Knights, Devils, and Powermen

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Four Hours Later, Streets of New York

Gwen and Maddox leave the theater with their arms intertwined. They both have smiles on their faces as the walk back to ESU. While walking, a guy in a hoodie bumps into Maddox.

Castle looks the man in the eyes, but neither one says a thing. They didn't need to speak to understand one another. While staring into each other's eyes, the man slips Maddox a piece of paper, then whispers "your eyes only." Maddox nods and carries on like nothing happened.

Gwen: What was that about?

Maddox: It was a friend from work. He didn't want to put me on the spot in front of you, so he whispered in my ear.

Gwen: Oh. What do you do again?

Maddox: I'm finishing out a contract with a government agency.

Gwen: Like construction?

Maddox: More like demo. It's where I get most of my exercise in. Right now, things are getting complicated.

Gwen: Complicated?

Maddox: We came across something unexpected while I was working. It has multiplied since then, so we have to study it while also doing demo work.

Gwen: That sounds like a lot.

Maddox: There's never a dull day.

Gwen: If you need another scientist to look at whatever you've discovered, let me know. I'd be more than happy to help you.

Maddox: Thanks, Gwen. I'll be sure to let you know if we need another scientist.

The two go back to ESU where they say their goodbyes at Gwen's door. As they say goodbye, Gwen gives Maddox a kiss on the cheek. He smiles, then heads back to his room. He opens the slip of paper handed to him by the man in the hoodie and reads it to himself. The note reads "something's wrong with Murdock. Meet us at Pop's barbershop."

Apartment Above Ghengis Connie's

The man in the hoodie walks over to a large cabinet and opens it up. Inside, there's a yellow t-shirt, tactical pants, combat boots, and a metallic jetpack. He steps forward and gets dressed, mentally preparing himself for combat.

Across New York

On the other side of town, in another apartment, Jake Lockley stands, but it isn't him. This version of him is named Marc Spector. As the moon rises higher into the sky, his eyes glow white and a suit of the same color forms around him.

Empire State University

With the Venom Symbiote forming itself around him once more, Maddox leaves ESU and heads to Jemma's lab. When he arrives, he finds Dr. Simmons examining Jamie Dillon while Carnage continuously zaps himself by reaching his finger up to Blitzkrieg's side. Every time he gets a jolt, he lets out a little "yow" before going right back at it.

Jemma: Why do you keep doing that?

Matthew: Every time we touch, I feel the static...

He continues to sing to himself as Maddox makes his way into the room. He smiles at the sight of Dr. Dillon.

Venom: We are glad you took out advice. Dr. Simmons, mind if I borrow Carnage?

Jemma: No, I don't. It might actually help

Jamie:~What's going on?~

Venom: Some old friends need my help dealing with a family friend. He's losing his way.

Jamie:~Do you need my help?~

Venom: We will call if we need you. Right now, we need to know your limits so we don't push you too hard. The last thing this city needs is a blackout.

Jamie:~I agree. That wouldn't be good. I'd still like to help though.~

Venom: Consider yourself our reserves.

Matthew: You're like our special forces.

Venom: We will contact you the minute we think things are getting out of hand. Until then, stay here and make yourself comfortable.

Matthew: I can't wait for this to go horrible.

Pop's Barbershop, Harlem

The two Symbiotes land in front of Pop's. They turn to look at the roof where they see a man wearing a white hood and a mask.

Carnage: Who brought the mummy?

Moon Knight: Good to see you too, Matthew.

Carnage: It's Carnage now.

Moon Knight: He got a new suit too?

Venom: It's more complicated than that. Where's Luke?

A faint whistling can be heard overhead. Then, the man from earlier lands down. Yellow feathers made of energy help him glide down to the ground.

Venom: Well if it isn't the Power Pidgeon. How's it goin', Luke?

Luke: Powerman or Falcon will do. Power Pidgeon is just cold, dude. I'm doing good.

Venom: What's going on with Murdock?

Moon Knight: That's the thing. We don't know.

Luke: He tried to infiltrate the Hand's ranks to take them down from the inside. At first, everything was going great.

Moon Knight: Then he started to use them to protect Hell's Kitchen.

Luke: His methods started becoming more and more violent until we finally stopped hearing from him altogether. Then, the other night, we got a message from him.

Moon Knight: He told us that New York belongs to the Hand now. He expects us to stop protecting our parts and give up being heroes.

???: I don't expect you to do it peacefully.

A voice rings out in the distance. The sound of many feet running around the buildings surrounds the group of heroes. Finally, Matt Murdock and several of the Hand's finest warriors make their presence known. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen stands on top of a parked car and stares down at the group.

Daredevil: I'm glad you could all make it.

Venom: We might need to call Blitz after all.

Luke: What happened to you, Matt?

Daredevil: The Hand helped me see.

Carnage: That's a joke, right?

