Prologue: The Unexpected Situation

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Hi guys, Jayvee Pasague here, I just want to say that I'm returning when I was busy with school works and I don't have time to continue my previous stories that I wrote. Sorry about that. Either way, I just want to write my new hentai fanfiction alternative universe which is I read from the hentai manga which is Daraku Reijou Hakoiri Ojou-sama Netorare Choukyou Kiroku. Honestly, I can't watch the animation, because of NTR sensitivity through audio. Now let's get into the story.

(Disclaimer: I don't own Daraku Reijou it belongs to respective owners)

Yusuke Tokui:18
Yurika Ichijou:17
Shigeki Katsurai:47
Mr. Ichijou:36
Detective Kiwako Machizaki:27
Mr. Tokui:43
Mrs. Tokui:42

Prologue: The Unexpected Situation

-Third Person POV-

In the afternoon, Yurika was walking on the street, until she heard a familiar voice of a male and he's approaching her.

"Hey!" When she turned around, it was Yusuke, then he asked, "Wait a minute, Yurika... isn't it kind of cruel going home without telling me...?"

"Yusuke-kun..." Yurika was a bit nervous.

"It feels like you've been avoiding me lately... did something happen?" Yusuke asked back.

"Sorry," Yurika responds silently, look down on herself.

"Hey, how about you come over to my place today... It's been ages since last time, right? And well... we haven't done 'it' recently either... Well?" While he said that, Yurika stay silent and I answer until the black limo came in front of them, and the driver was waiting and open the door and said,

"We've been expecting you, Ojou-sama, if you please them... the master is waiting for you."

"Sorry, Yuu-kun... I... have to go now..." Yurika said then she runs towards the limo.

"Ah... Yuri-Ngggghh! Ngggghhhhhhh!" Yusuke interrupts what he said, when a sharp pain came inside of his head, he clutches his head as the migraine came and turns to a worst, he falls his knees along with the bag, with a 'thud' sound.

While Yurika was about riding the car, when she heard a sound, she turned around and see Yusuke is now in a pain, rolling on the ground, then she tosses the bag in the limo and runs into him, "Yusuke-kun!"

"Yusuke-kun, what wrong with you?!" Yurika asked worriedly.

"Yurika... I... I don't know!" He said while he's in pain but it turns to worse, as he raised his head, "AAAAAAARRGH!!!"

- Yusuke's Precognition-
In his mind, he saw he had a phone a receive a message from Yurika with a video clip and play it... An image of a naked girl with panties and a naked man.

"Well, first let's go with an introduction..." A voice of an old man speaking on the video.

"Given named Yurika... A second year at Kageyama High School." Then the girl revealed as Yurika and an old man with greyish hair and fewer wrinkles... Then he gropes her breast with hard pressure.

"Mind telling us why you came here today?" The old man asked.

"That is... to assist my father's company. I came to be... embraced by you master." Yurika said while suppressed her moan... Then he masturbates her...

The next image is the they kissed together with their tongues...

They follow of an old man lick her womanhood.

"There is no need for that Yurika. You shouldn't hold a grudge against your father either." The old man said to her while suppressing to moan...

Next one is he insert his member inside of her womanhood and start thrusting hardly and Yurika continue holding her mewls.

"Come on Yurika... Say it...! You're better than him." The old man said.
Each of the visual imageries were skip, from one to another.

"Yusuke-kun... Sorry... I... Already... Can't take it anymore." Yurika said,"I am at my limit already!! Master's adult cock... Compare to Yusuke-kun... FEELS SO MUCH BETTER! YOUR ADULT COCK IS AMAZING!!!" Yurika yelled as she give up to him and no longer surpressed her moan and just let it all out...

The Next one is he shoot his load inside her. Then he continue ramming her, changing the positions and Yurika got climax again. Exhausted and limp. As the old man is at his limit and with the more thrust and he came again with a massive amount and it is leaking.

"Uuh... Sorry... Yusuke-kun... From now on... I... Can't meet you anymore... Because I'm already master's woman... Forgive me." Yurika said.

And then the image faded to black.

"YUSUKE-KUN! YUSUKE-KUN SNAP OUT OF IT!! PLEASE!!! YUSUKE-KUN SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU'RE IN PAIN PLEASE STOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!" A familiar voice of female yelling in his head.

-End of Precognition-

Yusuke slowly open his eyes, his migraine is suddenly gone and he has a beads of sweat on his face. Then he saw Yurika was crying with her tears overflowing into her face and falling into my face and she was surprised and the driver is on his side. He realize that she's sitting on the ground and his head is in her lap

"Yu...Yurika." He mutter.

"Yusuke-kun!" Yurika hug him surprisely dig her face his chest into and her tears starts to flow more,"Yusuke-kun, are you okay?! It seems... you are in a... painful situation!" She sobbed.

"Yurika, I'm okay. Don't mind at me, it is just a little migraine." Yusuke lied.

"Little migraine?! But this is not. It is too much worse than you thought, because you are screaming in pain, this is tearing you apart!" Yurika insisted.

Yusuke starting to lift up his body, when he groan mildly and felt a little pain.

"Oh no, not again... Not that car accident from five years ago." He muttered silently.

"Five years ago... car accident... What do you mean about that?" Yurika asked curiously and Yusuke stood up and get his bag from the driver.

"Nevermind that, I have to go home, before it gets worse." And he leave but his legs are losing its strength and fall in the ground, lying with a flat stomach. Yurika and her driver approach him and try to help him to stand up.

"Yusuke-kun, you can't move in your condition, you are so weak and exhausted, we can drive you home." Yurika said and she turn to the driver and he nodded.

The two help Yusuke to get inside the car and he fall his head into the seat.
Followed, by Yurika and the driver. He drive it way back to his home, it is a little far from here. Yurika put his head into her shoulder, wipe away his sweat with her handkerchief and she drink him a bottle of mineral water and get some air to cool him.

"Yusuke-kun, please stay strong." Yurika said to him and she cupped his cheek, her hand is soft to feel him.

"I know Yurika." Yusuke said to her.

And Yurika point his house with a yellow car parking on the garage. And they stopped in the moment, the driver went out, open the other door and get his bag and Yurika carrying Yusuke with the help of her driver.

They went to his house and she tap the doorbell. In few seconds, someone open the door, a girl with a orange long hair tied with a band.

"Hello- Yusuke-kun what happened to you!" The woman exclaimed and went to Yusuke.

"He seems pretty exhausted and weak, and he had a worse migraine." Yurika said to her.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I am his girlfriend, Ichijou Yurika, Yusuke-kun and I were attend in the same school." Yurika introduced.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you Yurika-chan for bringing him to me." The woman said before Yurika let go of him carrying him on her shoulder.

"No it's okay." Yurika said with a smile.

"Yurika, thank you and even you Mr. driver." Yusuke bowed at them.

"Let's just say I am a butler of her family." He clarified.

"Sorry, you can now go. Goodbye Yurika." He said and he turned to the woman and she nodded and went inside of their house. And Yurika and the driver went away back home, but Yurika start to feel worry about him.

'I'm so worry about him, why Yusuke-kun didn't tell me everything about that.'

-To be continued-

And now it's all done. Sorry that I'm still busy for self learning modules since tommorow is the submission. And I don't have the time since I have many modules that I haven't finished. We'll see you in the next chapter.

See ya!!!👋👋👋

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