Crushes Suck

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By Lanethefangirl



I hate middle school. Why?

Ever since I transferred middle schools, there were more homophobes.

But there was this one girl I had a crush on.

Her name?


And, of course, I had my science class with her, and she sat next to me.

First day- she told me I had pretty eyes. Now, being a boy that would've been FULL HOMO, but girls?

And of course I felt flustered.

Also: I draw. A lot.

She loved {Notice the word loved!} my drawings. If she'd asked me who they were, I'd just say a person, when in reality I was drawing Frank Iero or Gerard Way, or some band member. Now, I was just starting out, so nobody knew I was gay. No one.

Also, I came out to my mom, which was scary.

Anyways, we have a school dance, and in science, we're talking about who we're going to take. I ask for advice, then say-

"Can't be a boy, though."

The guy next to me (Avery) looks at me like- "you're gay?"

I nod my head.

This starts an uproar. Maria asks, "Ew, do you like me?"

And that kids, is why crushes suck, and you should check their sexuality before you possibly get your heart broken.

-in the armssssss of the Angels-

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