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Livi: okay listen i trapped Nico and WIll in a pit so i can get this chapter started....


Will's P.O.V


Yep. they bring you joy, happenis, joy, cutnis, joy, no slee, respoinbility, work, play, joy.... did i mention joy? well it was all like that until friday... oh how much i wish i could of just.. done something and just miss one day of work, ju,st... one day, but focourse we... needed the money, no were not broke or any of that sniz, but we need it, Bianca's birthday is coming up and i wanted to get her a good present, so i decided to pull some more hours, ya know? shes my daughter, MY daughter. but jus sitting here? WAITING? its jsu... WRONG.... like how can thy exept you to just si in wait when they take the ones that your care about away? for gods sakes, its just plane wrong? now you may asks, were are you going with this? well let me telll you... oh booooy let me tell you, and maybe you would fell the pain im felling while thye wont allow me to take the one i care about to camp half-blood? why did he do it? ill never know, but i can do something, I CAN DO SOMETHING! im a fricken son of apollo, and now this? im the one waiting for the news? to know if they live or die? i now know how Percy felt, holding annabeths hand on the terrace so many years ago, i know how all these people fell now.. waiting, just waiting for the news, waiting for the envable, just waiting? is this all we can do? to just wait? its just... wrong, i called the seven and there coming on the next flight... well kinda next pegusu for percy and annbeth, but hazels probley using a underground passage way or something to get around and see them, my family, MY FAMILY, is somewere in another rom, a wall away as i just sit in the bed, they wont even let me get up and see them! likr, the nerve of some people, im telling ya, but thats not the worst part... oh far from it, the might be dead,... DEAD! and there making me lay on the bed and 'rest'. well this isnt rest, this is turtor, agnozing toture, ever iber in my body screaming to go run and see my family, to see that there okay, dead... my family might be dead, i see my hospital door burst pen and see the seven coming in as hazel comes right up to me "Were. Is. My. Neice, nephew, and brother?" i fell a stray tear come down my bruised adn batterd face "i-i dont kno-know" i cant help it as more tears come out of my eyes, each one hot and as plentiful as the next. I  pull my kness up to my chest, i wince in pain as i bring them all the way and put my head in them, wanting to get out of this nightamre. why.. just why cant the gods give us a brake? were their children after all, we fought two wars for them, both of them bearly a year apart.. and they expect us to take anpther war for them? can they not just give us one year of peace? of ocurse there is no more quests but,,,, this? this agnizing toture of waiting? its jsut not.. right,.... its crazy and wrong and anoythign else you could possibly think of. I fell somone put a hand on my shoulder, i look up to see Macy "Will, i know this hurts, but you need to tell us what happend so we can help and get chiron to get them out of here and back to camp half-blood, do you understand?" i nod as i look over at my big sister "O-okay" i will my tears to go down and reduce to silent crying. i look back at them to see them looking at me, i take a shakey breath, and close my eyes. hoping this will be over soon. "okay, but.. dont interupt"

------------------------------------------------------FLASH BACK-------------------------------------------------------------

it was just a normal day, i woke up the the sound of baccon frying, the laughter of children, the sound of NIco trying, but faling, to make scambled eggs, like how can you not make scrmbled eggs? its simplie, eggs, milk, maybe salt,.... MAYBE.. salt is bad for the di- im a son of apollo, waht do you expect? I gogerly get out of bed, i swing my legs over the side as i ment with a blast of cool air, as if i was being slapped in the face, i shiver as i put my bunny slipers on, yes, bunny slipers..... hey, you liek what you like, i like what  i like. as i walk down stairs, im met with two little bodies hugging my legs "hey princess, hey little guy, waht are you two dooing?"

"we want you to eat bwreakfwest with us" i laugh as i ruffle Mickales hair "quess i cant say no can i?" tey laugh as the drag me to the breakfest table. I smile as i look a Nico, who has the biggest grin on his faces as we all sit down for breakfest, enjoying eachothers company. They kids talk to eachother in shusged voices "Daddy, why did grandpa and grandpa need to give us a blessing?" i suck in my breath and loook at nico who has a grave look on his face . I slently tell him to explain to them, beacuse, honestly, when i had to give the speach back at camp, i nearly had to go to my own infermy. "Well Bianca, were not exactly normal people... me and your dad are demi-gods, your drandpas are gods, so were half human half god, and thye needed to give you their blessing so you could have... our powers" i see Michael drop his thomas the train fork as he looks at us questionly "but theres only one-" i hold up a hand for slince "michael... ill explain this all to you tonight druing your bed time stories, its a lot to explain" i finsh, he looks ta me, as if figuring out "okay" he says as he looks at Bianca who shrugs, for three year olds, there preaty smart "Oh, TIme for your first day of preeschool, and i ahve to go to work... Will can you drive them their? my boss is going to kill me if i dont show up on time" i nod "ya sure, no problem" i look back at the kids and get down on one knee "okay, liste up kiddos, go get your backpacks and your lucnh boxes on the counter" Michael runs off to get his as Bianca walks after him. I sit on the coach waiting for them to return as i see a shade of blond her pullling my oants "im ready"

