Chapter 19 Happy Birthday Patrick!

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(I decided to upload this a day before Patrick's birthday so happy birthday!! ill be spending my day tomorrow listening to FOB)

Alex's pov   

Today i decided to surprise Patrick today by going to one of his concerts besides today is a very special day for him its his birthday.  

"Alex go hide Patrick is about to finish." his manager said as he hid me in one of the rooms which i assume Patrick is staying in.

 I heard the crowd screaming for him so that means that he just finished.i smiled to myself im so happy to see Patrick again its been 2 months since i havent seen him and two months since that accident with Gabe.  

i straighten my clothes and saw his blonde hair. i opened the doors and stepped out.  

"Patrick!!" i shouted as he faced me smiling too i grinned and ran into his arms as he twirled me around.  

"Happy Birthday Patrick!" i said as he stopped.

 "thanks're still beautiful as ever." Patrick said stroking my cheek with his thumb.i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him but our moment was interrupted by Brendon like always. 

 "Hey guys..sorry but here are a few guys who wanna see Pat." he said as i stood next to Patrick as i saw three guys enter the room. 

 "Happy Birthday Patrick!!" they shouted yep it was Pete,Andy and Joe.  

Patrick thanked them and they all turn to me.  

"Alex?!" they asked i nodded and they smiled and ran to me as Andy lifted me up while Pete kept hugging me and Joe ruffling my hair.

 "its so great to see you back." Pete said smiling. 

 "yeah you look different ." Joe said next as Andy placed me down.

 "were gong to have so much fun today!." Andy said jumping around.  

"so Alex wanna tell them?." Brendon said smirking.

 "oh yeah Patrick and I are finally dating." that when the guys went crazy.  

"about time Patrick." Pete said forcefully slapping his hand on Patrick's back.  

"t-thanks." Patrick replied blushing.  

"got room for three more?!." Dallon said poking his head out of the door. 

 "get in here" Brendon said as Dallon,Kenneth and Dan came hugging Patrick also.  

Soon enough we were having a party and it was huge we had it at Brendon's house and the guys from Paramore came and i was super pumped i freaked out when i saw Haley im such a huge fan of her i began talking to her as we saw Brendon drunk telling jokes around the guys and embarrassing Patrick.

"so ive heard that you and Patrick are finally dating." Hayley said. 

 "yeah it was about time so how are you and your boyfriend going along?" 

"its great you know with all those problems i had with that guy." she said not telling me his name which still hurts her a little. 

 "yeah you know if you need me im here to help you too." i said as she smiled and nodded.  

"hey what up guys?!."   that voice came through the doors i faced it and saw Gabe there. i started panicking and i hid behind Hayley.  

"hey Alex are you okay?" she asked glancing back at me.  

"ill explain it to you." i said and after a couple of minutes i told her what happened between me and Gabe.  

"well you better figure this out before its too late." 

 "Patrick Martin Stump!!." i heard Gave yell yep he's a bit drunk. "its to late now i guess." Hayley let out a nervous laugh.

 "what is it Gabe?"  Patrick asked. 

 "first of all happy birthday man." he slurred. Patrick looked around uncomfortable. 

 "thanks i guess."  "second..Alex has been cheating on you." he said. my eyes widen no he said it.  

"you're just drunk Gabe go home.besides Alex would never do that if were happy together." Patrick said wrapping an arm around me.  "oh yeah come on ask her.when you were on tour i kissed but she also kissed me back." he said as he grinned. Patrick faced me with sadness in his eyes. 

 "A-Alex is that true." he asked me. i opened my mouth but shut it. 

 "Patrick i did kiss him and im so so sorry i was so stupid to do that and a fucking bitch for not telling you this before." i said he unwrapped his arms around me.

 "i cant believe you did that."  

"no one insults my man Patrick." Brendon said as he walked over to game knocking him out.

 "just get out Alex i dont wanna see you again." Patrick shouted at me as i cried. i ran out of there this really was my fault im so stupid

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