Chapter 11 I'll Miss You Guys

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Alex's pov

Its been a year since Pete had his son Bronx and he was wonderful when Pete and Ashlee were on dates i would take care of him and its been a great year for FOB for the past years they have had a new album called Infinity on high and Folie à deux they also appeared on a cameo in the movie sex drive which was funny to watch and also on a happy tree friends episode in which they died like every other character and pete showed his house on Mtv cribs.

Patrick called me a few minutes ago telling me to go to his house and that it was important i changed quickly and went to

Patrick's place i knocked on the door as Andy opened i said hi to him and then to the guys as i sat on the couch "well why did you guys call me?" Pete,Andy and Joe looked at Patrick as pete nudged him "well we called you cause were going on a hiatus" Patrick explained the whole situation as i listened carefully "what so your breaking up the band" i almost yelled as pete calmed me down "no alex we are just going to stop making music for a time" Andy told me as i almost broke into tears

"so what are you guys gonna do?" i asked looking at them "well Pete's gonna take care of his kid andy and joe will do their work and ill start a solo career" i stared at Patrick as i sighed "well if you guys want to do this ill accept it" i said as i stood up from my spot as i hugged patrick and the guys "so when will i see you guys again?" i asked cause in a few days i was going to to california for a few months "well see you soon..i promise" patrick said as he hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek as i blushed "ill miss you guys" i said as i hugged them one last time "we'll miss you too alex" they said as they smiled at me i returned the smile as i left

i sighed as i got inside my car im starting to miss them right now itll be a few months until i see them and i do hope to see them again their my beat friends after all.i reached my house as i began to pack my things i started to cry a little i was also going to miss Chicago my hometown the reason i was going to california was cause my parents wanted me to visit them i told them that i would be there in 2 days.

****2 days later****

I was sitting on be of the seats already as i entered the plane i texted ashlee,brendan,mark and gabe also saying my goodbyes i closed my phone as the plane started to move "goodbye Illinois" i whispered looking at the window as small tears ran down my the plane already moved and was now flying i stared to think about Patrick after all these years of knowing each other we didnt even made it out of the friend zone like pete and the other guys call it,Patrick and i have sent the last days with each other it was fun i remember that one time we were also going on tour on a small van and.

it was snowing so we crashed the good thing is that none got hurt but the guys were pissed mostly patrick as we were all frozing out there in the cold street,Patrick and i also took tons of photos with each other i remember that one time that the guys made a video for Beat It which is originally from Michael jackson i smiled at the memory as i started to listen to some music as i blasted some MCR.

Speaking of MY Chem,Patrick knew i loved their music so they one time introduced me to them when we went out and i remember that i was fan girling over Frank Iero he was so cool i think i made him a bit uncomfortable it was fun i asked him about Jamia they even invited me to their wedding it was awesome frank looked so cute i even saw gerard,mikey and ray i had like a huge crush also on Gerard and Mikey "they were so fun to hang out with" i mumbled looking outside


"Alex!!" i heard a yell coming i turn to look at my mom why me?! i was attacked by her hugs as my bags fell i glared at her as i mumbled a hi mom "so wheres dad?" i asked her "hes at work right now,let me help you with your bags" my my said my mom is american and my dad irish weird right i wonder how they met "oh no ill help you" i said as she grabbed my bags "no you arent" was her final word as she walked away i groaned as i followed her to the outside of the airport.

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