Chapter 11: Past again

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Hey friends,
How're you all?
So here the update. Well before we go ahead.
A very very happy birthday to my buddy aardhana_adithya. She is one of the reason I feel blessed and lucky to be here. Before she came in my life I didn't know that online friendship bond can be so pure and strong. I'm blessed to have her in my life.

And a big big  big big thank you to all of you for?

For this

Author POV:

"I had my personal reasons too." Adita said but Deepak didn't said anything instead he kept staring at her.

"And above all the personal reasons, I have my life too. When I saw guiding light in front of me I went in that flow.
Whatever you say I did right or wrong but I know that feeling which nobody can imagine not even you. When my son came in this world I was the one in whose arms he was given. I was the one whom he saw the first in this world.
When I had taken him in my arms you know what was the first thought which came in my mind, this little one deserves all the happiness in this world." She went in one go.

He sighed  and said, "Okay, I got it. But where is your happiness? Are you planning to be next MOTHER TERESA?" He asked sarcastically.

"I'M HAPPY.  Why do you think I'm not? And why won't be I ? I have a loving caring husband, a adorable son, a family for which anybody can die. What else I need? This is what a normal girl want in her life and I have all that. I know you think I already had his guardianship but authority comes with a responsibility Deepak. Kanak trusted me more than his husband because she knew I won't let be there any void in her baby's life. Then how could I think of separate him from his father?" On which he just nodded, "I understand but- "

"There is no ifs and buts when it comes to him. Your dislike towards Kaushal is completely unreasonable now. Nobody stopped me to do job it's my wish and what's a big deal in that? Now I have a family and I want to priorities it. I understand your concern but you don't need to be this much overprotective on me." She stopped to catch some breath. He looked at her amusingly.

"I see, you are no more that crying baby anymore." And they both chuckled on this.

"Any other question? Doubts? Ask at once." She sat well prepared. On which he just laughed shaking his head, "Not like you don't have answer of any of those. But that doesn't forgive you for keeping us in dark."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I know this is something I wasn't supposed to do but you know that time, that time I was like. Like... Now how do I say that to you?" She felt so helpless to find words to explain circumstances.

"It's alright. No need to explain." He smiled. He didn't want to bother her more and her dismissing his all concern so strongly made him understand that it's not something she will share even to him.

"Thank god. Enough emotional drama for today, I'm already hungry after saying this long speech. You say what you would like to have in lunch?"

"No lunch, no dinner I don't want this lunch to be my last food Maithili is already waiting for me with spatula in her hand."

"Hahaha! Can't blame her, I know very well how careless you are outside the office." She teased him.

"Oh hello, madam. This all is because of you. She has strictly warned me not to have any contact with you after your this stunt and here I came directly from Jaipur instead of going home." Adita didn't say anything. She was already guilty because she knew Deepak and his wife Maithili will be hurt by this.

He looked at her fell face, "It's alright. she is just upset. Do one thing record all this speech and send it to me I'll make her listened this she will understand." Adita just smiled.

"And now say bye to me. Otherwise I'll miss my flight. I thought I will just snap on you and will leave but now I'm already late." Saying he stood followed up by Adita. Deepak pulled out few notes from his wallet and kept on the fist of Priyam which he instantly grabbed.

"Buy him some toys and don't start iski Kya jaroorat thi (what's need of this?). It's blessing." She nodded and took the money out of Priyam's hand.

She escorted him till door with Priyam in her arms. He suddenly turned and hugged them.
"I'm proud of you Adita while coming here I thought to give you a long lecture I was really very disappointed on you but after looking at your this new avatar I'm speechless. I overreacted but I thought they again pushed you to do this and like always you gave before them. You don't know how worried we both were. But if you say Kaushal is treating you well,I'm sure Maithili won't be angry too."

"Thank you Deepak. Thank you so much. After having your blessings I'm sure I'll be a good wife and mother. You are the only one who had my back when the entire world was against me. You are still like a guiding lamp for me as your name says."

"Bas pagali, rulayegi kya (Enough, will you make me cry?)" and they chuckled. "Always remember your friend but brother in disguise is always with you." With this he departed.

