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"ALVAREZ, YOU'RE BEING STUPID," HOTCH SNAPPED, GLARING AT DAISY. He couldn't put his anger into words, watching as she sat in the Sheriff's truck, conscious but incapable of taking part in the raid. The darkness of the night concealed much of her face, so he could only see her shadowed side profile. Her hair had been taken out of its ponytail so that her head could be cleaned up, which meant the night breeze forced her to tuck strands behind her ears every few minutes. She was staring at the chapel, not listening to her boss. He had wanted her to go straight to the hospital, but she refused to go anywhere until she knew Emily and Spencer were safe. "Alvarez."

"Shh," she hushed him, holding up her finger as she tried to listen for anything from inside the building. Hotch clenched his jaw, having briefly forgotten how frustrating she was to be around. He looked away after a moment, trying to ease his own nerves. 

Daisy's knee bounced up and down anxiously and she picked at the skin around her nails. Her eyes remained on the entrance of the chapel, waiting for something to happen. 

Then, the building exploded in a ball of fiery inferno. She yelled in terror, feeling a rush of heat from the sudden detonation. 

She threw the door open and jumped out, groaning in pain at the ground shock. But, she didn't stop. Hotch rushed over and wrapped his arm around her waist to support her. She held onto him so tight he thought he might fall over. "Were they still in there?"

"I don't know," Hotch muttered, his eyes wide and panicked as he stared into the flames. Daisy gripped his shirt sleeve, her eyes watering from both the smoke and the concern that her friends didn't make it out alive.

"Reid! Morgan!" 

Daisy's head shot up when she heard Emily's voice. Looking over to the basement exit, she gasped when she saw the woman stumbling out with bruises and blood across her body. "Emily!"

Emily ran over, her eyes wide. She placed her hand on Daisy's shoulder, her breathing heavy. "Where's Reid and Morgan?"

The three agents looked towards the blaze, seeing two silhouettes moving towards them. Daisy squinted, trying to make them out. Her legs nearly gave way in relief when she saw Spencer and Derek coughing. She went to take a step, but Hotch held her back. She looked up at him, her lips slightly parted. "What are you doing?"

"You shouldn't be on your feet," he replied softly. She rolled her eyes, and he scoffed, keeping his supportive hold on her. "Just trust me on this one, okay?"

Daisy pursed her lips, knowing deep down that he was right. She hesitated before she leaned into him and allowed him to carry most of her weight. "Fine."

"Daisy," Spencer choked out, his voice just loud enough to carry over to his friend. He stumbled over and pulled her into a hug, careful not to cause her more pain. He buried his head in her shoulder and held her close, sniffling a little. "I'm so sorry. I should have done something-"

Daisy reached up and tangled her hand in his hair. It was dirty and slightly greasy, but she didn't care in the slightest. She wiped her eyes on his shirt, trying to hide the fact that she was getting emotional. She didn't wanting him to see her like this. Sure, he'd already encountered her after being beaten, but she wasn't going to show weakness if she could help it. "Spence, it's not your fault. I got out because of you. You saved me."

Spencer pulled away and stared at Daisy for a moment, but she had made it clear that she meant every word. She appeared stoic, despite the grief hidden behind her eyes. He smiled, before moving onto Hotch. The older man didn't hesitate in showing him affection, clearly relieved to see his team alive. 

"Spencer," Daisy caught his attention once more. She hesitated, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Is Harry-?"

Spencer pursed his lips, looking back at the burning building. "I don't know. He wasn't in the room with us when the bombs detonated."

"Harry?" Hotch interrupted softly. "Was this the man that-"

"Yeah." Daisy nodded, remembering how his hands had hovered over her body. 

"Either way," Hotch said. "He won't be able to hurt you again."

Daisy didn't reply. She wanted to believe him, but what if he was wrong? 

Once Spencer had gone back to speak with Derek, Hotch looked down at Daisy, adjusting his hold on her. "Alright, let's get you to the hospital."

