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        Camera pans over the room. There are lots of empty beer cans. Dean's lying on his stomach, hand under his pillow searching. "Looking for this?" Roy pops the cartridge out of a handgun and tosses it aside. Dean turns over, looks at Sam who also has a gun pointed at him.

        "Mornin'." Dean says.

        "Shut up. Hands where I can see 'em." Roy says.

        Dean lifts his hands then lifts himself up. "Wait a minute. Is that you, Roy? It is, isn't it. Which makes you Walt. Hiya Walt." He says. Roy and Walt look at each other. Walt removes his mask.

       "Don't matter." Walt says as Roy lifts his mask off his face.

       "Well, is it just me, or do you two seem a tad upset?" Asks Dean.

       "You think you can flip the switch on the Apocalypse and just walk away, Sam?" Walt asks.

        "Who told you that?" Sam asks.

        "We ain't the only hunters after you." Walt pumps his shotgun. "See you in the next life."

        "Hear me out. I can explain, okay? Please." Sam says. After a pause, Walt shoots Sam. Dean jumps to go to Sam.

     Roy shifts to follow Dean's movement. "Stay the hell down." He says.

       "Shoot 'im." Walt says.

        "Killin' Sam was right but Dean..."

        "He made us and we just snuffed his brother, you idiot. You want to spend the rest of your life knowing Dean Winchester's on your ass, 'cause I don't. Shoot 'im." Says Walt.

        Dean, who's been looking at Sam's body, turns to face Roy. "Go ahead, Roy, do it. But I'm going warn you, when I come back I'm going to be pissed. C'mon! Let's get this show on the road." He says.

        "Come on, already." Walt steps forward and shoots Dean.

[ ☾]

        Elena is sleeping in her room when she hears a loud noise. She wakes up immediately and sits up in bed. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but then a second gunshot was heard and she jumped out of bed.

        She ran next door to the Winchester's room just as she saw two people run from it. "Sam? Dean?" Elena calls out as she opens the door. When she steps inside, she had to put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

        Dean and Sam were lying on top of the bed, dead. "This wasn't supposed to happen." Someone says as Elena turns around. It's Castiel.

       "Are they-" Elena starts as she points at them.

       "Dead? Yes."

        Elena begins to cry. "How could this have happened? I-I-I was just in the next room. Oh my god what am I going to do?!"

        "You need to calm down." Castiel says and hangs her a piece of paper. "And read this."

       "What is this?" Elena asks.

       "It's a spell."

       Elena drops the paper. "I'm not doing it. We've already seen what happens when I use my powers." She says.

       "That was only because you were emotionless." He says. "There's a reason why you were put on this earth a second time."

      "Why?" Elena crosses her arms.

       "To be given a second chance." Castiel says. "And this is how you do it."

[ ☾]

       Bob Dylan's Knocking on Heaven's Door plays. It's night. Dean is sitting in the Impala, sleeping. He is wearing his leather jacket over his normal clothes. Thunder sounds. He wakes up. He gets out of the car, shuts the door. The trunk closes. Dean turns toward the sound. Teenaged Sam is there holding a crate of fireworks.

        "Sammy?" Dean asks.

        "Come on, let's go."!Sam walks off.

        "Weird dream." Says Dean.

        Sam places the fireworks on the ground and pulls out a couple. "Got your lighter?" He asks.

        Dean checks his pockets and pulls out an old lighter. "Whoa, I haven't seen this in years." He says.

        "Fire 'em up." Sam says as Dean lights Sam's firework then his own. The go off, shooting red sparks into the sky

       Dean smiles. "I remember this! It's Fourth of July, 1996." He says. The fireworks die. Dean looks down at Sam. Sam looks over at Dean. He's happy.

        "Dad would never let us do anything like this. Thanks, Dean. This is great." Sam hugs Dean. Dean looks startled then he hugs Sam back. Sam pulls away. The music restarts. Sam lights all the fireworks then runs away. "Fire in the hole!"

        The fireworks start to explode. Dean and Sam back away. Both of them laugh with joy before Sam goes out to dance under the sparks. Sam nods to Dean acknowledging the special moment. Dean nods back. There is an especially loud explosion, then another, and Dean flashes back to the hotel room and being shot by Walt. Then he's back in the field but Sam and the fireworks are gone.

