Season 03 - Chapter 01 (11)

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Time Jump~

Gregory Fletcher's POV~

On a cloudless morning at the end of June or the beginning of July, four treehouses near the captivating Dragonfly Falls were days away from being finished. The Monkeys' two elevated shelters were to the east of the cascades, whereas the Birds' homes were to the pond's west.

All the treehouses were relatively identical, containing an imperfect ladder, a narrow balcony, and one roofed room with a front door and a pair of square windows. Inside the confidential enclosures were personal belongings and a bed or two made from broad leaves and stout sticks.

Austin and I lived together, and Lianne and Alayna resided in the treehouse across the vast trail between them and us. Susie and Wilfred shared a place, as did Juanita and Velma. So far, nobody had trouble since our first night of sleeping a suitable length above the rainforest floor.

Most of the clothes we had sported during the plane crash were officially deemed unwearable due to the amount of work we constantly put into the treehouses, so nowadays, Alayna was creating grass garments for our lower halves and coconut bras for herself and the other women.

Right now, I was sitting by a low fire and skinning a water snake I had caught closer to Dragonfly Falls while the blond made some minor adjustments to our treehouse with a vine. Near me, Lianne was doodling in the survival guide that had expanded since our relocation from the cave.

When I eventually finished cooking the deceased reptile's delicious meat, I passed equally-sized portions to the islanders around me, then summoned my boyfriend. "Breakfast is done, Austin!"

The Holmes member climbed down his and my ladder and grabbed his fresh food, thanking me by planting a hard kiss on my forehead. "So... what's the plan today, Monkeys?" he questioned.

Alayna motioned to the plethora of crafting materials on either side of her. "Unfortunately, I still have enough on my plate, so if you're hinting at wanting to go anywhere, I'll have to hang back."

"Well, Velma and Juanita should be coming over any minute with the next tablet. If they're on to something, a few of us will be taking off today. I just want to know who those 'few of us' will be."

"Probably you and Greg," Lianne, whose head had healed, presumed. "Now that I'm done with the treehouses, I need to get back to writing this guide. Speaking of, I'm almost out of paper."

Austin nodded. "Make the most out of what you have left. When you're done with your making, Alayna, and your writing, Lianne, you can finally start coming on these little excursions with us."

"I'm looking forward to that. I know you guys haven't found anything interesting lately, but assuming Velma and Juanita are putting the pieces together correctly, I'm already jealous."

"It'll be the biggest find so far, for sure."

As Austin began organizing a pile of cylindrical logs he had chopped into firewood, I gave my complete focus to my best friend. "I've been meaning to ask, how have you been holding up?"

Lianne shrugged. "Better, I guess. Busying myself with the treehouses and the survival guide keeps it off my mind, for the most part. When it's not, I just... remind myself it was necessary."

"I think that's exactly the best thing to do, especially because it was necessary. Being honest with yourself in that way instead of coming up with lies to force yourself to feel better helps."

"Yeah, I can tell. I wish I could also tell when it would never be on my mind again, though, or that if it is, I wouldn't think too much of it, you know? How long am I going to be this broken, Greg?"

"I'd love to give you a straightforward answer, Li, but the best thing I can tell you is to keep doing what you're doing, and that includes talking to me when you need to. I'll always do what I can."

Lianne simpered gratefully and resumed sketching quietly in the survival guide. To respectfully give her some space, I approached Alayna after disposing of the rock I had utilized as a plate.

The flight attendant, whose forearm had mended, acknowledged my work gratefully. "Thanks as always for breakfast, Greg. How are the arrows doing? None of them are falling apart, are they?"

"No, they're all good," I responded, "though honestly, I've only been using the sharpened ones, not the stone-tipped ones. They're both good, but the sharpened ones can't come undone, so..."

"That makes sense. The stone-tipped ones are heavier anyway, more intended for targets harder to take down. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you won't have to use them, but I can't help but think a-a jaguar will pop up out of nowhere. We'll be counting on you in situations like that."

