You're Clay Thompson, and you died five years ago?" Dean asks.


        "And three days ago you climbed out of your grave, and you killed Benny Sutton?" Asks Dean.

        "Yes." Clay says.

        "So you are, in fact, a dead guy."

        "I guess. I – I – I don't know what I am." Clay says.

        Clay's wife enters. "Clay? I called 911." She says.

        "It's okay, honey. These men are the FBI. They're here about Benny." Clay says.

        "Why don't you come with us, Mr. Thompson? I think that'd be best."

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