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"GET HIM OUT OF HERE," HARRISON SPAT IN DEREK'S DIRECTION, PURE DISGUST EVIDENT IN HIS FACE. Neither agent reacted, they were both far from intimidated. Derek was angry, but he sat down and put his elbows on the table without a word. He was asserting his dominance, and Harrison didn't like that. He sneered at the agent, looking up at Daisy. "I'm not going to talk with him here."

"He's here to make me feel safe," Daisy lied, sitting down. She pulled a pen from her pocket and a blank sheet of paper from the file, sliding them over to Harrison. "He is my boyfriend, after all."

"No he isn't," Harrison snapped, his hands slamming against the table. The sound echoed through the room and Daisy decided to sell the act by flinched, and Derek made a point to take her hand. Harrison's eye twitched as he got even angrier. "He isn't! He isn't! You're a liar! He isn't!"

"You must not be as good at keeping tabs on Daisy as you thought, Harrison," Derek leaned back and hung his arm over the back of her chair. He sounded smug; he was playing the part perfectly. Harrison's face burned bright red at the accusation. "We've been going out for a while now."

"You've never been to her apartment, I've never seen you," he hissed, saliva dribbling out the corner of his mouth. Seeing how close his Daisy was to this man made him feel the same way he did in the nightclub. He wanted to tear them apart. He shook his head frantically, scoffing. "I've seen that scrawny doctor and your unit chief, but never you."

"Our job takes us all over the country," Daisy explained, looking over at Derek with a smile. She leaned into his side and he adjusted his arm so it fell on her waist. "We spend everyday together, don't we?"

Derek grinned. "We sure do."

"Stop it!" Harrison cried out, slamming his chair against the ground. "I'm gonna kill you! You've gone against His will, and you're going to pay!"

Daisy was quiet for a moment, eventually returning her gaze to the criminal. "What is His will, Harry?"

Harrison spat at Derek once more, causing Daisy to sigh rather loudly. This caught his attention. "He willed for us to be together in body and spirit. You are my soulmate, and we will be together forever. I thought you were pure."

"Pure..." Derek trailed off, his brows knitting together. "As in a virgin?"

Harrison glared at him.

"But I am a virgin!" Daisy blurted out before she could think twice. Both men looked at her in surprise. She would have laughed if she were in a different circumstance, but she needed Harrison to believe her. She didn't falter, instead she cleared her throat and patted Derek's arm. "I'm saving myself for marriage. That's always been my plan, you know."

"Then what were you doing, dancing with him like a cheap whore?" Harrison scowled, and as much as she wanted to look over at Derek for help, she maintained eye contact with the criminal.

"There was no frick-fracking involved," she pointed out, noticing how Derek tensed up beside her at the use of the word 'whore'. "Just a bit of...tongue action, that's all."

Harrison eyed her carefully. "I don't believe you."

Daisy pulled her hand from Morgan's and shuffled through her pockets, pulling out one of the rings she'd been wearing that night. If she was going to deceive him, she might as go the distance. "This is my purity ring, I've had it since I was a teenager."

She handed it to Harrison, who snatched it from her and looked over it with a strange fascination. It was a plain silver band, one she'd gotten for three dollars at a flea market a couple of years ago. Usually she'd put it on her pinky, since it was too small for her other fingers.

"My dad gave it to me," she continued, the lie flowing steadily. "When I started middle school."

Harrison was suspicious as he listened to her tall tale, gripping the ring in his fist. She wondered if she'd ever get it back (the odds weren't in her favour).

"Now," she nodded towards the pen and paper in front of him. "I have a proposition for you."

Harrison met her eyes once more. He was trying to figure out if she was lying, but so far she hadn't given anything up. She was damn good at what she did, there was no denying it.

"I will let you keep that purity ring," she pointed to the piece of jewellery in his grasp. "But only if you give me the names and locations of the other twenty-one people you...practiced on."

Harrison pursed his lips, mulling over the offer. Then, he gave a dry chuckle and shook his head, greasy tendrils falling into his eyes. "Not good enough, Daisy."

Derek had never been one for patience. He liked to get to the point, especially when he knew the Unsub was guilty. This man, who had killed numerous people, beaten his friend and threatened to kill her sister, was being given a deal. To put it plainly, the agent was losing patience. "Well what is good enough, Harrison? Either way you're going to prison for a long, long time."

Harrison pondered for a moment, before a sick smile reappeared on his lips. He picked up the pen and gestured between the two agents. "I want two things."

Daisy quirked an eyebrow and tilted her head. "And what would that be?"

"One," he lifted a grubby finger. "Whatever sinful relationship you two have is over."

