Battle for Misaki

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A/n: Hi, guys. This chapter is the other version of the last one. In this chapter, Misaki is from the rich family while Kai and Miwa are from the normal family. But Miwa is famous while Kai not. And this story will have AiKou moments too. That's all for the information.

Kai: Big Macintosh

Miwa: Feather Bang

I don't own Cardfight Vanguard and My Little Pony. Enjoy~

Kai's POV

My name's Toshiki Kai. I live with my brother. Our daily live is planting and selling vegetables on the backyard.

"Hahaha, your cheek is dirty."


"Yeah, here let me help you."

"Thanks. You're the best."

"Hey, you two want to plant the seed or lovey-dovey?" I said as I turn to a couple beside me because I don't stand their noisy voices.

"Sorry, Kai."

I sighed as I continue digging the ground. That couple is my brother, Aichi with his girlfriend, Kourin. Seriously, since the day they confessed each other, they always together just like been chained. I even like never talked to Aichi because he want to hang out with her.

Speaking of girlfriend, I've been waited so long to have a girlfriend. But she just only my crush.

"Oh, cousin. Hi, there." I quickly turn around when I heard Kourin greeting her cousin. Very perfect timing, she came when I thinking of her.

I stood up while she waved at Aichi and Kourin. Then she walk toward me. "Hi, Kai. I want to buy tomatoes. Do you have them?" I nodded and walk to my vegetable shop as she following me.

After I give her the tomatoes, she give me the cash and smile at me. I could only blush and smile back. "T-Thanks and... come again, Tokura." Tokura giggle to me.

"I'll always come." My heart beat fast when she said that. "Well, see you later." Tokura said as she walk away. I feel like want to grab her hand but I can't. Don't know why I can't.

She is so beautiful, kind, and she also rich. But I didn't love her because of her rich. I never want to loving someone by looking at their money. But maybe anyone think I am. Even Aichi once thought like that too.

"Hey, there, Misaki~" I immediately look at Tokura who is with that popular blondie.

"Oh, Miwa." Tokura smile to him. Seeing her smile to him making me mad but I still want to keep my cool style.

"I just found this and I want to give you." Miwa said as he give Tokura a beautiful lilac flower. I jawdrop seeing it.

"Wow, thanks." Tokura said as she accept the flower. How can she reject it. Lilac is her favorite.

"Wanna have a walk?"

"Uh,... sure."

I only stare at thm walk away... together. I start to go back to the backyard and run toward my brother. "AICHI! YOU GOTTA HELP ME, MAN. PLEASE!😣" I shout as I hug Aichi tightly while Kourin just stare awkwardly at us.

(Kaichi alert. Just kidding.)

"Kai,... release... me!" Aichi said as he try to get off of me. I quickly release him as he regaining his breath. "Okay, okay,... her with him again,... right?" I nodded.

"Think something!" I shout. Actually Aichi and Kourin know my crush since I can't hold myself by doing like that to Aichi. In the end, I explained to them.

"Kai, give me a break. Every plan I design always failed. You're very worse at acting. Miwa could take Misaki from you if you always like this." Aichi said. I scream loudly as the birds flying around in shock. Aichi and Kourin close their ears even thought their hands are dirty when I scream.

"Jeez, you don't give me a chance to comment aren't you?" Aichi said. "Fine. This is the last plan I can suggest." Aichi said as he tell his plan to me and Kourin.

Normal POV

Misaki is feeding the bird at the park. She heard a footstep as she turn around. "Kai?"

Kai take a deep breath before starting to talk. "I want to say something to you, Tokura. I know this is rare for me to saying something to you. But this is the most important thing I have to tell."

Tokura stare at me as I start to sing.

Kai: // We'll take a walk by the river. //

Kai: // Watch the sun set, from the field. //

Kai: // We'll plant the seed of love together. //

Kai: // And we watering them as we seeing them grow. //

*Misaki a little confused but she seems appreciate and enjoying Kai's song as she smiled to him. Kai smiled back as he approach Misaki and wrap his hand around her neck. They stare at each other while their forehead touches.*

Kai: // Tokura~, sweet as pie. You're the crystal of my eyes. // *Misaki smiled more wider.*

Kai: // The lilac flower in the field has bloom. //

Kai: // And we put our seeds into hole. While we step away the gloom. // *Kai is imagining when he and Misaki planting the seed. Misaki somehow enter his imagination.*

Kai: // Would you be my side, Tokura? //

Misaki is about to answer but suddenly, a music sound is heard as they back to the reality. They turn around and see Miwa dancing with bunch of his fans behind him.