"The rest of you have spears for a reason, Alayna."

"One swipe of its paw, and that thing will knock a spear out of anyone's hand. An arrow, though? You fire one of those in the blink of an eye, and you'll have it wounded enough for us to stab it."

"But couldn't you throw the spear?"

"With the same strength as your bow and your mastered accuracy? No."


Meticulously, Alayna completed stitching a leaf to a belt made of animal skin, then grinned. "I'm not saying we wouldn't help defend ourselves, Greg," she stated. "I'm saying that if you were to attack first to wound the threat, the rest of us can safely jump in with our close-range weapons."

"Yeah, no, that tactic makes perfect sense," I confessed. "I'll try my absolute best to remember that should a jaguar or, you know, one of the damn Snakes come bursting out of the rainforest."

"Ah, yes, the Snakes. They haven't been seen since that fight. You would think we'd have seen them if they were around Dragonfly Falls. After all, we've been here almost two months now."

"Eh, if they really want nothing to do with us, they probably took off again like they did after me and Austin confronted them in that clearing where they brought all the wood from the beach."

"But that doesn't make sense, does it? They moved away from us to be left alone, but they were the ones who started the fight that got Shania killed. Why go through the trouble of moving just to engage in a fight that easily could have been avoided had they minded their damn business?"

I exhaled. "Well, as much as I don't want to defend them, they didn't mind their business because they think we didn't mind our business. Remember they said we stole something?"

Alayna bounced a shoulder. "I guess if they truly believe we stole something, they would have a reason to confront us, but why confront us to the point where someone actually died instead of moving again or suggesting we find another place since they were around Dragonfly Falls first?"

"We're talking about the Snakes, Alayna. As soon as they see Austin, they see red, and now that they've lost Shania, they likely see all of us on the same level as they see him. They'll be back."

"Not at Dragonfly Falls, hopefully."

"Yeah, hopefully, but even if they do come back here, we'll be able to handle them fine. We have more people, more weapons, height, and everything else that gives us an advantage over them."

Taking a deep breath, Alayna nodded. "I love the confidence, Greg. I lost a lot of mine since I've been sitting on my ass all day, every day. Once I step out of this camp again, I'll build it back."

"Well, in the meantime, we appreciate you keeping us clothed."

The older brunette sister smiled, and I left her to join Austin at the mountain of chopped timber beneath his and my treehouse. He welcomed me by sliding his arm around my waist and kissing me longingly until the osculation shifted into numerous quick pecks and the two of us smirking.

"Hey, you," I greeted in a non-airy whisper. "What are you doing over here?"

Austin sighed and sidled next to me, keeping me attached to his side. "Just getting some last-minute things situated. I'm afraid of doing more and ripping the rest of my jeans and briefs."

"You can take the next drapes. In fact, I'm pretty sure Alayna is going to work on another coconut bra after the drapes she's making now. I'll be extra kind and let you take both to have a full set."

"Is that what you think I need?"

I nodded while grazing my palm up my boyfriend's stomach and to his chest to squeeze one of his convex pectoral muscles. "These things are literally hanging out and bouncing around twenty-four-seven, Austin. As a gay man, I love them, but I don't want the others seeing them."

"If your hands are tired of covering them up by themselves, you could always use your mouth."

Momentarily speechless, I stared affectionately into the golden blond's glittering blue orbs and absentmindedly traced his pink areola with my thumb before rolling it over his aroused nipple. Also entranced, he swallowed thickly before slamming his lips into mine for a pant-worthy kiss.

With a final scrape of his stubble against my hairless chin, I broke away from Austin, still massaging the smooth skin of his protuberant chest. "I think I may just have to do that."

Austin blew out an excited chuckle, ducking his head, then returning caring eye contact with me when his growing erection caught his attention. He shamelessly used his hand to adjust its angle. "Unfortunately, that will have to come later, but I am most certainly looking forward to it."

"Then what are we doing until then?"