Venom: Stand down, Murdock.

Daredevil: I don't think so. Who are you, anyway?

Venom: Are you telling me you don't recognize your favorite nephew?

Daredevil: Little Castle? It's a shame it had to be this way. Say hello to your mother for me.

The Hand soldiers attack. Luke flies up at one and tackles him into a wall. Moon Knight throws several crescent darts and strikes down several members of the Hand. Carnage launches an array of tendrils out of his back and stabs many of the ninjas. Meanwhile, Venom launches himself at Daredevil. He swings a punch at Daredevil, but the bling man ducks below it. Little did Matt know, Maddox expected it and quickly turned on his heel, smacking Murdock with an elbow to the face.

Castle follows up by sweeping Murdock's foot out from beneath him. Then, he grabs Matt by his throat, hoists him up from the ground, and slams him against a wall. He pulls him back out, then slams him against the wall again. Maddox pulls a hand back, removes his hand from Murdock's throat, letting him fall forward slightly, then uppercuts him. Matt's head snaps back and hits the wall. Venom reaches forward and wraps his hand around Daredevil's face. He spins around and releases his hold, throwing Murdock by his head.

Daredevil twists through the air, bounces off the ground, then lands on his feet. He smirks and spits out a bit of blood. Matt runs at Castle. Murdock jumps onto his back and wraps his arms around his neck. Using the momentum he had from running at Daredevil, Maddox leaps into the air and falls flat on his back, pinning Murdock to the ground.

The fight rages on for hours. Little did any of the heroes know, that was the plan. With the majority of the heroes in New York busy, a secret group can now act out their plan.

Avengers Tower

Captain America sits on the edge of his bunk in his room. His phone goes off. He checks it to find a green message that reads "it is time, Captain." His demeanor changes to complete seriousness. He steps out of his room fully suited up. While walking, he runs into Hawkeye.

Hawkeye: Hey, Cap. Everything okay?

He gets a response in the form of a vibranium shield to the jaw. Clint's body falls unconsciously to the floor before it's dragged away by Cap.

Harlem Street Fight

The Hand has brought in more reinforcements. Swarms of ninjas fill the streets as the four heroes do their best to eliminate the threats. Power Falcon flies through the sky and throws several yellow, explosive fletchings at a horde of warriors heading for Moon Knight. Spector notices it and nods in appreciation, but quickly gets back to fighting the Hand soldiers in front of him. Holding a crescent dagger in either of his hands, he stabs and slashes through the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Carnage forms a barbed spike on one arm and uses his finger claws on his other to cripple the opposition. The needle-like finger claws impale victim after victim while the barbed spike makes short work of the Hand warriors. As several assassins leap through the air, Carnage begins to sing.

Carnage: The itsy bitsy ninja went up the water spout....

He slaps several Hand ninjas out of the air with his barbed arm.

Carnage: Down came CARNAGE and washed the ninja out....

He slams the barbed appendage down onto an assassin's skull.

Carnage: Out came the BLADES and spilled all the blood...

He sends rapid stabs at the Hand soldiers around him, eliminating a large amount of them.

Carnage: And the itsy bitsy ninja bled all out again.

He smirks wickedly at his handiwork. What used to be a horde of ninja assassins is now a pile of mangled bodies.

Carnage: That was fun.

On the other side of the battle, Venom is dealing with the relentless attacks of Daredevil. During the fight, Maddox starts noticing something. Every time there's an opening, he takes it. Every time Matt goes for an attack, he blocks it. His natural skill of never missing doesn't just apply to throwing or shooting things. Without much effort, he has been able to block the punches and kicks coming his way and exploit any openings in Matt's offense.

Murdock goes for a kick to Maddox's chin, but the Symbiote-wearing warrior catches his ankle and slams him into the ground. The asphalt shatters beneath his spine and blood forces its way out of Daredevil's mouth.

Venom: Face it, 'devil: you're outdated. You're getting too old to keep this up. Give up now, and the rest of your guys can flee with their lives.

Daredevil: Y-You just don't get it, do you, k-kid? You're just like...your old man. He didn't listen either.

Venom: Have you ever considered why that is, Murdock?

Daredevil: O-Of course not. She explained everything.

Venom: Who?

Murdock laughs despite several broken ribs. Castle reaches down and grabs Murdock's throat, slowly squeezing the life out of the horned vigilante.

Venom: Dammit, Matt, who!?!

Since Matt refuses to talk, only laughing despite his airways collapsing, Venom decides its time for the devil to die. He reaches a clawed hand up and, just when he's about to strike, two bladed weapons fly by and slice the skin off the back of his arms.

He looks at where they came from and his heart drops. The Venom mask retracts as he looks at his new attacker. His eyes well up a little as his brows narrow in utter confusion. His attacker is none other than Elektra Natchios.

Maddox: Mom?

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