My Mist-erious Penpal part 1

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Mukuro woke up to himself strapped to a lab table and a scientist hovering over him with a large needle. Needless to say screams filled the room for an hour before he 'died' for the 6th time.

When Mukuro woke up again he heard the scientists chatting about him. "... we finished stage 1 with number 69 do you think he'll be able to survive stage 2?" One scientist asked another.

"If he's survived stage 1 he should be able to survive stage 2 but just in case we should pay attention to the other subjects for now after all, we don't want to lose such a good experiment to exhaustion." The other scientist said chuckling sadistically.

"You're right we should try to get the other experiments to the same level as him." The first scientist grinned and they unstrapped Mukuro before tossing him in his cell and grabbing a struggling Ken.

Mukuro lied their for a bit before groaning and picking himself up, lightly brushing the blood from his eye. For awhile he sat there in a boneless slump before an orange bird flew into his vision. For a minute he though he imagined it before it dropped a letter, a piece of paper and a pen into his lap.

He nodded at the bird made of flames and opened the letter. He teared up as he read the letter, wishing he could see and know the person writing to him. So with hope in his heart he compiled a response.

'Hello I'm Mukuro,

Thank you for writing to me it makes me feel better. I wish I wasn't in this situation but I suppose it couldn't be helped. I'm currently being experimented on by a mafia Famigila with my best friends, Ken and Chikusa. I know you can't send help but I feel that one day I can be free of this, and when I am I would like to meet you, Tsuna.

Until that day,

The mist that wants to meet the sky.'

He finished the letter and gave it to the sky bird before hiding in a corner just as a scientist hurled a bloody Ken in. He flinched as the scientist looked at him before picking up an emotionless Chikusa.

As soon as the scientist left he dragged Ken over to his corner and tried his best to make a real illusion of healing supplies without activating the paths of hell. It took a few minutes but he managed to make a small healing kit with all the necessary supplies and tried his best to heal Ken before hugging Ken's still unconscious body close to his chest.

"We will be free of this place one day..." He whispered while petting Ken's head. "I'll make sure of it."

AN: *stares at completed chapter* wow it's short but it got the job done... I made Mukuro a little less insane so he can have the hope of actually getting out without going on a murderous rampage and ending up in the Vindice. He also has stronger mental strength to get him though all the torture without losing his mind.
Next Chapter My Mist-erious Penpal part 2.

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