Chapter Five

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Dear Number One Hero, That I Hate.

Despite attending the same school for fifteen long years, the only instances where your gaze had graced me were when my tormentor inflicted suffering upon me. Izuku Midoriya, this letter is for you and the rotten hero you will become.

For a full fifteen years, I absorbed the hurt he unleashed upon those who were different, like it was my own pain to endure. My entire body was covered in bruises, a walking canvas of pain, and all you did was stare. There was no offer of comfort, no attempt to intervene, just your cold, detached gaze boring into me. Those times when he hurt me were the only times I'd ever seen your gaze fall upon me. But outside of those moments, when he wasn't causing me pain, you'd act as if I didn't exist in your world. I guess, in some twisted way, that dream came true.

Why wasn't my luck like that? Why did I have to bear the burden of even more suffering, despite having already taken on so much pain meant for others? It seemed like a cruel cosmic joke, placing the weight of everyone else's pain onto me while they walked away unscathed and unaware of my silent anguish. Everyone at our school knew about your dream-the dream of the quirkless boy yearning to become a hero. It was a well-known story, an inspiring tale of determination against all odds. Yet, despite the widespread knowledge of your ambitions, few truly understood the depth of your resilience and unwavering spirit. There was widespread surprise when you secured a spot at U.A., but when my name appeared on the list, a wave of dismissive laughter washed over the room. Instead of support and encouragement, I was bombarded with jeers and demands to quit as soon as possible."

Why did they tell me that? Why couldn't they believe in me like they did with you? Why were you so special?

During the enrollment process at U.A., we were required to fill out forms detailing our quirks. This posed a dilemma for me, as I was uncertain about what to write-but my fear of making a mistake outweighed my confusion. Upon arriving at the school, I was summoned to the principal's office, where I was asked whether there had been an error in my submitted form.

Do you know how hard it was to tell him it was true? Do you know how hard it was to hold back my tears? The only reason I'm writing this letter to you is that I simply yearn to see a smile from you, just once. A genuine reaction that isn't clouded by indifference or detachment. A silent acknowledgment that I'm not invisible, that I exist in your world. I long for a moment where your eyes don't just glaze over me as if I'm unworthy of your attention.

For the fifteen years, we have known each other you never smiled at me. You spoke of your dream with such pride and determination, even through your tears and moments of pain, your smile never waned. Yet, there was a distance between us-I was always on the outside, observing that smile from afar. Never did I get to witness it up close, as if an invisible wall stood between us, denying me access to the warmth and light of your smile.

If we ever meet again, Deku can you smile at me? If we find ourselves face-to-face in battle, will you still flash a smile at me, despite my defeat? When my time comes and I'm laid to rest, will you stand amongst the mourners with a smile on your face? Such questions linger in my mind, as I wonder if your smile will forever remain elusive, a distant dream that I'll never have the chance to witness up close.

These inquiries churn relentlessly within my thoughts, urgently seeking answers. Perhaps when our paths eventually cross once more, I shall finally receive the replies I crave. Although it's difficult to come to terms with, despite the anger and hurt harbored deep within me, I must accept that you, the Number One Hero, are indeed someone I cannot help but resent. Yet, still, I find myself silently wishing that the smile you so effortlessly display to others will someday be directed at me as well.

From the girl who never sought a hero's smile, instead finding her own smiles from those who truly mattered in her life. Despite it all, the lingering questions and complicated emotions remain, a tangled web of thoughts that continue to occupy her mind. The day her path crosses yours once more, she may finally find the answers she's been searching for, or perhaps, she may discover that closure lies in accepting that some questions are better left unanswered.

P.S. Toga says hi and says she can't wait to have your blood once and for all. I strongly advise taking extra precautions when it comes to your sleeping arrangements from now on. And as for her, sending a little token, like a finger or two, might just be the most effective way to get her to keep quiet. After all, silence is golden, especially when dealing with persistent individuals who refuse to let things go.

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