Chapter Four: #Merome4Dayz

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A/N: shhhhh I'm at the flee market and I should be hanging out with my two friends but fuck it ima write instead


Ross wasn't phased by waking up to a knock on the door, as most nights, he'd be woken up because of Seto's bad dreams, or someone outside, or one of the boys drawings, even. He also wasn't phased by finding Mitch at the door, not when the boy burst in once it was opened. He was, however, when Mitch started crying happy tears upon seeing Jerome wrapped up in the covers.

"What is it?" Ross asked, rubbing his eye as he wasn't fully awake.

"I was worried sick about Jerome! He wasn't in our room, and he wasn't in Sky Ty's, or Preston and Robs' rooms, so I started freaking out and then I remembered that you and him kinda bonded and he might come to you so here I am! Oh Notch am I glad he's safe." He mumbled hurriedly, Ross having to piece together some of the words as he was so quiet and talked so fast.

Ross knew that worry well. One night, when Lachlan wasn't in his room, or their Mother's, or Ross, he had panicked, almost going into shock, before Lachlan was revealed to be outside, training late into the night on his sword skills. Ross had cried silent tears of joy, and made Lachlan come inside for bed. Luckily the other two had slept the whole time.

He smiled at the young dirty blond, simply nodding.

"Do you want to take him with you?" He asked, fully awake now, receiving a small nod.

Ross went to wake him up, but Mitch stopped him, picking up the small baca instead. He walked out of the room, smiling at Ross before he disappeared down the hall.

Ross sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts, deciding against questioning the boys, and their "strong friendship".

A/N: hiya guys! Sorry for the short chapter of only 298 words, but I'm at the flee market and am missing out on my friends games of war which are amazingly fun. I also built a fort while I was here, which I'll post a picture of on the top. Sadly we have to tear it down before we leave. Anyways, hope you all have a lovely day. - Destiney The Wierdo (PS do you guys want a face reveal or what?)

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