Miwa: // Oh, oh. Oh, ah-oh. // *approaching Misaki and push Kai with his hips.*

Miwa: // When you appeared before me, my heart stopped beating. //

Miwa: // Stars crossed the sky. To come feel what I was feeling. //

Miwa: // You were the one who made me believe I could fly. //

Miwa: // Whoa, whoa, whoa. // *hold Misaki's chin and push Kai again more harder than always until he fall to the ground.*

Miwa: // Birds could not sing. The song that's as beautiful. I'd do anything. //

*Meanwhile, Aichi help Kai to stand up but the fans surround them and push them unmercy with their body because they want to see Miwa closely while Kourin try to grab their hands from the crowd.*

Miwa: // That's irrefudable. // *Misaki start to slap away Miwa's hand cause Miwa making her uncomfortable by his dance.*

Miwa: // Cause you are the sun. Painting my heart in the sky ( whoah-oh, oh. ) //

Miwa: // Misa, Misaki, whoa-oh. When will you tell me that you feel the same? //

*Miwa pull Misaki's hand and start to dance with her. Misaki is getting disgust at Miwa's face who always to try to close to her face. Meanwhile, Kai break through the crowd with force while Kourin manage to pull Aichi from the crowd.*

Miwa: // Like an angel on the candy cane. Or the sunlight shining through a drain. // *release Misaki's hand and start to dancing around alone.*

Kai: // *appear behind Misaki as Misaki turn around but she crossed her arms in annoyance.* Tokura, when I look at your eyes, I see the colour blue... //

Kai: // And it reminds me of the sky above... //

Kai: // Uh,... which it also... blue... // *no words but smile awkwardly.*

Miwa: // Hey, hey, hey, yeah. // *approaching Misaki more closely as Misaki turn to him.*

Miwa: // Be my princess while I will be your faithful knight. //

Miwa: // Everytime you smile, I can feel my heart will shine bright'. //

Miwa: // Blood rushing from my head to my feet, yeah. I start movin' when I'm feel my heartbeat, yeah. //

Kai: // *appear in front of Misaki.* I've been writing this song for you. Searchin' for a perfect rhymes. *start to sweating.* for the words I wanna say. //

Kai: // Zazazazaza... be mine. // *Misaki seems uneasy with Kai's bad lyrics while Aichi facepalmed.*

*Miwa pull Misaki away from Kai but Misaki slap his hand away in disgust.*

Miwa: // Everyday I see you, I know you could be the one for me. // *playing with his hair while Misaki step away from him in annoyance.*

Miwa: // Feel my heart is beating like the train upon the bumblebee. // *step closer to Misaki.*

Miwa: // Don't you see that I could, uh-oh, uh-oh. //

Miwa: // Whenever you are near me, I'm so... uh-oh. //

Kai: // *pushes Miwa with his body until Miwa throwned away.* Tokura,... you are the prettiest lilac flower.*

Miwa: // *appear in front of Misaki.* Mi, Misaki, my love burning hot like a cheese fondue. //

Kai: // *step foward to Misaki.* Tokura,... //

Miwa: // Misaki,... //

Kai: // *blocking Miwa and sing more louder.* Tokura,... //

Miwa: // *climb up to Kai and sing more louder.* Misaki,... //

Kai: // *Sing more louder.* Tokura,... //

Miwa: // *Sing more louder.* Misaki,... //

Kai and Miwa: // Tokura/Misaki,... // *approaching Misaki while they push away each other as they lift one of their feet up high. Then suddenly, they fell to Misaki and then to a mud near Misaki until their clothes dirty.*

All of the fans shocked while Aichi and Kourin jawdrop as they narrowed their eyes. "Again... / My,... my... " Aichi and Kourin said together as they shook their head.

Misaki pushes Kai and Miwa away and glare at them. "What got in to you two? If you guys want to having me because I'm rich, then I will never fall to any of you. NEVER!" Misaki said as Kai feels hit by her words and frowned.

Misaki walk away and cry as everyone stare at her before leaving. At night in the cafe', Aichi and Kourin are talking about Kai and Misaki as they stare at their untouched food.

"He won't talk. He is more cold than before like refridgeraitor." Aichi said.

"And I just heard Misaki cursing Kai and Miwa in her room. All I can do is keep quiet when uncle Shin asking me with multiple question." Kourin said as she turn to Aichi who has spoon shoved in his mouth as he lift it with his mouth. "And would you stop that?" Kourin said as Aichi stop lifting the spoon.

The waiter come to them to ask for the paid. Kourin is about to open her purse but Aichi already do it more faster than her while still has a spoon in his mouth. "Thanks, sir." The waiter said and sweatdropped because of Aichi's 😒 expression then walk away with almost laughed because of Aichi's 😒 expression.

"Jezz, faster as always, huh." Kourin said as she pouted and crossed her arms. Aichi just raise his eyebrows in respond. "Brother and brother... they're all same." Kourin said as she sighed.

