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The WICKED scientists panicked as they furiously typed away at their computers and frantically spoke to each other.

"Knock her out!"a blonde women said. "We can't allow her to hear their conversation! It will ruin everything!"

"Why can she hear them? She shouldn't be able to!"a women with black hair shouted across the room.

"I don't know!"a man replied.

"You might not know,"a man said as he walked in the door,"but I do."

"Janson,"the lady said,"what is it?"

"Not a what, but a who."

"Well, who is it then?"the man yelled.

"Thomas,"Jason said. "And he made sure it was permanent."

The WICKED scientists looked outraged. "That little shit!"


When Clara woke up, Thomas was next to her bedside, sitting in a chair, asleep. It was obviously night.

She sat up, groaning as she did so.

Thomas woke up, and got up, standing next to her. "Clara, are you okay? What happened?"

Clara's lip trembled as she turned her head to look at Thomas. "What did you do, Thomas?"

"What do you mean?"he said.

"I mean, what did you do? Before the Glade?"

"Clara,"Thomas said. "I don't know."

"I don't know, either, Thomas!"she replied. "I just don't know."

Thomas thought for a second, then said,"But do you know what I do know?"

"What?"Clara asked.

"I know that everything is gonna be okay,"he told her.

"How do you know that?"

Once again, he thought for a second before answering. "Because we have each other. And that's all we need."

"You're right,"she said.

"Oh, thank God,"he said. "I thought you were gonna laugh."

Clara chuckled. "Oh, Tom."

He smiled, then started to walk out the room. He stoped at the doorway, then said,"Well, if you need anything, just let me know."

"Thanks, Thomas,"she said.

"Anytime,"he said.

She lay down, but after about a second, she sat up and called out,"Thomas?"

He walked back into her room, and said,"Yeah?"

"Um, is this doesn't sound too weird, would you mind staying?"she asked nervously.

Thomas nodded, and replied,"Yeah, yeah, of course."

He went to sit down on the chair, but Clara said,"Thomas, I meant in the bed. In like a non sexual way, of course."

Thomas laughed, and said,"God, you're awkward."

"Not as awkward as you,"she laughed. "I was being serious, by the way."

Thomas said, "Are you sure?"

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have asked you,"she said. "Are you okay with that?"

"Of course,"he said, and climbed in next to her.

He wrapped an arm around her, and she lay her head on his chest.

"Thomas?"she said, and looked up.

"Yeah?"he said, but didn't have chance to say anything else.

She leaned him to kiss him. It was a gentle and warm kiss, and didn't last very long, but Clara loved every second of it.

After she pulled away, Thomas asked,"Why did you do that?"

She thought for a second. It had just felt right to her, and so she had done it.

She loved him. She really did. Even if she had been denying it, or not allowing herself to think about it. But she did.

"Because I love you,"she said. She didn't know why she had said it, but she knew that it was true. Maybe they were together before The Maze, she didn't know. But, whatever it was, she trusted her gut feeling.

Thomas looked at her, and instead of answering, he pulled her closer, and kissed her back.

"I love you too, Clara."


Clara and Thomas spent breakfast with Chuck, who continuously spoke about how cool it was they were now officially Runners.

Changing the subject, Thomas asked,"Hey, Chuck, did they ever find Gally?"

Clara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and waited for Chuck to reply. She hadn't heard anything about Gally being missing.

"I was gonna tell you - someone said they saw him run out into the Maze after he left the Gathering. Hasn't been seen since."

"Really?"Clara asked as Thomas dropped his fork, shocked at what Chuck had just said.

"Yeah,"Chuck said and looked at Thomas. "Everyone knows he went nuts - some shank even accused you of killing him when you ran out there yesterday.'

"Oh my God,"Clara said in shock. "He's even crazier than I thought."

"I can't believe..."Thomas said.

"Don't worry about it, dude. No one likes him except for his few shuck cronies. They're the ones accusing you of stuff,"Chuck told Thomas.

"Ya know, the guy is probably dead,"Thomas said. "You're talking about him like he's gone on holiday."

"I don't think he's dead,"Chuck stated.

Clara thought for a second. "He can't be dead. Gally may be crazy, but he's not stupid."

"Huh? Then where is he? Aren't Minho, Clara and I the only ones who've survived a night out there?"Thomas asked.

"That's what I'm saying. I think his buddies are hiding him inside the Glade somewhere. Gally was an idiot, but he couldn't possibly be stupid enough to stay out in the Maze all night. Like you guys,"Chuck explained.

Thomas shook his head. "Maybe that's exactly why he stayed out there. Wanted to prove he could do anything I can do. The guy hates me." He paused. "Hated me,"he corrected himself.

"Well, whatever,"Chuck said and shrugged. "If he's dead, you guys'll probably find him eventually. If not, he'll get hungry and show up to eat. I don't care."

Thomas and Clara picked up their plates once they were finished eating and took it to the counter.

"All I want is one normal day - one day to relax,"Thomas wished.

"Then your bloody wish is granted,"Newt said. "Come on, ya buggin' jailbirds. You can take it easy while you're hangin' in the Slammer. Let's go. Chucky'll bring ya two some lunch at noon."

Thomas nodded as Clara groaned. They headed out the door, Newt leading the way.


gif is the clarmas (clara + thomas) kiss



Okay I know it was awkward af, but I know most people's first kisses are really awkward so I wanted to make it more realistic :)

Also, sorry if the kiss was shit, I'm not very good at writing them, but I tried and I didn't think it was awful so that's an improvement 😂

If you guys were confused in the first part, basically, the WICKED scientists were really confused about why Clara could hear Thomas and Teresa, and Janson found out that it was actually Thomas who did it. I'll give more information on this later though :)

Otherwise, what did you think? Let me know in the comments, and give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed :)

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