Daisy waved him off. "I'm fine, Hotch. Seriously."

Hotch sent her an unamused look. "You know, the fact that you think you can lie to a profiler is pretty insulting."

"I'm not lying," Daisy went to cross her arms, and inhaled sharply at the pain in her ribs. She subconsciously leaned back into him, squeezing her eyes shut to try and compose herself. "Shit."

Hotch sighed, returning his arm to her waist and slinging her arm over his shoulder, helping her back into the car. He was careful with how he handled her, making sure she didn't hit her head or irritate her wounds. She muttered a thank you, and he nodded in response, forcing a tight-lipped smile her way. Despite the mutual dislike for one another, it was clear that there was an unspoken trust. 


"I'm glad you're okay, kid," Rossi patted Daisy's knee as he walked past her on the jet. She was lying down on the couch, half asleep, her swollen face having settled slightly over the last two days they had spent doing paperwork in Colorado. Well, she hadn't done much personally, as she'd been confined to a hospital bed with everyone constantly checking on her. She'd gotten five calls a day from Penelope, who hadn't stopped worrying, and numerous visits from her teammates, who brought her food that was far nicer than what the staff was trying to give her.

"Thanks," she smiled softly, before seeing Hotch come into view. He looked down at her and hesitated, before sitting on the chair beside her. He placed his files down on one of the tables and put his hands in his lap. He appeared like he was struggling to find the words to say, his mouth opening as closing as he tried to figure out the right thing. Daisy sat up slightly and watched him. "Hotch?"

"I'm sorry I put you in this situation," he muttered softly, averting his eyes. Daisy's face scrunched in confusion. "I should have kept you back here with us, or I should have gone with you three, but I thought it was just going to be an easy case, I-"

"Hotch," Daisy nudged his foot with hers. He glanced up and met her eyes. They weren't mad or annoyed like they usually were when directed at him. They were understanding, forgiving. His shoulders unconsciously relaxed. "It's not your fault. How were you supposed to know what was gonna happen?"

"Yes, but-"

"Yes, but nothing," she cut him off, reaching over and putting her hand on his. Hotch swallowed, trying to force down the sudden burning in his stomach. "Listen, you're my favourite person to piss off, and that's not gonna change. But I want you to know that I don't blame you for what happened. Neither does Emily, or Spencer. You got us out, you got me out."

Hotch pursed his lips together, and exhaled through his nose. His eyes flickered down to his hands, which he noticed had gotten a little clammy. He cleared his throat as he forced some thoughts to the back of his head, looking back at Daisy. He then felt the corner of his lip twitch. "Are you sure you're not still concussed?"

Daisy rolled her eyes, though she started to smile too. "Don't worry, I'll be back to giving you a hard time soon enough."

Hotch was quiet for a moment, before he got to his feet once more. He took a small step towards her and rested his hand on her shoulder. His hand was warm, and while he thought it was probably inappropriate, she found it quite comforting. She stared up at him, thankful to see the softer side of the frustrating man. "You're part of this family now, Alvarez. I hope you know that."

Daisy's gaze turned to the rest of the team in the jet. Spencer and Emily were talking quietly, probably about the case. They had taken care of her in the ranch, knowing that she hadn't been in such a situation for a long time. They had been kind and kept her safe, sacrificing their safety for hers. Derek was listening to his music, staring out the window of the jet. He'd been there for her for years; that was nothing new. Still, he put in the effort to make her feel comfortable. JJ was already fast asleep, but Daisy didn't blame her. Pregnant and working in one of the most stressful jobs? She was a trooper. Rossi was tapping something into his personal laptop, probably material for a new book. 

It was then that Daisy realised that maybe Hotch was right -- she hadn't been at the BAU that long, but these people had gone to great lengths to save her. 

She turned back to Hotch. "Thank you."

Maybe she was part of the family after all.


let me know if you'd like a dedication!!!! mostly cause i can't be bothered picking cause I'm tired af oops

anyway!! hope you enjoyed?? maybe??? idk???  

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