Do I have to?

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Nico: i thought you were done with stalking us....

Livi: nope, think again

Will: *groans* well, ill just close the blinds....

Livi: NO WAIT!

Nico: *closes blinds*

Livi: *turns on hidden cameras* im one step ahead of you.... he he


Nico's PO.V

Life is good

never thought id say that, but it is, i have two children, my son Michael, and my daughter Bianca, both blessed by our parents but one thing keeps gnawing at my head. School. Since Bianca and Michael were blessed, im afraid that they both recieved dyselixa and ADHD from it, i know form experince, thats its not the best time going threw scholl with that, but thank gods their only in pre scholl so they will probley be going outside alot, learining he alphabet, you know, little kid stuff. I watch them play outside, Bianca trying to push her brother Michael on the swing. "SOLNGELO! DOWN HERE!" i look at my feet to see a really frustrated Hazel "good morning to you to liltle sis" she rolles her eyes "Me and Frank are visting next week, and dont go all big brother protective on me, and... whats that in the backround?" i smile at my sister and turn around "Michael! Bianca! Aunt Hazel is uhhh on iris message!" the stop waht there doing and run over when i say the word aunt and jump on my lap and i can see hazel gasp "your a dad?" i nod and ruffle Michaels hair "yep, im a dad, soo your a aunt" her smile becomes so big i nearly laugh "FRANK! GET OVER HERE! YOU NEED TO MEET YOUR NEICE AND NEPHEW!" i hear frank running and nearly crashing into hazel as the kids giggle "Michael, Bianca, this is your aunt Hazel, and your uncle Frank" Michael waves while Bianca jumps up and down "hi awnt and uncwel" as she waves "Okay, you two go back to playing while i talk to them, okay?" Michale huges me as Bianca pulls my arm "Can you pway with us dady? pwease?" "okay, in a minute, ill be right over" with that they run back off to their game while i turn my attion back to Hazel "anythign else?" she opens her mouth, but closes it "oh- uh no, not really thats about it, tell Will i said hi" i nod "Bye Hazel" i say as i swipe threw the irish message as will comes threw the door "I herd begging and running, who were you talking to?"

"oh, just hazel and frank, there coming over next week" Will nods "okay, then, the more the merrer" and then were tackled by two bodies "play with us!" Bianca says and she uses puppy dog eys "pretty please?"

"oh allright, what are you guys playing?" Will aks as he starts ruffleing MIchaels hair "were playing with daddy's old cards! thers a fishman on one of them!" my face slightly darkens "kids, can you give me those cards back?" Michael grunts "Do i have to?" i nod and look at boh of my kids in the eye "its not nice to steal other peoples stuff, even if there in your family, always ask first, okay?" they both nod "yes dad"

i nod "good, well get me the cards and ill get your dinosour toys out, sound like a deal?" Michael nods and puts his hand out and I shake it "well, go get the cards Mikey!" he giggles at his nickname as he runs to the cards and a.... hades figuring. i hold my hand out as MIchael puts them there and i go inside te house to put the figurine on the shelf "Nico, you better hide your stuff better, there to young to know right from wrong" i sigh "i know, i know" and with that, i get the toys and walk back outside.

GOod for the first sequal chapter? bad ify? weird? well, hope you guys enjoyed anyways XD and this chapters question....

What was the saddest charter death in the Percy Jackson, and the Heros of Olympus series?

Rember to comment, vote, and follow me on wattad, any wwya, thats it for tonoght guys, hope you gusy enojyed and i wil c-ya you guys later, GGW OUT! PEACE

From the Gamer,


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