Chapter Thirteen

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Everyone in their lives is going to find a person that they want to be, you were mine. You're smart, pretty, and rich, everything I wasn't. People always wanted to be around you, but people would take one look at me and walk away.

Dear Miss Perfect, The Girl I Always Wanted To Be.

We never really talked until the day I returned back to the class. It was nothing but a mere hello and welcome back, everyone gave me one of those as if I didn't know they forgot about me. Not anymore, I was now the main attention in the class, the kid who got back in without a quirk.

On that day was the day, Momo was the day you saw me and noticed me. Not like you weren't the only one everyone noticed me. It wasn't hard not too when the quirkless kid sat in a class of strong heroes who had their lives prepared ahead of them.

How strong really were those heroes though?

Our next meeting was on the day the group went out to rescue Bakugo. For some reason, I was dragged along to save him, the guy who had zero good feelings about me. But, someone had to be there as a decoy I guess so why not bring the quirkless. That was the day I met him, the man who saved me from my misery and sadness.

In that brief moment, things went by and before we knew it we all were back at school celebrating Bakugo's return. Everyone was in the class room listening to the story Kirishima told, except one. Little miss perfect, the smart, pretty, rich girl.

Not caring much about the party, I left leaving for the when the soft sounds of someone crying was heard. I followed the sound seeing a girl with long black hair in one of the classrooms crying her eyes out. My mind told me to leave and not get into it, but my heart pain-ed at seeing someone else crying so harshly and so filled with sadness.

Time went by fast and I entered the room asking if everything was alright. You slowly opened up to me and told me everything that had happened. Your crush, your feelings, your pain, all of it in one sitting.

For once in my life, I felt like I wasn't the only one who was hurting. You told me about your crush on him and how you finally got the confidence to confess, but that landed in the direction of rejection. I tried my best to be comforting and I think it was noticeable at how bad I was at it, but it made a smile grow on your face.

After that night, I felt a connection between us Momo, but connections need to go both ways to work.

One day at school, I stood in the hall waiting for the bell to ring for class to start when my name was called. Turning around, a harsh punch was sent to my face knocking me back onto the ground when a swift kick was sent to my stomach. Everything happened so fast, why was everything happening so fast?

My body acked with pain as I weakly looked up seeing the long familiar black hair. You stood there glaring down at me with nothing but hatred and sadness. You broke down again this time with more anger then sad- ness. I remember the words you muttered at me, you asked me why he had feelings for me, why it was me and not anyone else.

You thought it was very surprising for someone to like a quirkless person, especially someone so powerful. I knew that this wasn't a battle I needed to fight in, so I laid on the ground and let the hits come not fighting any of them. Soon enough, someone came to my aid, but that was after I had a broken rib and a black eye.

Even after so much pain already done, that wasn't enough for you. Letters appeared in my locker with nothing but hatred and bitterness written in them. I still have one, it's hung up on the wall of my room with the words to end it all, to end my life.

For some reason, letters were a strange thing that can spark emotions in people. A letter of confession when your crush accepts your feelings,a letter of confession from a loved one,a letter of confession from someone you hurt.

Dear Miss Perfect, I wanted to be you and I hope your happy that I'm out of the way of your love. Sorry, it isn't the way you wanted me gone, but it's something.

From, The Quirkless Who Doesn't Deserve Love

P.S. Thanks for the idea, I enjoy writing letters. 

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