"Well, I wanted to ask what you were talking about with the girls just now. Is Lianne thinking about Shania again? I could kind of tell by the face she makes when she's thinking about her."

I bobbed my head. "It'll take a while longer for her to overcome what she feels in regards to, you know, that, but she'll be okay. I'll still check in on her every now and then, just like I have been."

"Good. I take it Alayna is doing well, too?"

"She's antsy to get out of the camp for a while, but yeah, she's doing well. Oh, she's also a little worried about the Snakes, though. She thinks they might show up since they were here, around Dragonfly Falls. I know that's possible, but they lost that fight. They'll stay away from us, right?"

"They should, but will they? I don't know. They haven't shown up yet. They're close but staying away, close but planning something, far and staying away, or far and planning something."

"What plan could they have that takes almost two months to come up with and put into action?"

"As far as plans for attacking us, none that I can think of. Maybe they're just staying away, hm?"


Austin smiled and rubbed my shoulder before cupping my cheek. We had not become sexually intimate since dating. However, we always picked up on the blunt cues we often laid down, the apparent signs informing each other we desired to take our relationship to a more physical level.

Ultimately, Juanita and Velma appeared. The former was still on good terms with everyone. The latter, though, rarely spoke to me. When she did, she would only do so to discuss translations. She and Juanita had once taken a needed break from deciphering to assist with the treehouses.

After a few pleasant greetings were uttered, the Hispanic woman waved a sheet of paper in the air. "We have another!" she cheered, then passed the decoding to Austin after he snuffed the fire.

"What's this one say?" Alayna quizzed.

"Remember the temple that was mentioned in the last tablet? We used that one and this one to find the location of it! Now we can finally see where King Pacificon and Queen Pacificea resided."

Austin bowed his head in confirmation. "The directions are a little vague but obvious enough for us to give this place a visit. Nice work, you two. If either of you wants to go with us, please do."

"Juanita already said she'd let me go," Velma spoke acceptingly, "so I'll help decipher whatever possible text we find inside the temple while she stays back to keep deciphering the tablets."

"What about Susie and Wilfred?"

"They both said they'd be interested in going. Personally, I think it'd be best to take Susie first, not only because she's more curious about the temple but also because Wilfred wants to put a little more sweat into the treehouses. He'll be done soon and is fine with going on our next trip."

"I can go when he goes," Juanita asserted. "What about you, Lianne, and you, Alayna? You two will be leaving camp soon, won't you? It'd be nice for us all to have a chance to see new sights."

"Yeah, we'll be leaving again one of these days. We've just been busy with the treehouses and taking notes and making clothes," the dancer explained, weary. "We'll get a chance, though."

"For now, me and Susie will take Greg and Velma to this temple," Austin affirmed. "We'll head to the Birds' camp, pick up Susie, and get a move on from there. We'll be back as soon as possible."

As nods were exchanged, I looked at Lianne. "Stay safe. I'll see you in a little bit, okay?"

My friend since middle school nodded, and Austin, Juanita, Velma, and I began to trek toward where the Birds had settled on the opposite flank of Dragonfly Falls. Along the way, I could tell by Velma's body language that she was going to spark an awkward conversation with me soon.

Time Jump~

Finally, the four of us arrived at the Birds' site, which appeared similar to ours but was farther from the beautiful pond. The freckled Susie was writing on a detailed map spread atop her workbench, whereas Wilfred was altering the wooden rungs of his and her treehouse's ladder.

The female Australian celebrated our presence, clapping her hands eagerly. "Oh goodie, you're here!" Then, she swiped the map and started marching onward. "Okay, so I marked a path—"

Austin quickly stuck out an arm to stop Susie in her tracks. "Hold on now," he chuckled.

"You want me to hold on? Austin Holmes, this is the Legendary Lovers' royal temple! Just imagine how regal even the broken and mossy steps leading up to the entrance must be!"

"And they'll be just as regally broken and mossy after I check in with Wilfred for a minute. Velma, if there's something you need before we go, now is the time to get it. We won't be turning back."

