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You simply don't mess with a nerd and his books. Nate knew this when he took the book because he, too, was a nerd. And he, too, was obsessive about his books. But he didn't realize how truly idiotic it was to take the book until Ray barged into his room.
They'd been fighting a bit, on and off, since they first became roommates. They thought moving in together would be a good idea, considering how well they got along on the Waverider... I cannot stress just how wrong they were.
The arguments started as small things. Nate would leave the empty milk carton in the fridge. Ray would forget to lock the door. Nate would leave his towel on the bathroom floor. They both took hours in the shower every morning.
Then they started getting annoyed by bigger things. Ray cleaning where Nate was trying to sit. Nate having annoyingly loud sex in the next room. Ray leaving his books in places where Nate would trip over them.
Nate had had enough! So... He stole all of Ray's books and piled them in his room in one corner.
He didn't realize how idiotic that had been until he and Amaya were getting it on one day.
They were having annoyingly, disgustingly loud sex and it was echoing through the small house.
Ray was seriously annoyed with both the sex and his lack of books!
So, he did what any man would in his situation. He pranced- yes, pranced!- into Nate's room and shouted, "PLAYER THREE HAS ENTERED THE GAME!"
Amaya screamed and jumped under the covers, accidentally throwing Nate onto the floor...
Let's just say... Ray moved in with Mick after that.

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