        "Sam?" Dean goes back to the Impala and leans on the roof. The radio comes on, very scratchy.


        Dean leans in the driver's side window. "Cas?" He calls.

        "Yeah, it's me."

       Dean gets back in the car. "You gotta stop poking around in my dreams. I need some me time." He says.

        "Listen to me very closely. This isn't a dream." Castiel says.

       Dean looks around. "Then what is it?" He asks.

       "Deep down, you already know." Says Castiel as Dean flashes on Walt shooting Sam, then himself. The camera focuses on Dean's eye, partially shut. His face is blank. He is dead.

       "I'm dead."

        "Condolences." Says Castiel.

        "Where am I?" Dean asks.


        "Heaven? How did I get to heaven?" Asks Dean.

        "Please, listen. This spell, this connection, it's difficult to maintain." Cas says. "Elena is doing all that she can."

         "Wait. If I'm in heaven, then where's Sam?" Dean asks.

         "What do you see?" Asks Castiel.

        "What do you mean 'what do I see'?" Dean asks.

        "Some people see a tunnel or a river. What do you see?"

         "Nothing. My dash. I'm in my car. I'm on a road." Says Dean.

        "Alright. A road. For you it's a road. Follow it, Dean. You'll find Sam." Cas says as the radio is breaks up. "Follow the road."

        Dean starts the Impala and drives down the dark highway. The moon is huge and the sky is purple-toned and odd. Dean pulls up in front of a nice three-story house, slightly old-fashioned looking. Lights are bright inside it. Dean climbs slowly out of the car. He looks around but there is nothing but the house.

        A man is carving turkey. He places a huge piece on Sam's plate. Sam is dressed in a white shirt and tie. "Thank you." He says.

        "So, Sam. I hear you're new to McKinley." The Man says.

        "Um, yes sir. Two weeks." Says Sam.

        "Stephanie over here just can't seem to stop talking about you."

        "Dad, shut up." Stephanie smiles at Sam.

        Sam smiles back nervously. She grabs his thigh and Sam jumps. "Ummm." Sam looks up to see Dean walking into the dining room.

       "Wow. Just wow." Dean says.

       "Dean? What are you doing in my dream?" Sam asks and Dean just makes a face in response.

       The conversation in the dining room continues even though Sam is no longer seated at the table. He is in the living room with Dean. "So, what does your father do for a living?" A pause for Sam's response. "Hm. You don't say."

       "Heaven." Sam says.


        "Okay, how are we in heaven?" Asks Sam.

       "All that clean living, I guess." Dean says.

        Sam shakes his head. "No, no. Okay. You... I get, sure. But me? Maybe you haven't noticed, but I've done a few things?" He asks.

       "You thought you were doing the right thing." Dean says.

       "Last I checked, it wasn't the road to heaven that was paved with good intentions."

        "Yeah, well, if this is the Skymall it sucks. I mean, where's the triplets and the latex, you know? C'mon, a guy has needs." Dean says.

        Sam looks at Stephanie's family, still eating dinner as if he's there. "You know, when you bite the dust they say your life flashes before your eyes." He says.

        "Your point?"

        "This house, it's one of my memories." Sam says.

         "When I woke up, I woke up in one of my memories. The Fourth of July we burned down that field?"

        "Maybe that's what heaven is: a place where you relive your greatest hits." Says Sam.

         "Wait, so... playing footsie with brace-face in there?" Dean asks. "Then that's a trophy moment for you?"

         "Dean, I was eleven years old. This was my first real Thanksgiving."

         "What are you talking about? We had Thanksgiving every year." Says Dean.

         "We had a bucket of extra-crispy and Dad passed out on the couch." Sam says. There is a rumbling noise from outside. Dean and Sam look around. "I don't remember this." The lights go out. The family continues eating. The house begins to shake.

        "Hey." Dean says. They look at the family. "We should, uh..."

        "Definitely." Sam says.

        They run to the far corner of the room. Sam stands up beside the window. Dean ducks behind the couch. The glass in a picture on the mantle breaks. The family continues eating. A searchlight streams through the window. Dean drops down lower. More furniture falls over. More glass breaks. Then the searchlight disappears. The lights come on in the house and Sam and Dean leave their hiding places. The family is still eating and talking in the background. Dean sees a radio and goes to it. Sam follows.

