Chapter Eight

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The hero moved with swift and graceful haste, their steps carrying them through the quiet cityscape. It was late at night, but it seemed as though the very world itself held its breath while the hero glided through the gaps between the buildings. They had taken on an early patrol to give themselves a momentary lull of peace and calm in the midst of the chaotic events that had been unfolding around them. The city's streets were nearly deserted, bar the occasional late-night wanderer or stray cat, and a sense of solitude hung in the air as the hero made their way through the shadows.

He didn't know exactly why he was out this late at night when the stars scattered the black sky, brightly shining over his head. As the hero moved forward, their watchful gaze scanned every alley that cut between the structures, ever aware of any potential crime that may be hiding in the shadows. Suddenly, their eyes caught sight of a hooded figure standing in the gloom of an adjacent alley. The sight of the figure ignited a flicker of caution within the hero, causing them to pause for a moment, their senses heightened as they observed the mysterious presence.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Eraserhead asked, dropping down to the ground. The hooded figure turned, a bright smirk on their face, "Well if it isn't who I think it is, the eraser hero, Eraserhead better known as Aizawa-sensei by his students."

"What are you doing?" Aizawa asked, ignoring them. They signed, "Jeez, don't like a little joking I see, still the same as ever, Sensei."

"Stop acting as if you know me," Aizawa growled. The hooded figure laughed, "But I do know who you are. I know that you're a teacher at U.A. and that your class is currently going through some tough times right now. I also know that you broke your student's heart by making her leave the first day, not giving her a second chance."

"How? Who are you and how do you know all of this?" Aizawa questioned with a panicked look. 

As the mysterious figure stepped forward into the silvery pool of moonlight, the hood was removed, revealing their face. The soft glow of the moon cast a gentle light upon their features, partially illuminating their identity. In that moment, their laughter echoed through the night, the sound a mix of mirthful mockery and dark satisfaction. Widening his eyes, a chill ran down his spine at the sight of the figure not expecting his old student to be standing there in front of him. They grinned, "Do I look familiar now, sensei?"

"Y/n, it's really you," Aizawa mumbled. Y/n nodded. "Did you really not recognize your own student? Some teacher you are."

"You're different," Aizawa whispered. Y/n chuckled, shaking their head, "I know it's the hair, been working on it a bit more along with the outfit. Do you think it fits me? Because I think I look great in it."

"No, that's not what I mean," Aizawa said. Y/n stared confused, "What do you mean?"

"You're a villain now," Aizawa stated. Y/n nodded, "You seem shocked, I'm guessing I didn't make it clear enough in the letter I wrote."

"Didn't read it," Aizawa grumbled. Y/n shrugged, "It's for the best, I wouldn't enjoy seeing a crying teacher on the floor like all your students who have gotten their letter."

"Why are you doing this? Why are you giving these letters out?" Aizawa asked. Y/n signed, rolling their eyes, "Thought it was pretty clear, I want revenge for all of the things that were done to me. You know the typical villain story, the villain is forced to live a life of desire while the hero gets whatever they want and it's funny because in the end who gets hurt." 

"Stop this," Aizawa ordered. Y/n growled, "The villain, while the hero flocks their glory about taking them down painting the villain into the art of bad. Why do heroes do that? Ones like All Might and that Endeavor guy, they all do that shit."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Aizawa gulped. Y/n groaned, "You do Aizawa, don't act dumb with me. I may be a villain, but I'm smarter than I look."

"You know you've really changed," Aizawa whispered. Y/n snickered, hiding the pain in their voice, "We've already gone over this, I know it's the hair I'll work on it."

"No, you're no longer the sweet innocent girl I used to teach," Aizawa muttered. Y/n scoffed, "Used to teach? Last time I checked I was kicked out on the first day because I couldn't throw a damn ball or run like everyone else."

"I'm sorry that shouldn't have happened," Aizawa apologized. Y/n shook their head, clenching their fist, "Doesn't matter now, what's done is done. Now, we all pay the costs for our mistakes."

"You can still fix things, Y/n. The path to becoming a hero is always there," Aizawa gulped. Y/n laughed out loud, "Why am I the one who has to fix things? All I ever did was exist and how did everyone else react to that, shameful, hatred, pain."

"That won't happen, I promise," Aizawa said, clutching his head as it broke out in pain. Y/n let out a shaky breath, "You asked me earlier what the point of sharing all of those letters is. Well here's your answer, maybe you should have read your letter then you would have known something crucial."

"Like what?" Aizawa grumbled, meeting their gaze that sent shivers down his spine. They muttered bitterly, "To never look someone in the eyes."

The sudden transformation before his eyes caught the hero off guard. The figure's image shifted and twisted, the resemblance to his old student fading away, leaving nothing but a hazy, blurred outline in its place. The hero's vision grew foggy, causing him to struggle to make out anything clearly in the shadows of the alleyway. This momentary weakness left him vulnerable, his sight impaired and his senses dulled, making him an easy target for any lurking danger in the surrounding darkness. Quickly looking around for anything that could be sneaking up on him, he stopped in place when he saw an old image. There stood in front of him was the old memory of his student entering the class with a bounce on their step.

"Why did you expel me?" Y/n asked, turning his way. Aizawa widened his eyes, "I didn't know this would be the outcome." Another picture occurred of his old student this time of them crying in their room at how their dream was over from the minor mistake he made. That figure looked up meeting his gaze, "Why can't I be a hero? Am I not good enough?"

"No, you were always good enough," Aizawa screamed, looking over to see a new image. Inside your house was a fire burning it to crisps, he remembered this day the day your family died. On the sidelines there stood his old student crying into the arms of a blonde-haired girl. They turned meeting his sorrowful look, "This is your fault, no heroes came to save them and now they're dead."

"I'm sorry, none of us knew about this," Aizawa exclaimed. The next image came up being a total copy of the figure he just saw wearing all black barely being recognizable. All the figures had tears in their eyes, screaming out the same words, "Liar!"

Those words repeated never ending making his once headache ten times worse, he grabbed his ears wanting the screams to stop. When they did he looked up seeing their new form with a bright smirk on their face. Y/n chuckled, "Liar if no one knew then they would have still come and helped. But, all I got after that was nothing but a kick to the curve."

"No, that's not true," Aizawa cried. Y/n chuckled, "Hey, I've heard about this new life of yours and how you got a daughter now. You don't mind if I pay her a visit right?"

"Leave Eri alone," Aizaea snapped, stumbling around as he tried to see straight, "What did you do to me!"

"I did nothing, you're going through the stages of grief," Y/n commented, "Sadness, anger, hurt, all the whole shebang. Now, if you excuse me I got a friend to make."

"No! Y/n, stay away from her," Aizawa yelled, trying to follow them when he fell to the floor. Y/n turned back signing. "Heroes these days are weak, they can't do anything but flock in glory. I thought you were different Aizawa but I guess I'm wrong."

"Please, Y/n don't do anything to her," Aizawa sobbed, on the ground. Y/n shook their head, "I won't let them hurt her, but your students are a different cause. Tell them the league is coming and it's time for a story change."

"No," Aizawa whispered, watching them walk off into the distance.

!Announcement, the child of prohero Eraserhead has been taken by the League of Villains. If anyone sees a girl with light blue hair immediately report the police or a hero agency!

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