"okay little guy, go get your sister and lets role" he wobbles off to get her as i walk to the car. when the walkup, i buckle tem both in their car seats and seat off on the open road, and diriving two kids in a car isnt  easy task, always talkign or throw arrows at eachother... throwing arrows!??!? "Kids, dont touch with daddys archery euqientment" i quickly pull over and take my bow and cerstial bronze arrows and ut them in the trunk "but, why do you have a bow if they gave guns" i look at Bianca, shocked "dont talk about gins, that subject is not to be spoken of" i say, with a hint of a uthroity in my voice "understand?" they nod "yes dad" they say in usion as i set off on the rode again, with two adoble little ones quietly talking in the back seat, i keep my eyes on the road as i watch the lights go by, but this felling.. never leavs, like how i know somethign abd is going to happen, but it doesnt, shaking it off as verousins for my kids and thie first day of school, i shrug it off and contine driving, keeping my eyes fixed n the road, makign sure not to run any read lights. And in no time, were at school, i get out of the car and nbuckle both of them "Have a nice day at school, behavie yourslefs, and do what he teacher asks" i ruffle michaels hair and look at Bianca "watch after your little brother" she nods as i kiss her on the forhead "be good" "yes daddy" she says as he chases after her brother and into the school building, i watch them go in, making sure tey are safe, and then get in the car and start driving to my own job, I work at a small hospital, people think of me a the head docter, and saying how amazing i was, when it has nothing to do with smarts, just my godly DNA, if i wasnt a son of apollo, i wouldnt be able to get midcine at all, less be a docter at a hospital, its weird how things just seem to fall together,, witou you even realzing it,  i ariive at eight-thirty sharp, and walk in "Good morning Mr.Solangelo" i flash her my blinding white smile "Good morning Prudince, any news on patient 23?" she shaks her head and oints to the room "not much mprovment, keeps muttering things under his breath, about phropcheys, quest, and some kind of snake stopping them, and the weird thing is, that when we got his blood test back they were.... weird, it wasnt any blood type i ever herd of, i dont know what he does, and i know im not a docter, but im pretty sure that gold blood isnt naturla" i stand their in shock and slowly turn around to look at her "ill go see if i can do anything, good day Pruidence" not waiting for a snwer, i quickly walk to the room to see, a god, he looks up as if he sensed my presnce and sighs in relif "thank gods you'd cme WIll SOlangelo, my name Is Fercileus, disciple of apollo, and we have reason to belive that Night, is blooking our phropiches from going through, i just thought i twould be a wise decison to tell you demi-gods, and your farther is busy at the momment, with trying to fix the remance of the gods personatly disorties with the help of Dynioses, good day" i look away at the right moment as he turnes into pure golden light and turnes into his divine form as he telpeprts away, to who knows where. i just stand thei in shock and look at were he was sitting a moment ago.. that was weird... i think to myself... sence when did the gods want to tell us this kind of stuff?... adn then the felling of uncertity returns, and  i quicckly walk out of the room and to the Brake Room, i put on my hospital docters robe thing, adn get a cu of coffe out "Hey Wll" i look over to see BRent, leaning up agenst the wal, with a mecioves grin on his face... he looks like a more lay back children of hermes, but mroe commeted when it comes to certaian thigns "Hey Brent" i say as i nod as i sip my coffe "you got the whole entire floor two, the other two docters called in sick, have fun" and wiht that he walks off, still grinnig ear-to-ear, sighing, expecthing this would come, i pt down my coffee and go up to floor two, finally get their, i see total chaous, as nurses do their best to usher the vistors out, getting patents to their repvie rooms "waht in the heck is going on here?" i ask one of th nurses "Dr.Solangelo, were short on staff and were doing or best to trying to keep everythigng at bay as best as we can" she answers and i inwardl sigh... all for a birthday prest. i muse to myself... this is going to be a looooong day, and wiht that, i walk over to a edlery man "Hello Sir, my name is Dr.Solangelom how may  i help you?" he looks at me, tears streaming down his face "do you have kids?" he asks and i nod "two, a daughter and a son" "then you know the feeling when you away from them, weres my daughter?" he asks  the last part quietly and i usher a nurse over here. she takes on look at him and sighs "his daughter, Bella, is curently in Surgery, she got n a car acdinet, adn is in crictle condition, hes been worried sence we gave him the news" i nod "well Sir, as you know your daughters in surgery, and all we can do is wait, im