A Fleeing Boy

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Two: Part One

After a few hours of sleep and well-deserved rest, our hero Tysashi woke up to a beautiful pink sky. He arose and opened the window to let in all the sunlight. The rays of sunshine hit his body like a speeding bullet as he stretched. Aradressa was still resting, her chest gently filling with air.

As the thoughtful hero he is, Tysashi knew he had to repay Aradressa for her hospitality, quickly deciding that making breakfast would be enough. He still couldn't believe he was just sent to another planet, although this was common for him, other planets didn't possess beauty like Leyland did. How his friends feel about him being on an entirely different planet...in a different galaxy? How would Nya feel? He shook off these thoughts and made his way downstairs. Once downstairs,  the area was devoid of others, not even the guards were present. He opened up the cabinets and saw many things he could cook with.

"Wait...if I make breakfast for her, I'll have to make breakfast for all six hundred and fifty guards."

This thought would soon be ignored as he realized making breakfast for every guard in the castle wouldn't matter as long as Aradressa was undoubtedly satisfied. With that, pancakes, eggs, and bacon would be on the menu. Just as he reached for the ingredients, a quintet of chefs stared at Tysashi with deafened breaths. 

"Take it easy, new guy, that's our job."

He chuckled while giving an apology, moving aside to let them perform their duties. The chef began to prepare the morning meals at incredible speeds, their bodies moved fast enough for a normal person to see them as a blur. In just under ten minutes, most of the plates were made as the others brought plates to the guard's rooms and the dining hall. Just as he was seated, Aradressa joined him with a refreshing smile. 

He relayed "Good morning" to her, afterward asking if she slept comfortably to which she nodded, returning the question back to him, which he also bobbed his head.

"So what are we doing today?"  Aradressa questioned, placing a small portion of the waffle in her mouth. He turned to her, stating that the tour around Leyland was still to be desired and the same goes for the dragon egg though Tysashi required underwear and other supplies.

Hearing his need for clothes, Aradressa informed him that she had the ability to create clothes as the trained clothes designer she was. The pleasure he received from her statement could not be measured. He kindly asked her to produce a clone of his current outfit, a black shirt with fireballs plastered all over and slightly ripped jeans. Aradressa was more than glad to commence the cloning, though Tysashi stated the two would depart from the castle after the first pair was created, he didn't receive a response as she had already left. 

"I'd better see if this is ok with her mother."

Tysashi called for her, he heard no response before calling a guard for information of Marissa's whereabouts. His voice bounced off the castle walls. The size of the castle was just as confusing as the numbers of its residents. Soon, help was received. 

"She's at a meeting with rulers from other planets in the Leyland solar system, you are allowed to take her out as long as she's safe."

"Got it."

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

With permission to travel far distances with Aradressa, Tysashi prepared himself for another unpredictable adventure. Joining her near the door, she announced that she had created six identical copies of his clothing. He thanked her, opening the door to be greeted by nourishing sunshine as Tysashi already had their first destination in mind.

He set his sights for a men's store, though Aradressa was more concerned if he brought the necklace she gave him. To ease her worries, he retrieved the necklace from his pocket and placed it around his neck. With the necklace equipped, she told him there were a few stores built for men along the Kula Outlet. He walked behind her as she directed him to the location he desired. The princess decreased her flying speed for Tysashi to get beside him, her arm inched over to grab his hand. He turned and gave her a shining smile.

With an area of buildings set on a concrete path, Tysashi took off towards the outlet, forcing her to hold on tightly. He discovered the T&W store, before entering, she told him that she would be waiting outside as the bulges that appeared on the cover of underwear packs felt uncomfortable to view. Accepting this, he then told her if anything were to go wrong, she must yell his name. She accepted the terms he set, stating that it wouldn't take too long. 

Her mind silently became lost in a daydream involving Tysashi and her alone, envisioning how far their bonds could go, their hearts day by day becoming one and separate thoughts finding a soulmate to share. 

"Hey, princess!"

She broke out of her daydream only to see two unknown fairies sporting blue jean pants and blank, white shirts. The erotic smiles plastered on their faces caused her to sense danger.

"Can I help you two?" Her voice was kept calm and relaxed, wishing to not get violent. 

Still holding a suspicious smile, the two inched closer to her, asking her personal questions such as her kinks and past experiences with men. Looking deep into his dark brown eyes behind his shades, Jackson reached his hand out to touch her chest and with that, a grave mistake was made. With unmeasured speed, she grabbed and squeezed his hand with force powerful enough to bend steel before throwing him to the concrete ground, creating a sizable crater. The people around her stopped for a moment while staring before frantically running away.


Aradressa then grabbed his little friend by the thread of his shirt, tossing him high above the puffy white clouds, splitting them. She then tossed an enormous fireball that targeted him, exploding on impact and launching him far from the area with an ear splitting boom. This wasn't even a percentage of her power, this was to simply prove that she wasn't your ordinary damsel in distress. She's a powerful princess, few could match the power that runs through her blood.

Tysashi had just exited out of the store with bags in hand. He questioned the boom he heard and the large crater. With the tone of an angel, Aradressa told him that the powerful boom and crater he heard and saw was nothing to worry about. Believing her, the young hero went through the items he purchased: underwear, socks, and tank tops.

"I believe you forgot hygiene products," She informed.

He froze in place before admitting that she was right as he stepped back in while Aradressa continued to daydream in silence.

Few people were in front of him and the same could be said for the ones behind him. While waiting, his eyes pick up on a familiar fairy or in this case, a group of fairies walks through the door. It didn't take long for their eyes to meet and insults to pass like bullets on a battlefield.

"Oh my goodness, it's my favorite freak, Wingless, and you're still wearing that necklace," Nate cackled as he shot his finger at Tysashi.

The others joined in on the fun and insulted him as well, some even threw their items at him.

"Wingless freak!"

Unable to take the constant abuse any longer, he ran out of the store, dropping his items and throwing his necklace to the ground, cracking the precious crystal.


"Don't try to retrieve him, he was worthless anyway."

At that moment, her blood increased in temperature, the cage of emotions was loosened, and some of that power was unlocked.

"An ordinary fairy such as yourself should have no reason to say such harsh words," The urge to not physically harm Nate with her power proved to be a worthy opponent for her decaying patience. 

"He wasn't a fairy, he doesn't belong here."

"I don't care about what he isn't, he is still a person and you should treat him with abundant magnitudes of respect."

"Why should I?" He asked with a smirk.

Just then, Aradressa's body had ignited. She grabbed Nate by the neck, immediately tightening her before whispering in his ear, "I possess power you cannot possibly fathom, you are a mere insect to me. I am a goddess and you are the slave that will bow down to my strength."

Aradressa released his neck after seeing the tears of fear in his eyes. He wasn't ready to deal with a princess.

Attempting to avoid her fury, Taj and Lincoln moved out her way. Aradressa flew into the store to pay for his items and pick up the necklace. With bags in hand and necklace around her neck, she set out to find her friend.

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