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THE HARDEST PART ABOUT FINDING SOMEONE TO HOOK UP WITH WAS THAT DAISY KNEW NONE OF THEM KISSED LIKE HOTCH DID. There was something about his commanding presence that drew her to him, yet she knew that a relationship with him was something she probably shouldn't pursue. She figured this out when she returned to the hotel alone that night, stopping outside Hotch's room and wondering if he was still up.

She stared up at the room number, wishing she wasn't feeling the way she did. She recalled how his lips had felt against hers, and how his hands moved against her body as if he remembered every nook and cranny. How he took care of her in a way not many people had, and she couldn't deny that she'd struggled to not think about it.

She hesitated, before lifting her fist and knocking on the door. She knew he probably wouldn't respond, it was almost two in the morning and-

"Alvarez?" Hotch's voice was raspy. She'd woken him up. She took a step back, feeling guilty that she'd done so. She was still in her dress, still smelling like her orchid body wash considering she didn't actually do much dancing in the nightclub Derek and Emily had dragged her to. She gripped her purse, staring over at her boss, who was in a grey t-shirt and blue sweatpants. "What are you-"

"I wanted to come back with you," she admitted, though she was only being so truthful because she was drunk. She wouldn't dare say such things if she was sober. "But then Derek would find out, and then Reid-"

"Daisy," Hotch interrupted her, closing his eyes for a moment. From the expression on his face, his drinks from dinner had worn off. He was thinking rationally once more, and that meant she was about to face reality. She wasn't quite in the mood for that. Hotch exhaled through his nose, before he stared her dead in the eye.  "Listen, we can't do this again. It's inappropriate, and doesn't reflect on either of our careers well."

"Oh," Daisy faltered. Her cheeks flushed as embarrassment overcame her, and all of the urges she had dissipated into thin air. She rubbed her lips together in thought, her fuzzy brain trying to gather itself and makes sense of what was happening. "I thought-"

"I find you..." Hotch trailed off. "Very attractive. But, from what I can tell you aren't one for relationships, and I'm not exactly the best guy at, well, any of this. I think it's better that we just end whatever is going on here so neither of us gets hurt in the long run."

Daisy was conflicted. She wanted to get angry at him, shout in his face for making out with her in the restaurant toilets and then flat out rejecting her when she came around. She wanted to shove him, but also kiss him, but also make him regret losing out on her. But, she respected him. Why would she force something he didn't want? She had never been that kind of person, and she wasn't about to start. She looked down at the floor, feeling quite lightheaded. "I understand, Hotch. And...I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Hotch's brows furrowed in confusion. "For what?"

Daisy shrugged sadly. "I don't know."

Hotch watched her carefully, subconsciously profiling the woman. She was hard to read, just like the other members of his team. He never knew what she was truly thinking, but even if he did, he'd never understand what any of it meant. He saw her standing outside his door, tired and intoxicated, but still with the special spark he'd seen in her since the first day they met. She was different, but he didn't really know why. "Goodnight, Alvarez."

Daisy went to turn, but paused and looked back. "I like it when you call me Daisy. It makes it seem like we're friends."

"Are we not friends?" Hotch asked, tilting his head. He was teasing; he knew the answer she'd give. 

"Hell no," she snorted, and his lip curved in a half smile. "You're the worst! Night, Hotchner."

Hotch muttered another farewell and watched as she spun on her heel and stalked down the hallway, alone, drunk and slightly humiliated. 

At least she probably wouldn't remember it all in the morning. 


She remembered it all in the morning. 

Groaning, she held her head in her hands as she sat beside Rossi in the hotel foyer. She had only gotten four hours of sleep, though that was more than Emily seemed to have gotten. She was in far worse shape, which made Daisy feel slightly better about herself. 

Then, the memory of knocking on Hotch's door reminded her that maybe that wasn't the case. 

"So, anything fun happen last night?" Rossi wiggled his eyebrows, nudging the younger woman. She scowled at him, before leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder. Rossi chuckled and patted her head. "That good, huh?"