sorry" i say as i walk off, felling a deep sence of symptahy for the guy... if my kids were in a car accdnet, i wouldnt be any better then him, id be worse.. i quickly put patients in the right rooms and look back at al the vistors "Visting hour is over, please leave now so we can go about our jobs, thank you" i smile, as i hear mummers as people walk down stairs or take athe elvator back to the lobby. After eight more hours of this, i walk to my car, as it is well after three thirty, inface its 5 thirty, hopping nico picked up the kids, i hope in the car and drive home, the snse of fear never leaving the pit of my stomach. When i step a foot in the dorr to the house, i met with two little creaites hugging me "DADDY!: the sream as they tackle me to the ground. i lugh as i tickle tem "hey kiddos, did you have a good time at school?" they both nod "we got to make paper airplanes! mines claled the dinsaur, and Bianca's names hers the flier.  i smile as i look at them "thats so cool! get ready for dinner" they nod as they go to the bathrrom as im left alone in the living room as i plop down on the coach "long day?" i nod and take a cup of tea from him "you have no idea, a god came in today, explained the no procey thins, its really weird thats its been going on and off, aprently it has somethign to wth NIght, takign control over to sometimes, either way, im glad that im not fighting anymore" nico laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder "same here solcae, same here" ocking thatsr at the door and i groan "hey, you relax, ill go get it" as he walks over to the door, my felling of nervousness and fears grow.. combined with the thing that.. oh no.. "NICO! dont answer the-" to late, he opens the door to be meet with the face, or i should say faces of a hydra, "Will! go gget the kids and take them upstairs!" i nod and run into the bathrooms and geab the childrne, they scream as they see the faces of the hydra, i hear crying, i look back to see Nico, trying hsi best to kill it, i hammer up the stairs, going two to three stairs at a time, i run into Michaels room and slam the door, i gte my bow form under his crib and look at them "Stay here!" i scream as i run out the door and into the mella, fire has taken the house, burning it down as i run to help nico, who looks exastued, "Nic!" im cut off as the monster sprays fire, whihc hits the sleve of nicos jacket, his arm carthces fire, licking at his skin as it spreads, i run to the kitchen and dump water on him, qunehing it out, as he falls to the floor, blood coming out of his rooms as he screams in pain, i see a bite in his lower calf and look at the hydra, rage filled in my eyes "YOU HURT MY HUSBAND! YOUR DEAD!" i scream as i start shooting it with arorws, but it does almsot nothing to pentrait the armor, i pick up Nico's swrd, ans tsart going around stabing it, i get thrown back agesnt the wall, as a claw holds me in place, i gulp, but other than that, showing no fear, i hear crackes as bones braks as i cry out in pane, in a despreat attempt, i stab it with my sword, giving it a major spliter ans he rectratcs his hand, at the moment, is see two figures running towards it, MIchael shooting his bow as Bianca, runs wiht only a arrow in her head as she stabs the beast, she decitly stays away from the fire, but not for long, soon enogh she gets swaped back by the tale, ans Michael trys to nock down the beast with arrows, but its nto good enough, i scream as i see the tail coming, up to harm BInca, MIchael looks over, and see s it to, thigns go in slow motion as nico sudenly gets off the floor andpushes Binca out of the way, the spikes stabbibg nico as he falls to the floor in hsick and pain as he screams, binca aands touches the lickign flames, as michale runs to help her, i ppick up nico's sword and stabs its underbelly, looking over to see te hydra, bite michael one last time, before it falls to the floor dead. and then the world goes black

------------------------------------------------------------ back to the present ------------------------------------------------

tears cload my from of vison as i finish retelling the story, i see annebth hug me as percy pats me on the back "hye, nico's tuff, hell be fine, and the kidsw will be perfectly safe" i nod as Macey looks back at me and has a tear in her eye "y-ya thell e fine, we just have to wait" and so we wait... and soon enough, i dift of into a trobled sleep

i prmosed you guys a three thousand word chater and i deliverd, sorry it didnt get out soone but i was really busy, hope you guys enjoyed and rebmber to vote. comment, and follow me.

Last chapter question: What was the saddest death in the percy jackson and the Heros of olympus series?

When Bob and te Giant died, saving ananbeth and percy from taturs, i was balling

This chapters question:

What is your favorite movie?

well, thats it for now guys, hope you enojyed, and i wass c-ya guys later, GGW OUT! PEACE!

From the Gamer, Livi

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