Chapter Three

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  Dear ex-Best, Friend Who Left Me Alone.

Ah, yes, the very first day we met. It feels as if it were just yesterday. We encountered each other during those formative years, when we were youthful, innocent children, often judged by others for factors beyond our control. I had a unique beginning in life, distinctly different from the others, born without a quirk, a remarkable circumstance that made me stand out. Or more of made me a target to others. They would often physically bully me by shoving me around and verbally tormenting me, or completely disregarding my presence. This must have been a difficult experience for you.

 When I met you Tsu, you had told me about your quirk and how people didn't understand the way your quirk worked.  From the perspective of others, they perceived you as strange, even calling you a frog freak. However, in my eyes, I saw a wonderful girl who genuinely cared about others, even going above and beyond to protect them. That's what made you a great hero, Tsu and even if you ignored me I will always see you as a hero.

Tsu, this letter is for you.

Our friendship had stood the test of time, tracing its roots back to our playful days of youth. We might not have shared the same school, but our close proximity had forged a bond between us that had withstood the years. Our first meeting happened in an unexpected manner, right there at our neighborhood park. As I aimlessly swung by myself, I caught sight of a figure approaching. To my surprise, you confidently initiated a conversation, dispelling any initial reservations with your friendly demeanor. It was an impromptu encounter that would mark the beginning of our enduring friendship. From that, we instantly hit it off becoming great friends. Every day from that moment, we played outside no matter the weather, I remember getting a cold and you crying by my side thinking I was going to to die. Good joyful memories, that I will always keep in mind, but with good memories came bad ones.

A year ago, you had told me about your new training routine and how you were gonna try your hardest and get into U.A. I was thrilled that you were achieving your dream, and I thought about how we could follow it together. You weren't fond of that idea and told me to forget about it, you said someone without a quirk I wouldn't fit in at a hero school.

Nonetheless, I didn't listen to anything you said cause with faith I knew that I could get in. Even if you didn't think so, or you disagreed with my thoughts I knew I could. Sometimes though at night, I wonder why I go against the words you say. Why did I submit the report to enter the highest hero school in Japan? Was it to prove you wrong? Was it to be by your side and become a hero together? Or was it to anger and tempt you?

Ignoring those thoughts, I never said anything about me filing the report and getting in. I was thankful that U.A had us in different training exams to get in since I was still unsure of how you'd react, but I soon figured that out. On the first day of school, I had gotten thrown around like usual by my bully in middle school. The pain he gave didn't hurt as much as the pain you gave when you entered the room and ignored the loud and painful commotion occurring in the class.

The only reason you knew about my existence was when roll call had happened and Aizawa sensei called my name. You turned and stared at my raised hand; that's when you noticed me, sitting at the desk right next to yours.

After that day, Tsu you ignored me again and again acting like I didn't exist in your life. I guess I was so annoying that you couldn't look at my face anymore, that is what you said right, Tsu? Not like I'll get an answer since you know I left with the league. I do hope you know Tsu; that you now don't have to deal with my annoying face anymore cause I found someone else who took the title of my best friend and I know that they won't ever abandon me alone with the exact same pain you gave me.

From the depths of my deep sad black heart, the person you left alone in the dark only for a villain to act kinder than you'll relentlessly ever will be, L/n Y/n.

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