At Misaki's house

Misaki heard her phone ringing as she look who's calling. It was Kai. She got annoyed and let her phone ringing until it stopped. But then a message is send to her.

Tokura, I'm sorry. But what you thought was wrong. I didn't love you because you're rich. If you don't believe me, please come to the park! I'll show you everything.

"What's wrong with him? He won't admit that he is love me because of that." Misaki thought. "But... "

'Aichi and Kai are kind people especially Aichi. That's why I love him. And I think his brother is kind and honest. He's never lied to me or Aichi.' Kourin's words ringing inside her head. Kourin once told her that after Aichi and her became a lover.

"Could be true? Kai will never lies... " Misaki thought as she get up from her bed. "I think I need to trust him this time."

Kai's POV

I'm waiting for Tokura to come as I sit on the bench. I have something for Tokura that will make her believe. "Tokura,... even though this won't make you believe, I will always reach you. But this time, with my own ways." I thought.

I get out from my daydream when I see a certain lilac girl not far away from here. She is searching for me as I walk toward her happily. But suddenly, 4 unknown people appear behind Tokura and take her away. I widened my eyes as I run faster and shout to them to stop.

I see Miwa who block them. Even though I hate Miwa but I very grateful he stop them. But... oh, dear. When one of them point the knife to Miwa, he immediately step away and let them take Tokura away. I grit my teeth as I approach Miwa. "Miwa, what's wrong with you?" I yell at him.

"Hey, don't you see. They have knife. I won't win against them. I don't want to waste my life only for her." Miwa said as I widened my eyes in anger.

"Sh*t you. You only want her because she rich aren't you?" Miwa just shrugged off. "I ony waste my time to yell at you." I said as I run faster to catch up those guys.

I finally arrived at the place where they took Tokura. I sneakily look at the window and I see Tokura been tied up while one of the unknown people calling somebody. Maybe it's Tokura's parents. "So they want money, huh? Then I will give them something that is the most worse thing in their life because they just took Tokura." I thought.

I immediately broke the window and start charging them one by one. They have knife but I won't stop charging them. I will always fight to save Misaki. Even though my life is the risk. When all of them knock out, I quickly untied Tokura but Tokura push me away. "Stay away!" She shout as I turn confused.

"Tokura, wha-... "

"That's enough, Kai. Why are you planning this so that I can fall to you?" Tokura said as she start to cry. "Why do you want me so badly? Because of money? Because of reputations? Be-... "

"Because I love you from the first time we've met." I shout as Tokura shocked. "I didn't love you because you are rich. I didn't. I fall in love with you because of yourself, Tokura."


"I'm not lying. I-... "

"KAI, WATCH OUT!" Misaki shout but it's too late cause I suddenly feel a sharp metal break through of my back and then it pulled out from my back. "Kai!" Misaki cried as one of the unknown people kick my stomach as I've been throwed. Then he attack me with no mercy. While there is another of his friend hold Tokura until she can't move.

I panting hard and I can't stood up. I see Tokura cried He was about to stab me again but suddenly someone kick his stomach as he fell down to the floor and the knife is throwen far away and it tragically hit his knock out friend. The person quickly step on him while he unconcious.

"Jezz, Kai. You're fighting without me?" Thank God, a help has come. It was Aichi as he smile at me while Kourin is behind him as she beat the one who hold Tokura and quickly hug her cousin.

"H-How do you... two... ?" I can't continue but Aichi understood.

"Well,... " Aichi said as he hold his chin.

Flashback: start

(In this flashback, Misaki is called Tokura)

Aichi and Kourin are walking home but they just heard Tokura's muffle scream with 4 unknown people try to took her away as they turn to them. "Misaki!" Kourin shout as Aichi ran faster with Kourin followed him.

Flashback: end

"Short explanation but actually we've been through many things because we chase after Misaki 😏." Aichi said.

I try to stood up and Aichi help me. I approaching Tokura as she quickly hug me. I shock because of her sudden action. "Kai,... I'm sorry I doubt you. You are really love me not because I'm rich. You even want to sacrifice yourself for me. Kourin is right. You'll never lie to someone else. Even your love is not lies." Tokura said as she cry on my shoulder.

I smile and embrace her in return. "I love you Tokura."

"I love you too, Kai." Tokura said.

I look at Aichi and Kourin, smile to give a silent thank you to them. Aichi only nodded and smile in return while Kourin smile in return as she hold Aichi's hand.

Since that day, we often having a date together.

A/n: so sorry if this is suck and not epic. I can't make differences. Anyway, thank you for reading, vote and comment (especially YandereMichiSenpai) this story. Bye, guys...

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