Chapter Fourteen

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Holding the letter tight in her hands refusing to let it go, the green haired girl stomped down the dorms hunting for the letter owner. Entering the main area of the dorms, Tsu saw Momo sitting down with lida talking to him about something. Walking up to them, they both looked up meeting her angered gaze while she slammed her hand down with the letter.

"You acted as if I was the bad guy, Momo but you're going around telling people to kill themselves. You're no different from us, maybe even worse,"Tsu started, getting some her classmates attentions. Momo stared with a plain expression, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Read the letter, it says it all in there," Tsu screamed, "That this whole letter situation started from you sending Y/n death threats in letters."

"What? Why?" Uraraka asked. Kirishima shook his head, "Momo, is this true?"

"Of course not, I would never write or do such things. I have no idea what Tsuyu is talking about," Momo stated. Tsu glared, "Don't lie to them, after Todoroki rejected your confession since he has feelings for Y/n. You began sending letters to them with death threats and insults written inside them."

"What are you talking about, Tsuyu? I don't like Y/n and I never did," Todoroki muttered. Uraraka signed, "Let's just read the letter then, if what Tsu is saying is true then it'll be in the letter."

"There's no need for that, I've already decided I'm taking the letter to Aizawa," Momo stood. Tsu snatch the letter away from her, "No, you're not hiding from your mistakes. We've accepted ours, now it's your turn, Momo."

"Enough of this, give me the letter now, Tsu," Momo ordered. Tsu bitterly spoke, "You have no right to call me that."

"Give her the letter, as class rep you're intended to listen to my instructions," lida announced, taking a step forward. Bakugo stood in his way, "No, time for the goodies to face their mistakes."

"Here read the letter Uraraka, you'll see that what I'm saying is right," Tsu handed the letter over. Uraraka held it, "This is your chance now Momo, admit to the mistakes and maybe it'll be a lot easier."

"I didn't do them!" Momo screamed, lunging for the letter. Uraraka dodged, backing up running into the green haired boy. Deku snatched the letter, "We need to take this to Aizawa guys, he'll know what to do."

"Deku no, give us the letter," Uraraka asked. Bakugo glared, "Damn nerd give her the letter!"

"I can't," Deku mumbled, dropping his head avoiding everyone's gaze. Kirishima took the letter, "I know, I have no room to say any of this but we should read the letter. Maybe we can find a way to make it right with Y/n and find a way to help Denki."

"Like hell will help a villian," Todoroki growled, taking the letter holding it away from everyone. Tsu widen her eyes, "Todoroki, gives us the letter."

"Why should I?" He asked. Uraraka gulped, "We want to make things right with Y/n, it's out fault for the way things went with them."

"Pathetic, can't you all see what's happening? Their trying to turn us against each other like the villian they are! The only way to go back to the way things were is to destroy the letter," Todoroki yelled, burning the letter with his quirk.

"What the hell did you just do!" Tsu screamed at him. Todoroki dropped the ashes on the ground, "Helping us get back to our old selves, now if you excuse me, I'll be in my dorm."

"You're dead, icy-hot!" Bakugo yelled, going into throw a lunch when an ice wall was formed. Uraraka gulped, "Todoroki... why?"

"Because, I don't give two damns for a villain. They chose their side, now we chose ours," Todoroki sign- ed, leaving everyone behind. Tsu fell to the ground, "He burned the letter."

"Why don't you worry about your own problems next time Tsuyu," Momo muttered, walking away with the two others. Uraraka placed a hand on her back, "It's going to be fine, will figure something out."

"How? Everyone's against us, they think we're villains for doing a those things, we might as well turn our selves in," Tsu cried. Uraraka gulped, "I don't know, but we're all in this together."

"Together," They nodded.

"Someone seems to be hiding from his feelings!" A girl with blonde hair smirked. Y/n nodded, "How dare he go out and call them all pathetic when he's living a lie."

"Beats me, but did you see how Izuku looked? I think I fell in love with him even more," The blonde smiled. Y/n signed, "Toga, if you're just going to talk about Deku when we're on these missions I'm going to stop bringing you."

"No, I need to see my future husband," Toga whined. Y/n.deadpanned, "Whatever, let's go back to the league and give them the newest report."

"Oki!" Toga skipped.

Entering the small place, Y/n walked around quietly looking around making sure not to make any loud noise. Taking a further step, the sound of a squeak was heard from underneath her. Y/n cursed, "Shit."

"You're back," A little girl smiled, popping her head out from one of the door ways. Y/n looked up with a smile, "Yea, sorry for being out so late I needed to get some food for tonight."

"It's fine, sorry for leaving my toy out," The little girl stepped out picking the toy up. Y/n chuckled, "Don't worry about it, just make sure to clean up next time. Was there anything suspicious that happened while I was gone, Eri?"

"Nope, just the news showing my face everywhere," Eri said, sitting down on the couch, "Are you sure this is the safest place for me?"

"Yes and no, with everything that's happening no, but once I finish the plan with the league I'll be taking the both of us out of here and into a place much safer," You explained, standing in front of her. Eri nodded, "I miss Aizawa, will I ever be able to see him again?"

"Maybe," Y/n mumbled,"I'm going to be in the kitchen cooking dinner. Tell me if you hear anything, ok?"

"Ok, Y/n," Eri smiled, turning the TV on.

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