Velma nodded, and she and Juanita wandered off to grab any last-minute items. Meanwhile, Austin approached the puffy-haired man with muttonchops and began discussing with him.

I stayed with Susie on the outskirts of her camp. "You're very excited about this adventure."

"Excited is an understatement! I mean, Gregory, this is extraordinary! I don't even care if we don't find anything to get us closer to going home. The fact that we are going to explore the temple that King Pacificon and Queen Pacificea lived in is nothing less than remarkable!"

"Do you have any ideas on what we'll see?"

"Well, I don't know the exact layout, of course, but if what Velma and Juanita deciphered is correct, the Queen mentioned a throne room, a grand staircase, and at least two kitchens."

"Huh, I bet the throne room probably has something to decipher. Do you think we'll run into Queen Pacificea, though? None of us have seen her since she killed Frank. Maybe she's home."

"It is a little odd that she hasn't made herself more known, especially after you and Austin seemed to have recovered one of her Gems. Maybe she's waiting for us to do something."

"With the Gem? I guess if there's anything to do with it, it'd be done at the temple. Should we bring it with us? I don't want to take the risk of touching it because it's hers, but that's all the more reason why it'd need to be brought to the temple, right? So we can, like, return it to her?"

Susie considered. "For the time being, we should leave it where it was found. After we give the temple a thorough search, we will see if we have learned more about them and go from there."

"That makes sense to me. A few of us will just have to make another trip back to the temple if it turns out we need to bring them there. Since we're on the topic of these Gems, though, how are we supposed to know where the other three are? We got lucky with this one, but the others..."

"If we continue to seek them out on our own, it will certainly be a pain to return them to their rightful owner, but perhaps the queen will become aware of our kindness after we deal with this first Gem and guide us to the others. She likely has the ability to interact with us in such a way."

"Maybe. Why would she kill Frank, though? Why kill him when he could've and would've helped us recover her Gems? It makes me feel like she's not on anyone's side or that she's on her own."

"Mm, I don't know much about Queen Pacificea's personality after the murder of her husband, but if I were to go on what I do know, I would say she has a hard time trusting those on her land."

I nodded, sighing. "It was her own people who killed King Pacificon, I suppose. If you can't even trust your own people, how can you trust strangers from thousands of years into the future?"

"Yes, when you put it that way, I find it very hard to believe the queen is being unreasonable, as I wouldn't trust strangers from thousands of years into the future either; that's why I truly wonder if she needs to... witness our actions with this first Gem before trusting us with the other three."

"That also makes sense to me. I hope it doesn't take too long to know that for sure, though."

"Well, fortunately, Gregory, one way of testing that theory is to scour through what is evidently the glorious temple once inhabited by none other than the two Legendary Lovers," Susie said before inhaling, "which is something we can do after Austin gets his butt over here!" she yelled.

My boyfriend glanced our way with creased brows. Instead of presuming Susie simply meant for him to wrap up his conversation with Wilfred, he probably suspected her words were referring to his literal behind that would have been exposed for all to notice if his underwear were in tatters.

"We'll leave soon," I assured. "Until we do, how have you been feeling about your leadership? Do you feel better about it now that you've had plenty of time since the swamp to think it all over?"

Susie huffed, collecting herself. "I think about it often and do wonder if I have made some wrong decisions, but you helped me significantly that day, and Wilfred and the girls help me every day."

"That's good to hear. You and Austin are always so willing to volunteer to head out into the jungle, and that plays a big role in why you two are leaders. You're both brave and devoted."

"I'll tell you, Gregory, my braveness and devotion are nothing new to me. Just look around! We are in a rainforest. Now, I may be used to grasslands, but this biome makes me speechless, too!"

"Not only that, but you're incredibly devoted to keeping your fellow Birds safe, and they look up to you because of that. In my opinion, we're all very appreciative of you and Austin leading us."

Susie patted my shoulder. "Don't make me cry, Gregory. I need to save my tears for when we arrive at the temple," she smiled, "which can happen after Austin gets his butt over here!"