"You don't get to decide-" Derek kicked back his chair, and Daisy held her hand up to stop him. "Daisy, you can't just let him-"

"Leave the room, Derek," she demanded softly, not looking away from Harrison, who waved the buff agent away smugly. He then turned back to her and reached for the pen and paper. "What's number two?"

"I want to know more about you," he hummed, clicking the pen down and hovering the tip over the blank page. At Daisy's perplexed reaction, he smirked. "The little things; your favourite colour, movie, television show, your family-"

"Fine," Daisy cut him off quickly. He snickered and started to write. She took a deep breath and swallowed, knowing that she didn't really have much of a choice. "My favourite colour is blue."

"And why is that?" Harrison added little 'x's over his 'i's instead of dots.

"Because we used to go on family vacations to Cuba when I was a little girl to visit my mother's family," she replied, watching the list slowly begin to grow. "The water at Playa Ancon was so clear we could see the sand beneath our feet. My sister and I would play for hours underneath the blue sky, and we'd come back sunburnt and smelling like the sea."

Harrison looked up in pure adoration. "That's beautiful. Go on, tell me more."

"My favourite movie is 'Roman Holiday'," she continued, tapping the paper so that he would do the same. "And my favourite show is...actually, I don't know if I have one."

"Surely you must," he urged, pausing his writing. "What about Beatrice? What is it you call her? Beanie?"

"Beatrice is fine," she corrected him, and he chortled. She felt disgusting, but knew she had to keep going. "And this is about me, not her."

"Alright, alright," he was about ten names in. "Favourite song?"

"The Next Time, Cliff Richard and the Shadows."


"It's a play," she muttered. "Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare."

"I've never heard of it," he grunted, the pen screeching a little as he pressed too hard. "Explain it to me."

Daisy rolled her shoulders back and withheld a sigh. "It's the original haters to lovers story, where Benedick and Beatrice are brought together by their friends who are sick of their arguing. The two secretly fall in love, while said friends are accusing one another of adultery and such. They all live happily ever after in the end. Oh, and Keanu Reeves is in the movie."

"I've never been one for Shakespeare. Favourite food?"

Daisy counted the names on the sheet before she answered. Eighteen. They were almost there. "Buttered croissant."

Harrison made an 'ahh' sound, and smacked his lips. "Final question."

Daisy waited, her patience seemingly endless. How long had she been in here? It felt like days, but she knew it had probably only been forty-five minutes. "Yes?"

Harrison leaned forward a little. "Your parents. Tell me about them."

"I thought I said this was about me," Daisy's voice was sharp, but he cut her off with a flick of his hand.

"Do you want the last name or not?" he taunted, twirling the pen between his fingers.

Daisy exhaled. "My mother was from Cuba, my father was from Michigan. They got married and-"

"No, get to the juicy parts!" he would have thrown something if he wasn't tied down. "Why did your mother leave, why did your father kill himself?"

Ouch. That one cut pretty deep.

"My mother left because she couldn't stand the sight of him," her voice had dipped in volume. "She went back to Cuba without us because she had decided that the 'American Dream' was a living nightmare."

He was writing the final name with such precision that the handwriting was starkly different to what came before. "And your father?"

"He became depressed," Daisy shrugged as if it didn't mean anything to her. "He didn't see a way out."

"And was this before or after Beatrice was kidnapped by Timothy Morton?"

Daisy's hands fell under the table. She clenched her fists so tight her knuckles were starting to change colour. "After."

"Interesting," he said, ending the last letter with a neat flick. He looked over the list and sighed happily, as if he was proud of what he had accomplished. "Thank you, Agent Alvarez. You'd be surprised how little shows up when I google your interests."

Daisy snatched the notepad up from the table and shot up from her chair, leaving the room without so much as a look back.

Harrison grinned, his head rolling back to stare at the ceiling. "I win."



ty for reading team idk how to feel about but eh it be like that

i actually ended up writing most of this on my phone for some reason lmao 

hm anyway 

what's the latest tea guys lemme know how's life whats poppin are we being safe are we following the law (for the most part (eat the rich)) 

i also think I've figured out my white boy of the month! it looks like charlie day is currently in the lead so uhh good for him i guess ,,,,

okay um bye ily thank you for the constant support and also for all the birthday wishes the other day that was so cash money of you guys UGH love y'all byeeee

oh also uhh in case y'all were curious

this is the song daisy was talking about

this is the movie

and this is much ado about nothing which is such a cute story and is lit rally the og haters to lovers

idk if you guys are seeing a pattern in the themes of all these (ex. roman holiday I guess) but uhh ooo reflecting daisy and hotch perhaps?? ew gross ugh anyway bye for real now

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