Chapter 25 Being Awkward

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Alex's pov 

 Pete and I were finally packing up for tour meaning that Fall Out Boy is back baby!!! They spent just a year making the songs and i of course wrote some only about three,lets see i wrote Where Did The Party Go?,Save Rock And Roll and last Just One Yesterday. On the last song i wrote really was hard but i put a lot of feeling into it cause the entire time i was thinking of Patrick which is completely wrong i mean im with Pete not with Patrick anymore but i guess i just cant shake these feelings i still have for Patrick.

"Alex you ready?" Pete shouted from across the hall "Yeah just give me a sec" i grabbed my camera and ipad and my bags that i was gonna bring with me.Pete and I waited outside of the house waiting for the bus to come "Pete ill be honest im really really nervous" i stuttered while looking ahead of me then looking at his eyes "I know you are but just think of it as a one time life opportunity.i know that itll be also awkward for you and Patrick but im sure you guys will talk again soon" he rubbed my back making me feel better but i wasnt i-i wanna talk to Patrick and apologize for my stupid past.

 The sound of a honk and shouting made me startle and look at the bus in front of me "Alex!! Pete!! Come in guys!" Andy and Joe shouted opening the windows and sticking their heads out "Its time to Rock n Roll!!" Pete grinned while running to the bus with me trying to follow him with these heavy bags."Hey guys" Joe and Andy both came and hugged us well only me and shook Pete's hand "So wheres our singer?" Pete asked excited clearly "Oh were picking him up right now" i swallowed hard and began to shake a little,ill be in a bus with Patrick for like a year and itll be uncomfortable and scary im sure that both of us arent looking forward to speak but i can maybe try...just maybe. 

 The guys started to speak but i didnt pay attention to them i stayed seated on a couch just staring at the window until the bus stopped meaning that we stopped at Patrick's place.i saw the house which i didnt recognize since he moved far from where i was his house is kinda small a nice size for a man who lives alone..alone. "Patrick!!" Everyone shouted making me jump on my spot and glance up at Patrick as our eyes met but he was the first to look away i frowned while looking down at my knees as i heard the others talk "So whos excited for tour!" 

"I am.i cant believe that were finally back" Joe said while nodding his head and the guys began to sit here..just great. "What im really looking forward is seeing Alex on stage singing" "Yeah with Patrick" Andy nudged Patricks shoulder making him groan as he rested his head on his hand while looking a bit sad."Whats wrong Pat arent you excited to sing with Alex" "You guys were the one who wanted her to sing" i felt my heart break a little clearly he was saying that he didnt agree on this and he only did it for the guys since they cant sing Courtney Love's part and Foxes.I got up from my spot on the couch and headed to the bathroom i locked the door and sat on the toilet feeling tears running down my cheeks i heard a light knock on the door catching my attention.

"Yo Alex you alright in there?" Pete sounded a bit concerned i wiped my tears away and flushed the toilet so he doesnt know i came here to cry "Yeah im alright ill be out in a second" i said in my usual happy voice now "Alright just so you know were stopping at at a nearby restaurant to eat pizza" "Sounds cool" was all i said and looked at myself in the mirror,Okay im having second thoughts now i dont think ill be able to live myself with being so close to Patrick and not being able to talk to him or make any eye contact at all.I opened the door and stepped out as i quickly grabbed my hoodie and place it while also grabbing my ipod.

I walked to the 'living room' and sat at the farthest corner away from everybody else im having my emo moment right now.Nobody seemed to notice my presence so i decided to blast to some music i scrolled down to my song list and pressed shuffle but the first song that came up was my favorite Avril Lavigne song Girlfriend i kinda hate it now the one that i really love is Im With You,no matter how many times i listen to it,it brings tears to my eyes.I decided that now is not the time to cry especially in front of the boys so i began to listen to Bulletproof Heart by my favorite band My Chemical Romance i really miss those guys i should probably pay them a visit later.

Im still glad that Gerard decided to be friends with me when we met at a comic book store along with Mikey and Frank so yeah our conversation started with who is our favorite comic book hero and which comic is the best,So each of us got along pretty great and exchanged numbers i remember when i had like the hugest crush on them and honestly i still am...


"Whooo im hungry lets eat!" Pete shouted right in my ear making me glare at him as i watched him and the guys run into the restaurant "Great now im alone" i said to myself walking alone inside and trying to find them.I yawned and began looking around for them luckily i found them thanks to Joe who waved at me "May i take your order?" a lady spoke once i sat down at the end of the seat "Yeah we would like a medium pizza with-" blah blah blah *sighs* this is making me uncomfortable just sotting here with Patrick's eyes on me glaring me and killing me slowly..does anyone have a rope here so i can hang from the ceiling?

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket once the guys said "We'll be right back we gotta wash pur hands" And the three of them left leaving me with yeah you know who Patrick.I whistled to myself and grabbed my phone pretending to chat or play whatever so it wont be at all awkward "Why did you do it?"

Ooohh what will happen next?! Do you guys seriously like Pete and Alex together or Patrick instead? please comment and vote for more of this story and i apologize for not updating in a long long time but promise ill make these chapters longer also... ..

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