She locked the door and came inside the room. She layed the baby on bed and tried to get up but Priyam wasn't ready to leave the money Deepak gave him and was trying his best to take out from her.
"Mumma is so tired baby to go in kitchen. Today you give hel tleat. Peez.(Today you give her treat. Please.)" But his efforts didn't reduce. "Okay, this is yours. Happy? I'll give you back when you will be big. First make yourself able to handle your pant." She kissed his cheeks hiding her hand from his sight to keep money under the pillow.

That night, when Adita was making Priyam sleep she looked at Kaushal who was atypical buttoned up since he came home. She noticed that he was brooding over on something but she inferred it something hospital issue. She thought Deepak's sudden unexpected knock on their door must be explained to him but his clammed up response made to her initiated conversation made her quite too.


"Hmm.." he replied without looking at her.

"Everything alright?" She asked.

"Hmm" he said though it looked like he himself didn't know what he said.

"When will you sleep? It's late." She said bending down looking at his face which looked lost somewhere.

"Hmm." Again hmm.

"Hmm?" A frown appeared on her face on his absence mind.

""Hmm" and he was still on his own world rocking him back and forth while sitting. She rolled her eyes.

'Its high time he needed to be on earth again.'

"Kaushal!" She shook him vigourly.

"Haa... What? What? What happened?"

"Are you okay?" She asked him looking unsure.

"Yes, I'm." He sighed rubbing his face but when Adita didn't look convinced, "I'm. I was thinking something. Planning schedule for tomorrow. Has he slept?" He raised his eyes towards her shoulder on which Priyam's back was only visible to him.

"Yeah." He nodded and said,"Okay... You both go. I'm coming." He switched off his laptop  and coming to his side of bed, laid on his right forearm. He closed his eyes but since when sleep was so friendly with him? And this night was no different. In fact it was more stressful for him than any other.

The morning incident was still revolving around his mind. An intruder coming in his house and saying all the crap didn't settle with him. It's not like he couldn't say back to him but he didn't because he didn't want to hurt someone who was close to his wife. They accept or not, fact was they were socially one person and moreover he understood the concern for Adita even in his bitter words so he chose to be mum rather than reporting back like a teenager. He wasn't jeolous of that mannerless monkey anymore. Adita is his wife now and mother of his child. So that man wasn't bothering him anymore but now Sara's divorce occupied his mind. He doesn't know why but he was seeing Adita in Sara. Though Adita wasn't forced in this wedlock but her reason to marry a man, who can never give her a normal lovely relationship, was still foreign to him. Till the extent he knows Adita, he is sure this woman is not at all emotional. She can't take this big decision being emotional but then why? Why will a girl will agree for this? Somewhere deep in his heart he was blaming himself too for dragging an innocent girl in his messed up life. She might have taken this rash decision in an impulse but that doesn't mean she will have to live like this and suffer lifelong. Being elder he must have considered all these rather than giving up before Kanak and his mom.

'Ye phir se shuru ho gya (again started)' The imaginary Kaushal of his mind covered himself till head to avoid pep talk. Kaushal narrowed his eyes at his careless act towards him but nonetheless ignored too coming back to topic.

Yes, but what she knows about life at all? The point is today or tomorrow she will realise the importance of love in life and when she will it might be too late. He knows a what a life is, having a loving partner beside us, shower and being showered with all the love. He has seen all the things in his life which she hasn't and thanks to his messed up heart she never will.
Never? Just saying never made him stop thinking further. He can't accept that Adita will never have those moments in her life which he thinks is best for anyone in this world. He knows they cannot remain like this lifelong but then he didn't know what to imagine other than Adita beside him with Priyam.   

His imagination of wrinkled face Adita with Priyam in her lap suffocated him. He quickly opened his eye.

'That was absurd.' The inner Kaushal rolled his eyes.' At least Priyam will also be grown up man.implausible man.'

No, he won't let her waste her life being a nanny to their son. Puffing out his frustration he layed on his back to see dim brightness of phone.

'You didn't sleep yet?" He asked seeing her half laying on headrest and typing something on her phone with a bright smile.

"No, Deepak just texted me-"

"It's late. You can chat with him tomorrow no?" He cut her off in middle.

"Umm... Yeah, just 2 minutes." She said nodding her head without looking at him. He looked at her for sometime. Her smile was saying so many things about why that guy was so furious on her for being untold of her life's an important event.

"You both seems close." He thought shifting on his stomach keeping his both elbows on pillow still looking at her unaware that his mouth has spilled out his mind.