        "Okay, what the hell was that?" Sam asks.

        "I don't know, but we are taking the escalator back downstairs." Dean hits the radio. "Cas!"

        "What are you doing?" Asks Sam.

        "What's it look like?"

        "Like you've lost your mind." Sam says.

         Dean gives him an exasperated look. "Cas talked to me before using this phone-home radio thing, so I— Cas!" He yells The TV behind them starts to flicker.

       "I can hear you." Castiel says. "And Elena says hello." Dean and Sam move over to the TV. They can see Castiel but the picture rolls and is filled with static. His voice fades in and out and is sometimes distorted.

         "Cas. Hey! So I, uh, I found Sam but, but something just happened. There was this weird beam of light." Dean says.

       "Don't go into the light."

        "Okay. Thanks, Carol Ann. What was it?" Asks Dean.

        "Not what, whom. Zachariah. He's searching for you." Castiel says.

        "And if he finds us?" Sam asks.

        "You can't say yes to Michael and Lucifer if you're dead, so Zachariah needs to return you to your bodies."

       "Great! Problem solved." Sam says.

        "No. You don't understand. You, hm. You're behind the Wall. This is a rare opportunity."

       "For what?" Dean asks.

       "You need to find an angel. His name is Joshua."

      "Hey, man, no offense but we are kind of ass full of angels, okay. You find him." Dean says.

      "I can't. I can't return to heaven."

      "So what's so important about Joshua?" Sam asks.

      "The rumor is, he talks to God." Says Cas.

      "And, so?"

       "You think maybe—just maybe—we should find out what the hell God has been saying?" Castiel asks.

       "Jeez. Touchy." Dean says.

        "Please. I just need you to follow the road."

        "What road?" Sam asks.

        "It's called the Axis Mundi. It's a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it's two-lane asphalt. The road will lead you to the Garden. You'll find Joshua there. And Joshua... can take us to God." Dean says. The pictures starts to break up badly. "The Garden. Quick. Hurry." The TV dies.

       Sam takes a deep breath. They turn to each other. "So... What do you think?" He asks.

      "I think we hit the yellow bricks, find this Joshua cat." Dean says.

       Sam looks surprised. "Really?" He asks.

       "What? You don't?"

       "No, uh. I'm just surprised you do. Last time I checked you wanted to break God's nose, now you think he can help?" Asks Sam.

       "He's the only one who can. I mean, come on, Sam. We are royally boned. So prayer? The last hope of a desperate man."

       From the outside we see Dean open the front door followed closely by Sam. They stop, look around. There's nothing but forest where the road used to be. "Wasn't there a street out here?" Sam asks.

       "There was." Dean says.

       They walk back into the hallway. Dean starts looking around. "Dean. What are you doing?" Sam asks.

       "Looking for a road." Dean says.

       "You..." Sam starts as Dean opens the closet under the stairs. "You think the road is in a closet?"

       Dean turns on the light. "We're in heaven, Sam, okay? I mean, our memories are coming true. Cas is on TV. Finding a road in a closet would be pretty much the most normal thing to happen to us today." There is a small Hot Wheels set on the floor. Dean makes a face and bends down to it.

        "What?" Sam asks.

        Dean picks up a blue car. "I used to have one of these... when I was a kid." He puts the car on the track and sets it in motion.

        As the camera pulls back we see that Dean's position has changed. He is now wearing sneakers with one shoelace untied. Dean's wearing a T-shirt and a flannel button-up. The leather jacket is gone. Sam is back in his normal hunter clothes. "That was the road?" Sam asks.

       "I guess." Dean looks around and we see that they are in a room suitable for a young boy. They stand up. "Kind of trippy, right?"

        "Yeah." Sam looks at Dean's shirt. "More trippy. Um. Apparently, you 'wuv hugs'."

        Dean covers his T-shirt. "Shut up." He says and Sam laughs. They look around until Dean realizes something. "Wait a minute. I know where we are."

        "Where?" Asks Sam.

        "We're home."

        "Dean..." Both Dean and Sam turn to the doorway. Mary appears, looking young and pretty in a tight, white dress. "Hey, Dean. You hungry?" Close up on Mary: she looks beautiful and neither of the boys know what to do.

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