Juvie Days

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A/N: Heyo! So, I'm still technically on writing hiatus, but if you follow my updates on my wall...thing then you'll know that I'm momentarily returning for a special mother's day one shot.

But first, I noticed that this book has over 3 k reads! Aah!!

So, to celebrate I have decided to give y'all a sneak peak at something I'll be writing in the summer, maybe. (Assuming Legend Kids will be done before summer is over.)

To give a little background, this scene is in the middle of the story, which will be called Juive Days. Mick is in some kind of foster care. (They're dicks) And Mick and Len are just starting their partnership. (In the time that the book takes place, they're teens)

In this scene, Mick has just said something smart like, and Len is questioning why he pretends to be so dumb if he obviously is a genius.

Okay, that's enough of that. You're probably bored of my rambling. Enjoy the sneak peak!


Leonard squinted at his friend, sort of like how one would stare at a person when accusing them of lying.
Mick looked back at him, a little startled by the other boy's intense gaze.

"What?" Mick asked.

"How do you do that?" Leonard demanded.

"Do what?" Mick said, shrugging carelessly. He turned his body slightly, his hand reaching out for the booze they'd stolen.

"That thing you do," Leonard said. "Where you act like you're a complete idiot."

The older boy popped open the can and started drinking, slowly. Leonard thought he was procrastinating, avoiding a response to his question.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Mick said, when he had finally lowered the can away from his mouth.

"That's bullshit," Leonard observed. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Mick just stared at him, unblinking. It was like looking at a new born puppy confused as to what its owner was commanding.

"You're doing it right now," Leonard pointed out.

"I'm not doing anything!" Mick insisted.

"You act like you're this complete bafoon who can't even put his shoes on the right feet, but you could easily be ten times smarter than any of those losers at that house."

"You're delusional."

Leonard glared at him, suspiciously. "You think you're clever, don't you? Tricking everyone into thinking you're stupid. I don't buy it."

Mick stared back at him, disbelievingly. "Really?"

Leonard folded his arms defiantly. "Not after what I just heard."

Mick grunted, kind of sounding annoyed. "That wasn't anything smart. That's just common sense."

"It really wasn't," Leonard said.

Mick groaned. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Nope," Leonard agreed.

"Fine," Mick grumbled. "If you must know, it's because it's better if people think I'm stupid."

Leonard frowned. He didn't understand. "Better how?"

Mick shrugged, taking another sip from the beer can. "When has anyone ever been afraid of a nerd? It'd just ruin my reputation."

"I thought you didn't care what other people thought of you," Leonard said.

"I don't."

"Sounds like you do."

Mick glared at him. Leonard raised his hands in mock defeat.

"Nerds are the ones who get picked on," Mick said. "They're the ones who can't stick up for themselves. So, I'm not a nerd. Besides, I don't exactly look the part, do I?"

Leonard stared at him, long and hard, for several minutes. He'd only known this boy for a few months, and already he could tell he was just as fucked up as Leonard was. They were misfits. Outcasts. Nobodies.

They were partners in crime. Literally. And they had to stick together.

"Then, you'll be the muscle," Leonard told him after a moment. "And I'll be the brains."

"Brains for what?" Mick asked.

"I don't know," Leonard shrugged. "Bank robberies?"

Mick looked thoughtful for a moment. "So, like, you'll make all the plans and call the shots, and I'll punch anyone who gets in the way?"

Leonard nodded. "That's the idea. Yes." For a moment he wondered if the older boy would go along with it. Being told to act dumb all the time had to be pretty insulting. But he was already doing that, so Leonard didn't think it would be much of a big deal.

"Cool," Mick said, which pretty much sealed the deal.


Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it. Leave a comment to let me know you're thoughts.

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