My coming out

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By Rainbow


Ever since I was young I knew I was different, I'd always want to play with boy toy's instead of barbies, I hated getting all dressed up; guess you could say I was the tom boy of my family.

But growing up in the south is the US, and Christian based area; it's hard to find people who I grew older maybe when I was 10 I knew I wasn't like other girls, I'd prefer to wear comfortable clothes or a punk rock style, no dresses at all, but the most important thing that made me different was who I liked.

I had always had crushes on guys but in 5th grade I grew a crush on a girl, who also happened to be my school bully; I always pushed these feelings aside and told myself "Rainbow you only like guys." Buy 6th grade I had grown another crush on a girl who happened to be my best friend, I never told her because I didn't know where she stood sexuality wise.

At this time people would call me a Lesbian and such for watching MLP, I simply ignored that; I had another crush on a girl later that year, during all this the LGBTQ+ rights movements was happening so I still kept my mouth shut since I knew my family would never approve at all, since we are Christians.

By 7th grade I had a major crush on this girl and it finally hit me; I was Bisexual, that was all I thought about for the entire day. I told one friend and she was fine with it and all, but that night I cried myself to sleep because I knew it was wrong; I didn't choose to be Bisexual it was just how I felt.

I eventually accepted myself for who I was and I am ok with people knowing, yes I do lean more towards girls for my own personal reasons and I honestly don't care about the haters. I may get called a Fag or slut but I don't care what they say! I am now in 8th grade and proud of who I am, and I just recently came out to my parents, they are still a little iffy but I'm sure they'll come around.

And I just recently told my crush I like her, and might ask her to the school formal soon; it really all depends. This are a little complicated at the moment but I'm pushing through.

To anyone out there still in the closet, just come out when you are ready and when it's safe, don't let someone pressure you into coming out; just wait for the right time. And screw any haters they can get over it because the world is different and so are people.

No one is the same, -Rainbow

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