Part 4

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By: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (there's a dragon here too)

Meanwhile, an ancient sea dragon awoke from his deep, deep, deep slumber, smelling fresh blood from the city nearby. Stretching his aching joints, he swam closer to the city and then a few kilometres away, he leapt into the air, opening his aquamarine wings and flew to the city. In the city, the psychopath stalked a certain teenager named Talie and killed him by chopping off his head, blood squirting everywhere. The dragon had seen this murder and preyed upon the psychopath for a few minutes until he ran into an ally. The dragon swooped down and and opened his maw (yes I stole it from pen IDC) releasing a flood of water drowning the psychopath and the city itself (story of Atlantis), the dragon then became the supreme ruler of the world, forcing the puny mortals to become the dragons slaves and if they dared to disobey them, they would get eaten alive. 

Well the princess books asked for it and they got it. An evil dragon. Well it's my favourite character in the book because it's a DRAGON A FREAKIN DRAGON.

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