Thanks M

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By Twiggy


Ok, so all my life I just assumed that I was straight as a arrow. It was just expected of me, I grew up in a semi-religious family, and just I never gave it much thought, I started leaving myself clues I guess, well, there is this musical artist that my mother was obsessed with that goes by the name of Marilyn Manson, who is in fact a man, but I was younger at the time, and since he wore make-up and was somewhat feminine, I though He was a Woman, but I had a crush on him. I never told anyone ,because I never thought it was a big deal. I had other crushes, ones that I knew were guys.

Fast forward to 7th grade, There was this girl, let's call her M. Well, M and I were best friends, we liked a lot of the same music, she was always there for me, she would stand up for me when others were picking on me. She was so pretty, really pretty, I loved her chocolate brown eyes, full of kindness and warmth, her arms for when she would hug when I was feeling down. Well, as you can assume I developed a crush on her, I never told her though, I didn't know what I was or what I was feeling, and I knew she was straight, I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I started forcing myself to like other people, And it just didn't feel right. Alas, she moved to a different school without me being able to tell her how I feel, other people were telling her that I said I hated her, which I never did, so she didn't keep in touch with me.

A little bit after that I did research on what I was feeling, I found out I am Pansexual.I am Pansexual because I find more than one gender attractive in that way, I find not only guys and girls attractive, but also people that feel neither genders, as long as I think they are a good person and they are nice to me and truly care about me, I can like them in that way.

I haven't come out to my family, I'm just too nervous, but I did come out to my friends, and they didn't care at all, they totally accepted me.

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