"Is There Leftover Icing?"

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A/N: That is always the question when making cakes XD

I have found a new outfit making site (can't remember if I've told you guys about it or not XD) I missed making outfits and now I can again so yay :D

Chapter 19:

The backyard barbeque ends up happening at Esther and Kevin's because they do in fact have a backyard. And as well as it being a celebration of winning the court case they made it a party for the triplets first birthday because they absolutely had not forgotten to plan something for them.
     Shelly and Mike were there, and were Josh and Zoe and their three boys. Rosalie has brought Emmett and Madame and Alice, Jasper. Kirstie's mom would be there soon, Avi has gone to get her from the airport.
     Marcia is running around with her cousins, well two of them, the other one is struggling to keep up, Jayden. Aurelia, Bella and Giselle are in a playpen with Angela, since the youngest of all the cousins can sit and grab now. Kirstie is keeping a close eye on the playpen, scared as hell that Giselle is going to throw something at Angela. The mom of four swears she only looks away for a second and turns back to see her youngest geared and ready to throw. Kirstie practically dives into the playpen, taking the hit herself, she's wearing a dress and she doesn't even care if she's flashed but she does feel sick. Feeling nauseous isn't anything new though, she's been feeling like this since before the trial, it's nerves, she feels like it's not over, but they won so it has to be.


Kirstie is inside putting the finishing touches on the triplets' cake when Avi steps up behind her.
     "Is there left over icing?"
     Kirstie points the icing spatula at it.
     "Yes," he cheers, taking the bowl. "You feeling any better?"
     She shakes her head.
     He pulls her in to kiss the side of her head.
     "Oh that's so much better," she jokes sarcastically. "Just eat the icing would you."
     "Yes ma'am," he smiles before getting on with his task. "This is very good icing, and the cake looks amazing too."
     "Three layers for three babies. Can you believe they're one already?"
     Avi shakes his head, "It's insane, I mean Auri's gonna walk any day now... wouldn't it be epic if today was that day?" His eyes light up.
     Kirstie smiles, "It would be very cool, but at the same time I don't want them to grow up to quickly."
     "Aww," Avi mock pouts.
     "Shut-up," She laughs. "I'm serious."
     He shrugs, "Well it's gonna happen, it's always happening, babies grow up, there's nothing we can do to stop it so we should just enjoy it."
     Kirstie nods slowly, "You're absolutely right."
     "Well that does happen every now and then," he jokes. "Now let's get that cake out there for triple the smiles and then triple the mess!"
     "Oh yes, I'm so looking forward to that," she says sarcastically.
     "When they're old enough to understand that everyone gets a cake on their birthday, do you think they'll want their own cakes?"
     "Definitely, and I'll give them that so they don't end up resenting having to share a birthday, or I can offer them one huge cake, they each pick a layer and I go all out on the decorating, it'd be fun. Do you know where Esther keeps the lighter?" Kirstie places a candle in.
     "No I don't."
     "Okay well you find it, I'm gonna go throw up," she quickly leaves the room.
     "I'll just ask Kev, wait what?" He spins around, watching her leave the room, "Kirst?"
     "I'm fine," she calls back on her way to the bathroom.
     "Throwing up is not fine!" He yells back.
     "Who, what?" Esther asks.
     "Oh jeez," Avi got a fright, "It's Kirstie, and can you get the lighter? I need to check on her."
     "Yeah,-yeah, go," she pats Avi's back, motioning him off.
     Avi stands in front of the closed bathroom door, "Kirst, hon, do you need anything?"
     "The ability to keep food down would be great," she sighs. "What the hell is wrong with me?"
     "Maybe you have a bug? I mean it can't be trial nerves anymore because that's over," he leans against the door frame.
     "Can you come in?"
     Avi doesn't answer; he just does as she wants. He crouches beside her.
     "Only twice in my life have I been this continuously sick Avi."
     "When?" He asks, concern stuck on his face.
     There's a frantic knock on the door. "Hey Kirst, Avi, it's Kevin, we can't find Marcia."
     Avi is out the door before Kirstie can turn her to face the noise.
     "Well try fucking harder!" Kirstie yells at her brother in law, she'd get up but she's sure she's going to puke again; she knew it was all god-damn nerves!

A/N: Guys, where's Marcia?


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