Chapter 26 I'd Trade All My Tomorrows For Just One Yesterday

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Patrick's pov

I watched carefully as Pete,Joe and Andy left only leaving me and Alex alone ive been waiting this opportunity for a while now might as well speak "Why did you do it?" Alex looked up from her phone which i know was clearly turned off i looked at her paying my full atention to her as she stared at me with fear in her eyes and sadness."W-what do you mean?" she spoke stuttering she clearly was afraid to talk about what happened im getting tired of this so i placed my hands forcefully onto the table making the drinks almost fall "You know damn well what Alex so cut with the bullshit!" i gritted my teeth and now was angry i dont curse a lot but i was tired with this crap.

Alex stared at me with wide eyes and she looked down at her knees and i heard her sniff and saw a couple of tears fall down i expression softened and i began to rub my face with my hands i was about to say i was sorry but she spoke first "I told you what happened Patrick and im being honest i-its been hard for me to not talk to you or see you,your a big part of my life Patrick believe it or not and i did my best to fight for your heart and time has gone by since we met and my feelings havent dissapeared" i laughed to myself and crossed my arms over my chest still staring her with burning eyes "You think that your the only one who has been suffering havent you" i sarcastically said.

"Ive been through hell and back,i havent eaten a lot nor have i spoken to anyone other than the guys and Pete.When Pete invited me to Bronx's birthday i was a bit excited to see you cause i know you would go cause you love Bronx but my heart broke when i saw you together with Pete and Bronx,the three of you looked like a real family and that hurts me knowing that you are together" Wait did i just say that out loud? Alex met my hazel eyes and forced a smile "Patrick i really really am sorry that i did that with you know who and that it really hurt you and i as well cause we were a couple like no other and i love you too...but as a friend" i frowned now not believing her "Patrick i tried to kill myself and everyone came including from Panic i waited for you but you never came" she lifted her sleeve up and showed me a couple of scars "I missed you Patrick and you never came to my aid.Pete was the entire time with me so i decided to give it a try with him and im thankful for that b-but im sorry i cant and i dont love you anymore" her voice cracked in the end.

I looked down at the table and nodded fighting back a few tears that were trying to escape "So thats how its gonna be huh? alright i hope Pete and you have a nice life together" i got up from my spot and stomped out of the restaurant as i wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my cardigan and headed to the bus alone.

Alex's pov 

Patrick still loves me? but if he does love me he wouldve at least called me or visited me back at the i know the truth he still loves me but i cant love him i just cant Pete has been there for me when i needed him and he brought happiness to my life again and i just cant dump him when he himself told me that he loved me years ago "What am i gonna do?" i whispered wiping my tears and resting my head against the window as i stared at the bus.

My brain is so fucked up right now and i dont know what to do about it if only i had a female friend to talk anout this wait Hayley i must text her later tonight and ask her about what i should do "Yo were back did we take long" "Yeah took you long enough did you guys take a dump or what" i joked trying my best to not sound sad "Wheres Patrick did he get his head stuck at the bar again" I furrowed my brows and shook my head side to side "He left to the bus he said he was tired so he went to rest" "Whoa thats weird he never misses pizza" Andy spoke while drooling over the pizza that just came.

"Yeah it is weird huh? lets save some for him then" Pete suggested while smiling and wrapping an arm around me as he ate with one hand 'Yeah he's alright' i looked at the boys and smiled a little they really have an obsession with pizza just like the teenage mutant ninja turtles they love to see those cartoons but this is no time to joke around the only thing thats stuck in my headright now is the conversation with Patrick im more nervous about it than i should be in singing in front of a crowd full of people waiting for the guys to perform. 

Back then i used to think and imagine what my life would be if Patrick and i were still together we wouldve lived in a bigger house,we possibly wouldve gotten married and with a kid or two now since i have been wanting to have a kid before i have thirty but nothing like that has happened in fact about a week ago Pete talked about having another kid but with me this time which made me scared since im still a virgin and im not afraid of saying it but i just dont know.I sighed which got Pete's attention "You tired?" i nodded my head of course im not tired but i gotte look like i am "Dont worry were almost done exept you,you havent even touched your slive yet" "Im not hungry" "No try and eat for me" i smiled at him a little and began to eat slowly.


I finally made kt to my bunk which was right next to Patricks arent i lucky? We arrive kinda late since Joe started complaining that we should have dessert along with the pizza so yeah they ended up having a mess also "Alright Hayley Hayley where are you?" i started to scroll down to my contacts and found her 'I hope shes still awake' i looked at the hour and it was ten.

A-Hi Hayley how have you been? its me Alex i wanted to ask you a question also.

I pressed send and now waited for her reply while waiting i grabbed my earphones and started listening to the new FOB song Just One Yesterday and i just cant believe how beautiful Patrick sings in this song and it feels like if it were talking about me..nah im just imagining things.

H-Hey Alex ive been great,how about you? and yeah i can help just ask away :D

A-Ive been fine thanks.look ive been having trouble with Patrick lately since im on tour with them and we finally spoke! but he just said that he still loves me but i said that i dont anymore and that im sorry so he left with tears in his eyes and i felt so sad and i regret saying it and i dont know i just love Pete now but Patricks always on my mind...

H-Yes i heard that your singing on a few songs and congrats on making it but i gotta say that Patrick is right on finally confessing to you again and sure Pete helped you a lot but Im 100% sure that your heart still belongs to him and believe me or not i still think your in love with him.Remember i know what it feels like being cheated by someone and being hurt which is exactly like Patrick feels but if you still have a bit of a crush on him talk to him dont try and be strong sometimes okay? well i gotta go but promise that ill talk to you tomorrow,take care and love you <3

A-Thank you Hayley i dont know what i would do without you :) 

I pressed send and smiled to myself im really lucky to have a friend who gives me a few tips and stuff i got comfortable in my bunk and wrapped a blanket around me and fell fast asleep listening to What A Catch Donnie.

To Be Continued.....

Annnnd ill end that there!! thanks everyone who has read this story and i kinda wrote a lot or not? if you think its fine leave a comment and vote and if you think i should make longer chapters tell me also one last thing do you think that Alex will stay with Pete for a while or not? :) 

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