The Random all over the place story of bisexuality

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By Emma


Hi, I'm Emma, and I'm bisexual. I thought maybe I could share the story of how I discovered my sexuality.

So, grade five, all is well, and then one day, I realize I have a crush on a female friend.

So then I decided I should figure out sexuality.

Ha, that wasn't a painful few months.

Anyways, I did a lot of research on Pinterest about it, and played around with labels, etc.

By the time I was almost twelve I realized that I am bisexual, I did question my sexuality recently, but I am identifying as bisexual.

I've come out to all my friends, and my auntie, I actually told her on bisexuality day! And when I said "I like how you're so chill about this." She said the best thing you can absolutely say to anyone coming out to you "Well yeah, it's normal."

And today my friend and I were talking and she said that everyone thinks she's gay, and I was making jokes, and at one point I said "I MAKE OTHER GIRLS QUEER JUST BY HANGING OUT WITH THEM!" And then a few minutes later my other friend came out as bisexual on her Instagram story.

And I still like that girl, the one who made me question my sexuality in the first place, and she likes me back so maybe something might happen between us?

Anyways, that's really all I have to say, this story kind of went all over the place, but I just wanted to share some positive things, anyways, happy pride month!

Have a great day!

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