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DAISY WAS YET TO CRY. She had been thrown around like a rag doll and hit like the punching bags back at the FBI. She was bruised and bloody, but she was yet to crack. She didn't plan on doing so, either.

She lay on the floor, her head pounding as Harry paced back and forth. She couldn't think straight anymore, and with every second that passed, she just wanted to fall asleep and wake up in her bed back home. Yet, she knew that wasn't going to be the case.

"You're gonna wear this on our wedding night. Isn't it beautiful?" Harry muttered, pulling out a white dress that looked as if it dated back to the seventies. He held it out to her, and when she didn't take it, he grunted and kicked her in the stomach. Daisy wheezed as the wind was knocked out of her. "Answer me!"

Daisy heard birds chirping. The sun must have started to rise. She heaved out a shaky breath and tried to open her eyes. She could barely talk, everything she said was raspy. "It's beautiful."

Harry grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She struggled to stand, and grabbed at his arm to hold her up. He seemed to like her actions, and his hand slipped around her waist to support her. "You know, none of the other girls were as pretty as you. When this is all over, Ben is gonna marry us and you're gonna give me beautiful babies."

Daisy groaned in pain as he pulled her over to the bed. He dropped her on the sheets and she whimpered, feeling sharp aches across her entire body. She managed to open her eyes a little to see him looming over her, his fingers tempted to pull her shirt up. She used the little strength she had left in her to wriggle away from his grip, but he just cooed at her softly and ran his bloody hand through her hair.

She winced as he leaned in. "I can hardly wait to touch you. I would do so now, but it's God's will that I wait until we're wed."

Daisy choked out a breath of relief. She wanted to throw up, ever since he'd pulled her out of the bunker and into one of the secluded bedrooms of the ranch. She'd wanted to fight back, be the strong and tough agent she knew she was - but she couldn't risk the lives of Emily and Spencer. She wanted them to live, even if it meant she'd have to suffer.

"Harry!" someone shouted from outside the closed door. Harry hesitated, before he backed away from Daisy.

"What?" he poked his head outside. Daisy tried to turn her head, but the bruising around her throat made it agonising. He was ruthless, and she couldn't help but feel grateful he was a supporter of 'waiting until marriage'. She knew she couldn't handle that, and she hoped no other woman had to go through the same as her. It was sickening.

A minute or so later, Daisy felt her body rise from the bed. Harry carried her out of the room and down the hall, back towards the chapel. She whined after every breath, knowing that she may have bruised a rib or two. She still didn't fight back, however. From everything she'd been exposed to in her work, she could tell Harry had a hero complex. He wanted to hurt her so that he could take care of her later on. Maybe he didn't realise he was abusing her - maybe he thought he was helping.

"It has come to my attention that some of our brothers and sisters have lost their faith in God," she heard the muffled voice of Cyrus. She lifted her head and saw that they had entered the chapel, and she looked across to see Spencer and Emily. The latter gasped at the sight of the young agent, lifting her hands to cover her mouth. She was bloody and beaten herself, but at least she could stand. Spencer's jaw was dropped in shock, his eyes glazing over as guilt hit him like a freight truck. "They no longer love us. They want to abandon us. So, when I call out your name, please stand."

Daisy inhaled sharply as Harry set her down on the ground. He adjusted his gun around his shoulders and walked towards the stage, now determined to help his leader.

"Daisy," Emily tried her best to make her way over without causing a scene. Spencer crouched down and reached for her face. "Oh my God, what did he do to you?"

Daisy looked up at Emily through her lashes. "I'm fine. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay," Emily assured her, despite feeling unimaginable pain too. She'd been cleaned up by Jessica's mother, so she could have been much worse.

Spencer noticed how the wallpaper behind her was red. He and Emily both took her by the arms and gently pulled her up. She groaned, leaning against Emily for support. "I'm sorry, Emily. I should have said I was the agent."

Emily hushed her. "Either way, you would've been hurt. We need to get you out of here before he can do anything else."

"Did he..." Spencer trailed off, but Daisy shook her head before he could finish.

"No," she breathed out. Emily and Spencer shared a relieved expression, before they all turned to Cyrus, who was reading names from a small notebook.

Emily looked around. "Look at who he's releasing."

