Chapter 13: Rescue Training

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(edited June 10th 2021)

"Time for some hero basic training! it feels like I haven't seen you guys in a while!" his booming voice calls.

"now then, listen carefully for what's in store. we are going to be conducting a little race. take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training" He continues.

"if it's rescue training, shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?" Lida says whipping his hand up into the air.

"ah, that facility specializes in disasters. as I said earlier this is a race. so prepare, you're about to step into field gamma!" he pronounces

"inside is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around, you'll be competing in groups of five. each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you do what you must to find me. whoever reaches me first is the winner. but try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum please" He explains pointing towards Bakugo.

"why are you pointing at me" he grumbles.

"All right the first group will be, Midoriya, Suzuki, Lida, Ojiro, and Ashido" All Might says looking at a list.

this should be pretty easy I can just fly over all of the pipes to find him.

we each walk to our starting positions, mine is on the ground with loads of pipes and buildings surrounding me. 

I hear the sound of All Might's air horn, he's to my right-ish. I immediately make my harness float and go above the pipes to get a good view. 

I already see Ashido sliding along the pipes on her acid, and I spot a green blob hopping on top of buildings the same way that Bakugo does. 

suddenly Deku passes me with green energy surrounding him.

I chase after him but he's too fast, he must've learned this as his internship.

he continues jumping over buildings and pipes with me towing not far behind him. suddenly he goes to land on a pipe but slips and starts plummeting to the ground.

"crap. GAHHHHHH!" he yells.

I don't want him to get hurt so I grab him just before he hits the ground and then drop him to break his fall. 

now I have the advantage, I fly back upwards and spot All Might standing with his hands on his hips looking up to the sun. 

"I found you!" I yell floating over to him.

"aaaand... it's over! congratulations hero!" he exclaims handing me a sashee that says 'thanks for saving me.

I grab the sashee and put it over myself.

"Hell yeah!" I yell pumping an air fist.

we all line up on top of a water tower, Mina looks up set and Ojiro wipes sweat from his brow. while Deku just lays on the ground defeat. 

"uh you're okay right?" I ask nudging him with my foot as if he's something gross. 

"you had to save me, I guess I need to be more wary of my surroundings..." he mumbles.

"how pathetic your little girlfriend had to save you" Bakugo mutters

"girlfriend!?" I exclaim my face turning red and Kirishima and Kaminari start making kissing sounds.

"smoochie smoochie!" Kirishima mocks puckering his lips

"are you guys gonna have a big villain wedding!" Kaminari chimes in.

what a stupid joke

"shut up" I mutter turning back to the slumped over Deku.

"well, those jumps were pretty cool! it's nice that you can use your quirk now without... ya know... breaking." I try to console him.

he slowly gets up while All Might gives a speech.

"Maya may have come in first, but you all have shown incredible improvements since the beginning of the year! keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams!" he exclaims.

"yes sir!" we all shout in unison. 

"Group 1 leave the field!" All Might says dismissing us.

"I'll buy you a pity meal at lunch" I say to the still hunched over Deku before leaving.

"next up, group 2!" All Might says walking over to Deku. I wonder what they are talking about?

the rest of our classmates take their turns, each figuring out a way to find All Might. 

after class me Uraraka and Tsu went to the locker rooms together to change.

we walk in and I start by taking off my harness. then I took my long sleeved shirt off revealing my scabbed up back covered in large gashes.

"holy crap! I knew you guys were attacked by the hero killer but I didn't realize how bad it was!" Tsu exclaims pointing at my back.

"yea he go me pretty good, he also stabbed me in the arm" I say showing them my still bandaged shoulder.

"oh my god" Uraraka gasped.

Jiro walks over to a tiny hole in the wall and sticks her earphone jack in it, then we all hear what sounds like a prepubescent child screaming.

"what just happened?" we all ask confused. 

"that little pervert was trying to look at us through a hole in the wall." She says plainly before going back over to her locker.

"thanks Jiro!" Hagakure says.

"Despicable, we'll close up this hole immediately " Yaoyorozu comments.

we all finish getting changed and then head off to lunch. I kept my promise to Deku and bought him some soba. 

"so what were you and the symbol of peace talkin about after class?" I ask him while eating my food.

"oh uh he just wanted to congratulate me on my progress" he says a little nervously as if he were lying. I squint at him skeptically and then continue to eat my food.

"how's your back?" He asks changing the subject.

"still painful, I have to sort of lean forward in chairs so it doesn't rub against the back." I say shuddering at the thought of my back touching the chair. 

after eating we attend our afternoon classes and get ready to go home. Instead of walking to the train station with Deku like I usually do he said that he had something to do. I ended up walking home alone.

once I arrived my mother immediately whisked me away to study, finals are coming up soon and she thinks I need to prepare. 

"what is the 45th hero law?" she quizes me.

"aughhhh mom can't we be done for tonight? we've been studying since I got home" I grumble throwing my hands up in the air. 

"you must be prepared, we can't have you failing again like at the sports festival. you have been on a bad streak lately and I do not like your attitude!" she scowls.

"mom! I'm not you, when will you understand this!" I groan

"you know what? go to your room! right now!" she screams and I obey, afraid of what she might do to me if I don't.



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