"Yes, actually we three. Me, Deepak and Maithili. His wife." She looked at him keeping her phone aside on the table.

"He is married?!" She didn't get whether he was asking or shocked.


'Yessssss!' and with a huge grin he nodded. Looking at his grinned face she raised her brows in 'what?'. He just shook his head in denial, "You can call them tomorrow. You should sleep now." She smiled looking at his sudden change of mood and adjusting the pillows under her head, she closed her eyes feeling content. Having the best buddies again in your life without them giving you 'no talking' treatment for long is not something everyone gets. She cannot forget their support they provided her when she had her weak moment.

One year and three months ago...

(Till now we know that Adita's wedding was just there days far and today she passed the final exam of Chartered Accountant. She was so happy)

She grabbed her phone from near coffee table, excitement written all over face but before she can dial the contact the same name flashed on her phone. 'Fiance'.

"Hey, you gonna live so long. I was just-" before she can complete herself she was cut of by him in middle.

"Adi, Adi listen. I want to talk to you. Its urgent. Can we please meet?" He sounded desperate.

"Bu-" she rolled her eyes sighing when she was cut of by him again.

"I know, I know, we are not supposed to see each other but it's urgent Adita. Please. Do something but please Adita." She felt something strange in his voice. He wasn't very romantic novel hero from whom she can expect a pre-wedding surprise rather he was the perfect normal guy she ever expected her life partner to be.

'Is he having second thoughts?' Her wedding jitters not helping her either.

"Can't it wait? Or you can say it over here. It's just me in the room." She tried to take over the hint of his pleading and urgency of the situation.

"Woman, I said it's urgent and important. Please try to understand. Do you think I would say to meet you now?" This must be important.

"Okay, let me see what I can do. I'll text you if that's possible." With this she hanged up. She so wanted to punch his face right now to make her stuck in this situation. The only person who can help her now was her sister.


Adita immediately spotted him in the huge crowd of restaurant. She marched up to his table in hurry and pulled the chair to sit. "What's the matter? What's so urgent which can't wait for just three days?" She greeted like he was in the middle of her teeth.
"Adi, look. Please listen to me first and let me complete then you can say whatever you want. But please once listen the entire thing.". He looked trouble. 

"What's the matter." She looked at him with nervousness.

"I can't marry you." He said in so hurry that if she wasn't keenly listening to him, she must have missed what he said.

Adita froze for half a minute. It felt like her brain spinned it around. She kept looking at his closed eyes. She so wanted him to open them up to confirm his joke. She felt like bawling out her eyes though she knew he was just kidding. Fear, anger, denial so many emotion she saw just in a moment. Involuntary, tears rolled up on her cheeks before she can understand exactly what he was saying.

"Are you nuts? You find this funny? Do you have any idea what and what not I had said just to listen this joke of yours. There Ozal is waiting for me on tailor shop just to make sure nobody gets doubt that I have lied." At the end her pitch got higher which flinched him.

"Sshhh.. sshh. Please, low down your voice. And why are you crying now?" He gave her couple of tissue and said,"Do you want to drink something? Have you had your lunch?"

"No, I don't want anything. Just tell me already for what you have called me here." She wiped her tears in embarrassment.

"Can we go somewhere else?" He asked but immediately altered his words seeing her glare, "Just here in parking lot. I need little less crowded place to talk."

Adita looked at him suspiciously. All crime comics and stories spinned through her mind but with the trust on him she nodded.


Hello again dearies!
My name bookfriend:p
You all must have forgotten me.
Sorry, sorry. Just kidding.

I dedicate this chapter to all those readers who are so patience to wait for me. You all can't imagine how did I feel when I read those comments 'where are you? When you will update. Plz update soon.' I literally felt like I have a family here. Thanks a ton.

One more thing, please stay safe. Just take of yourself. Only this much contribution is more than enough for now. We all just have be safe. Everything else can be taken care of. Don't panic. Everyone is doing their duty well. We just need to take care of us and our family.
Be updated on official guidelines but don't give much attention on rumours.

So here again very very late update.

How is it?
Well, honestly if I say then I had changed few things  as many time as I opened it. Kind of lost track.
So now it's you all who gonna say how it is finally?

If you like the chapter please consider it to vote and share. Don't forget to drop a comment for the author in the comment box.

See ya in the next update!

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