The engaged Austin gazed our way again and held up a finger, but he was more so entertained by the redhead's impatience than aggravated. "I'll— Just one more minute, okay?! I promise!"

"One elephant, two elephants, three elephants, four elephants, five elephants..."

While Susie continued to count and pace, Velma finished packing for the trip and began waiting unabatingly to leave her camp. She stood bunglingly, with her eyes looking at everything and everyone but me. Between the two of us, I was the one who had moved on from her confession.

"So... what are you hoping we find at the temple?" Velma asked as if she were hesitant.

"Well, I was just talking to Susie about the Gems, how we need to find the other three but don't really know where to start looking for them. Maybe we can learn more about them," I answered.

"Oh, yes! This is supposedly the main temple on Placatory Isle, the biggest one of them all. I mean, I don't know how many there are, but this one belonged to the king and queen, so..."

"Well, if it's as big as I'm picturing, I hope it won't take too long to find what we want or need to find. This will be one of our longer trips, so we won't have much time to go through every room unless we stay the night, but I'd be a little nervous staying the night at Queen Pacificea's home."

"It would be safer than our treehouses, at least when it comes to animals, but when it comes to the one and only Queen Pacificea? I'm nervous just thinking about how making a single mistake might anger her. But who's to say she'll even let us in to explore it in the first place, you know?"

"Here's to hoping she does. I'd hate to go all this way just for her to have it locked up. I've got a good feeling about this, though. She has to know we already found one of her Gems and haven't done anything with it. Hell, maybe she's been listening in and knows we have good intentions."

Velma shivered. "Oof, as much as I give my full respect to Queen Pacificea, I don't like the idea—"

"...sixty elephants," Susie finished, stomping toward the pair of shirtless men before her final word was entirely mumbled. "Okay, Austin, sixty elephants have been counted! It's time to go!"

"Anyway," Velma resumed, "as much as I give my full respect to Queen Pacificea, I don't like the idea of anyone... watching and listening in on us. I will say, though, that all of these questions we have about her make me very excited to learn more about her. I just wish it were easier to do so."

"Susie and I talked about that, too," I recalled, "at least about her personality after, you know, the king was slain. She's not against killing us, but she's been keeping her distance at the same time; it makes me wonder if she really is just paying attention to what we're doing and saying."

"I can see that! Like, as I've mentioned over the weeks, these Gems mean a great deal to her. I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't want just anyone handling them. I actually appreciate the fact that, if what we're assuming is true of course, she's giving us a chance I don't want to pass up."

Before I could speak another word, Susie dragged my half-nude boyfriend over to Velma and me. "Okay, lady and gentlemen, the king and queen's temple awaits us. When we arrive, I want to—"

Austin came to an abrupt stop. "Hang on! Hang on! Before we go, I want to say we'll be on foot for a while. If any of you need to stop at some point, just say so. Chances are we won't be making it back here to Dragonfly Falls until early tomorrow morning anyway. We'll have to take breaks."

"Yes, yes, we're all adults and know how to take care of ourselves. Let's go now."

As the women trudged onward, Austin shared a grin with me before setting a hand on my lower back and walking forward alongside me. "She sure does have a taste for this stuff, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, and I understand why," I replied. "For all we know, we'll be the first people to step foot in this temple in many, many centuries. I can only imagine the kind of stuff we might find and see."

"It does have a lot of possibilities, Greg, but how many of those possibilities will get us closer to going home? Now, obviously, that's not me saying this will be a waste of time otherwise, but..."

"No, no, I-I get what you're saying. I don't think you don't need to worry, though. Everyone here is smart enough to remember what our end goal is, especially as we get closer to reaching it."

Austin simpered and kissed the side of my head, sticking next to me as we pushed through the foliage of the rainforest. Somewhere was King Pacifcon and Queen Pacificea's ancient temple, which was left to deteriorate over the years. We were determined to discover and investigate it.


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