so like...

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I'm just getting cozied up for sleep and all that when this idea comes to me as they so often do when I should be getting sleep for work in the morning.

But see I'm not sure about it? On one hand total plot twist idea. Could be fun. On the other hand. Probably obvious and a bit too...fanfictiony? Plus it might ruin a few things in the Harry Potter canon? Then again I'm making everything basically AU anyway..?

I dunno. But the idea is like this:

James and Lily Potter are - gasp - alive???

I have like a fuck ton of ocs now after a bunch of plots and stuff. So I figure things are probably pretty different from canon with them all intervening in this fanfic's reality, especially since one of them, who's Voldemort's son, will actually be present during the alleged murder of the Potters. So, he'd have the perfect opportunity to ruin some canon things. Maybe he puts them in a stasis that makes everyone think they're dead. Everyone, of course, except Dumbeldore who's literally in the know how about every single thing.

Then maybe sometime in the events of Deathly Hallows (because this will be the most au of all) the reveal is ... Revealed. And...boom. Potter family reunion.

I don't know. I'm conflicted. What do you all think of the idea?? Would love some feedback to help me decide!!

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