"I know you sent him to come and get me from the restroom last night," she mumbled into his shirt, and he shrugged. 

"Did it work?" he asked, his voice light and teasing. She groaned, and he laughed once more, taking a sip from the coffee he had sitting beside him. 

"Shut up."

"Morgan, can you-" Emily walked over, her eyes squinted to block out the sunlight. Derek looked over from the slot machine he was sitting at, the loud sound effects making Emily's headache worse. "Please, my head."

"My bad, sorry," Derek laughed, picking up his cup of quarters and leaving the gambling station. "You know these things are rigged, right?"

Rossi looked over Daisy's head as Emily fell onto the couch beside them. "Late night?"

Emily grunted. "I hate Vegas."

"Come on, Prentiss," Derek jeered. "How can you hate Vegas? This is a grown folks's playground."

"Anyone seen Reid?" JJ walked up to the group, her hands on her hips to support her gigantic pregnant belly. She was due any day now, yet she still worked the long hours the job commanded. 

"He stayed with his mom last night," Daisy muttered softly, and when JJ's eyebrows lifted in confusion, Derek repeated it to her. 

"Well, he should be here by now," the liaison replied in slight concern. "He knows the departure time."

She looked over at the slot machine. 

"This thing still has credit on it," she leaned over the chair, reaching for the handle. 

Emily lifted her hand quickly. "JJ, I swear to God."


Rossi pointed at both Daisy and Emily, then mimicked taking a shot. JJ and Derek chuckled in response, before the latter looked up at the doors. "Oh, here he comes right now."

Daisy didn't bother lifting her head. In truth, she was starting to doze off on Rossi's shoulder. 

"What'd you do? Sleep through your alarm?" Derek teased as Spencer jogged over to the group. 

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting," the man apologised profusely, and Rossi stood up without warning, leaving Daisy to fall a little and catch herself at the last minute. She huffed and glared up at the grinning Rossi, her tired eyes making her appear quite scary. 

"Hotch is already at the airstrip," JJ said, and Daisy felt her cheeks heat up at the mention of him. God, she wished she could erase last night from her memory. "How fast can you pack?"

"Actually, I'm gonna stay a couple of days," Spencer forced a smile. Daisy looked over at him, quickly picking up that something was off. He'd been up and down the entire case, and she wasn't the only one who had been worried about him. True, she hadn't known him as long as everyone else, but the two had quickly become close. 

"Is everything alright?" Rossi asked, and Spencer quickly nodded. 

"Yeah, I just, um," he trailed off. "I haven't seen my mom for a really long time, so I'd like a few more days."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," the genius nodded. 

"Okay," Rossi replied easily. "Take a few days. Do what you need to do."

The team walked past, but Daisy and JJ lingered. Spencer and the blonde woman gave their fond farewells, and Daisy stepped up last, a worried expression on her face. Spencer looked down, noticing it immediately. "What?"

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked softly, reaching out and lightly knocking his arm. "I know that you're gonna lie to me, so at least make it worth it."

Spencer smiled. "I'm okay, Daisy. I-"

She held a finger up. "Don't say promise. Or swear, or pledge, or any of that bullshit. Just lie to me and move on."

Spencer chuckled. "I'm fine."

"Good boy," she patted his cheek. He didn't move away, which made her heart burst with joy. Since he told her that he didn't mind her touching him, she'd still been careful with how she approached him physically. But, he had been welcoming to her, and she couldn't put into words how much she appreciated it. "Let me know if you need me, cause I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I will," Spencer watched her walk out with the rest of the team, and he sighed softly. 

He had work to do. 


okay. well. 

basically I wrote smut with Hotch and daisy and it is HEATED. 

I said before that I don't write smut, so this is a first for me. and right now I would love some feedback as to what I should do with...said content 

if I can muster up the courage I might post it, but that's a MAYBE. i might not because its pretty out of character and comfort zone for me as an author, and I've never done that kind of thing before


id love to hear your opinions of what I should do! please be honest with me!! should I publish it when it gets to that point in the story of let it gather dust in the pits of hell where it belongs? let me know!

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