Chapter Five

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Ahsoka darted through the door and into Political Sciences a split-second before the bell rang. A quiet sigh of relief escaped her plump dark lips, and she slid into seat she most often occupied, which was on the far left side of the class.

She would have taken one of the seats near the back of the class, where, in any other situation, she would have been safe from notice, but there were other difficulties. That was the popular kids' territory.

No one except Steela, Saw, Janira, Dono and a few others, as well as the occasional Informant, were allowed to take the seats at the very back of the room. Taking a popular kid's seat was one the worst of kind of social faux pas someone with next to no social standing such as herself could do.

Therefore, she was forced to sit near the middle and was in plain sight. She could hear people whisper and see them gesture discretely in her direction with their eyes or hands. Apparently, no one was over that little incident a few hours earlier.

She sighed, cupping her chin in her hands. You really are an idiot sometimes, you know that? A clumsy idiot, she thought, sinking deeper into her chair.

Professor Amidala suddenly got up from her chair. "All right, everyone," she said, her clear voice cutting through the din. "I'm Padme Amidala. For those of you that don't know, I'm going to be your new Political Sciences teacher. Professor Palpatine is going on to be Principal of the school now that Mr. Valorum is stepping down."

Out of the corner of her eye, Ahsoka saw a few of the players give the Professor a few looks and nod to their friends. She resisted the urge to groan. Even if she was quite young for a teaching job, Padme was at least twenty-two. The age gap between that and a bunch of seventeen-year-olds was too large to work.

"So," the Professor continued, "to start off our time together, I'd like to assign a little project in groups of two. And I'll be choosing the teams." There were some moans and complaints, but she ignored them. "It will count for half your grade this term, so don't take it lightly.

"Your jobs will be to put together a biography for a politician I will assign to you. Now I know some of you have political figures as parents or close family friends, so I made sure to switch things up a little. I don't want anyone to have an unfair advantage."

She looked around the room. "I'm going to read out the teams now, then I'll pass out the project information. Please listen for your names, because I won't be repeating them. I guess I'll take attendance at the same time."

The Professor went through the list. Ahsoka heard her name called out, and raised her hand, quietly saying, "Present, miss."

"Ahsoka, you're with... Zaydn Kyrulo. No, wait. He switched into Computers and Technology. That wouldn't work. So then you'll be with..." She studied her list. "Lux Bonteri."

The noise level in the room immediately exploded into harsh and excited whispers. Ahsoka slid a few inches further down in her chair, looking around self-consciously. She suddenly remembered that what one of the Informants had told her that morning. Lux Bonteri was the name of one of the popular kids. Because after all, the Informants didn't talk about just anybody.

Suddenly, a boy got up at the back of the room. As he grabbed his backpack and began to walk towards her, Ahsoka's heart skipped a beat.

Her partner for the project was the beautiful boy from earlier.

He was Lux Bonteri.

*The chapter was short, I know. But if I were to include the other stuff I wrote, the chapter would be well over four pages. So I split it up where I thought it still worked.

I'll try my best to update soon. It's actually my lunch hour right now, and the only reason I was able to post this was because it was pre-written from last night. So yeah.

Hope you all liked how they meet FOR REAL, and, once again, I'll try to update tonight.


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