Spencer picked up on it. "It's the ones who failed the loyalty test. We'll get word to the team. Wait for a sign from outside the indicate what time the raid will come."

Spencer then left the two women and headed for Cyrus. He muttered a few things, and Daisy squeezed her eyes shut as she shifted where she stood. She couldn't describe the pain she was in. Cyrus looked over at her, and thought for a moment. He then glanced at Harry.

"Those of you that are standing, please collect your belongings," the leader sighed, before speaking softly to one of his men. Daisy grunted as Emily was pulled away from her, and she fell to the ground as she was unable to hold herself up. Soon, she was lifted up once more, and she looked to see someone she didn't know holding her.

"What's happening?" she croaked, grimacing as the man lifted her up, holding her the same way Harry had. "Please don't hurt me."

"I won't," he assured her, following the group of people whose names had been called out into the front room.

Daisy looked around and saw Cyrus standing beside a set of suitcases. He laced his hands before him and sighed deeply. "My friends, this is where we part. I thank you for your time with the Sepatarian Sect, but now I say goodbye."

Murmurs ripples across the group, but no one protested. Cyrus said no more; he raised his hands in the air as if giving one last farewell, before he stood back and let everyone leave.

"Spencer?" Daisy tried to call out. Cyrus watched her with narrowed eyes. She struggled as she tried to see her friend. "Spencer!"

"He will be staying with us," Cyrus called out, stepping over and patting Daisy's bloody forehead. "But, he has helped me see that perhaps I should let you go. It's the best I can do for now."

"But-" Daisy began, but Cyrus had already turned to walk away.

She was carried out with the others, the man who held her being far more gentle than Harry. At times he would accidentally nudge the parts of her that hurt the most, but he would apologise.

She groaned as she felt the sunlight hit her body. She looked up, and relaxed slightly when she got her first glimpse of the blue sky in almost three days.

"FBI!" she heard a familiar voice, and she felt her body start to tremble. The man glanced down at her worriedly. "You guys alright?"

"Over here!" the man yelled, rushing forward. "I've got one of the social workers, she's hurt!"

He pushed through the crowd of people, holding Daisy protectively. They didn't even know each other, but he still made sure she was alright.

Hearing another man swear, Daisy was passed into the arms of someone else. He was warm, and he held her with such care that she knew exactly who it was without having to look. "It's okay, baby, I've got you."

She leaned into his chest and exhaled, squeezing her eyes shut. "God, Morgan, am I happy to see you."


"I got Alvarez. We're gonna need a paramedic," Derek spoke into his radio as he pulled away from the building. He'd filled the truck with as many people as he could, but he couldn't deny that his main priority was Daisy. She was battered, broken and barely conscious. His eyes flickered over to her every few seconds, making sure she wasn't falling asleep. One hand was on the wheel, the other on the back of her head. "Don't close your eyes, sweetheart. Keep 'em open for me, okay?"

By the time they got to the FBI site, agents swarmed them to get the community members out of the truck and into protective care. Derek jumped out and ran to the passenger side, taking Daisy out with utmost care.

"Where is she?" JJ ran over with Hotch and Rossi following close behind. Derek hardly had any time to stop, wanting to take her to the ambulance straight away. One look at the woman was enough for the other members of the team to feel sick. JJ covered her mouth in shock.

"Hotch," Daisy mumbled, opening her eyes to find the unit chief. He came into view, walking quickly beside Morgan with wide eyes. She swore as she was set down in the ambulance, rubbing her side as she was quickly tended to. She looked up at her boss with bloodshot, scared eyes. She looked awful; her hair was tangled and soaked in her own blood, while her face, arms and stomach were purple from bruising. "Emily and Spencer are still in there, you've gotta get them out. Cyrus is planning a mass suicide, and he's been hurting Emily. Hotch, I need you to get them out."

"I'll get them out," Hotch nodded, trying to resist the urge to reach out and comfort her. Derek was at her side, clutching her hand and making sure she was being treated right. Hotch swallowed, staring at the wounds on show and feeling the familiar stab of guilt rush through him.

Daisy's eyes finally started to water. "Thank you."


two updates in a day baby!!!!

dedicated to professorlily !!

anyway uhhh bye

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