Chapter 24: I want to be a hero! part 1

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after landing, I set Kota and Midoriya down on the ground. I'm too weakend to continue carrying them, I should save my strength incase we run into more villains.

the three of us race through the dark forest back towards the clearing but on the way we run into Mr. Aizawa.

"Mr.Aizawa! you're here thank goodness" Midoriya calls relieved.

"Midoriya Maya," he regards us.

"I need to catch you up about the villains but we don't have much time, plus I need to find Mandalay there's something I have to tell her." Midoriya races huffing.

"wait... hold on!" Mr. Aizawa says sounding annoyed.

"please take care of Kota and Maya while I'm gone" he says turning to leave.

"hey! I can handle myself idiot!" I say sounding offended.

"I'll be back soon!" Midoriya says running off but Aizawa calls after him.

"wait Midoriya!" he yells getting frustrated.

Midoriya senses his mood and stops running to hear what he has to say.

"those injuries... you went too far again didn't you. have you forgotten about Hosu?" Mr. Aizawa says.

"to be fair, he did sorta almost die" I defend him.

"no. I haven't" Midoriya replies

"go but tell Mandalay something for me too" Mr. Aizawa says

"tell her that I give the students permission to use their quirks against the villains"

Midoriya nods and runs off. after a few seconds of watching him run I realize that after relaying the message to Mandalay he isn't just going to rest he is going back out to fight. 

"I'm gonna go with him, I don't want him to get hurt" I say leaving Kota with Mr. Aizawa.

I zoom through the forest until I finally catch up to Midoriya

"Maya? what are you doing?" he asks as we run 

"making sure you don't hurt yourself" I reply huffing.

"I'll be fine you don't have to worry about me" he replies looking forward his broken arms flailing in the wind behind him.

"but I do though, you almost died earlier. I can't having you hurting yourself anymore. this is all my f-" I stop talking 

soon we reach the clearing in the woods where Spinner and Magne are still fighting Tiger and Mandalay.

we see Spinner is about to whack Mandalay with his huge collection of blades but Midoriya jumps in and Kicks the sword causing the blades to break and fly everywhere.

"Mandalay! Kota is safe" Midoriya yells flying through the air.

just before he falls to the ground I grab him using my quirk and turn him upright.

"you found him?" Mandalay exclaims relieved

"also, I've got a message from Mr. Aizawa. we need you to use telepath! tell everyone in class A and class B that Eraser Head has granted them permission to engage in combat with the villains!" Midoriya yells and Mandalay does as he says.

"also tell them that the villains are after me and Bakugou." I add and she nods.

"you guys need to get back to camp right now! those injuries aren't normal!" Mandalay scolds us while still fighting Spinner.

"I'm sorry I can't" Midoriya grunts running toward Magne who is fighting tiger.

Magne sees Midoriya coming for him and breaks away from tiger running towards him with a fist but is stopped when spinner whips a knife at him.

"Don't big sis Mag!" he yells and Magne yelps jumping back from the knife.

"What the hell was that for Spinner! that boy is on the priority kill list!" he yells back and I bolt after Midoriya who has run into the bushes probably to go and save people throughout the forest.

"quit running off without me!" I yell huffing and he gives no reply.

as we run I hear a gunshot off in the distance.

"holy shit they have guns!" I yelp and I see the same concern on Midoriya's face.

"I hope Kacchan's okay" he worries

we continue running through the forest until something jumps out and attacks us. I jump out of the way and Shoji grabs Midoriya at the last second.

"Shoji?" I ask

"oh my go what happened!" I yelp covering my mouth with my hands when I see his arm. something cut off one of his hands and it's now dripping blood.

"I'm so sorry" I whimper softly squatting down into a ball formation.

"it's not your fault, it was one of the villains. you two should both be resting you look hurt especially you Midoriya. but you want to save your friend, no matter what the cost" Shoji says huffing.

little does he know... it is my fault.

"where's Tokoyami? wasn't he with you?" Midoriya, who is now cradled in Shoji's dupla arms says.

"when the villains ambushed us, the attack triggered Tokoyami's quirk, even though he was desperately trying to hold it back" Shoji explains

"no don't tell me..." Midoriya says his eyes widening.

"yeah... if we're going to get through here, we'll have to face dark shadow first" Shoji says looking out into the forest.

I look up following his gaze to the giant shadowy monster that has taken hold of Tokoyami and I stand up.

"Tokoyami no!" Midoriya exclaims.

"stay away... from me.... you'll die!" Tokoyami grunts

Dark shadow snaps at us again and the three of us jump behind a tree to hide.

"I had no idea Tokoyami's quirk could explode like this..." Midoriya mutters.

"it's probably fueled by his righteous indignation and regret, he's tried to hold it back but the villains made it wilder. it started lunging at any sound or movement, a beat lashing out with indiscriminate attacks" Shoji continues.

"forget about me go save our classmates!" Tokoyami yells still being held by Dark Shadow.

"his quirk has a sensitivity to light, if we can bring him back to camp or to light we can contain it"

Shoji explains.

"hold on, camp is pretty far from here, you'll be in danger if he-" Midoriya starts but is cut off by Tokoyami lounging at us and we all jump out of the way.

"I know that but to safe people you have to take risks, that's what makes a hero a hero!" Shoji says.

I have to take risks, I've changed my mind about heroism. screw the villains, screw my mom! I want to be a hero.

"I have an idea" I say clenching my fists. 



(I know yall are probably tired of hearing it but im so sorry for the late upload its just that i've been trying out this new thing lately called going outside. its actually pretty fun. im going to be home all day tomorrow though so I will probably get some writing in then. also now that Im out of school Im going to establish an upload time. I will be uploading everyday between 3:00 and 6:00 pm if I don't upload within that time you can probably expect it around 9 or so.)

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