This is what Prison must feel like (Oneshot

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So Dr. K and Puro decided to open a school for Lin and other latexes, but turns out they gave up on the first day, look what happened.

8:30 Am
Class: Spelling and Reading
Teacher: Puro

Everyone was in their seats, including Lin, and Puro sat at his desk and looked at everyone, the room was quiet... Until..

A leopard latex broke the silence by yelling out three words, "BOATS AND HOES!"

The room was filled was so much laughter, Lin on the other hand was just sitting there sliently, and Puro didn't laugh.

The class then worked on spelling papers, until Puro saw a cat and dog latex fighting over pencils, Puro walked over and sighed, "Give me your pencils." he ordered.

The dog and cat latex smirked at each other, "Okay!" the both replied and opened their bags, and dumped out what seemed like an endless amount of pencils which made the class, except Lin, laughed.

Thats when Puro gave up.

1:30 PM
Class: Science and Math
Teacher: Dr. K

After Puro let the kids do whatever they want, which ended up as a pencil war. It was time for Dr. K to put the kids into some sense.

All the kids partnered up, Dr. K and Lin were partners and they were dissecting frogs, and again, the leopard.

The leopard latex jumped the the table, and acted like a frog while he held the frog, "Ribbet!" he yelled and threw the frog at Dr. K.

Dr. K dodged the frog, and the frog... Exploded onto the green chalk board as the remains slowly slid down the board.

Everyone exept Lin and K laughed.

Then it was math time, and it was going well, very very well, but not for long.

A fox latex raised her paw and Dr. K sighed, "What?" he asked.

"Are negative numbers depressed?" she asked and the class laughed.

Dr. K and Lin groaned and sighed.

~30 minutes later~

Dr. K was reading a book while Lin did his math.

One kid flipped his desk over and left the room without a word.

The a kid stood up and looked at Dr. K, the fox latex.

"Can I use the restroom?" she asked.

"I dunno, can you?" Dr. K replied.

"I dunno, can you get a full time job?!" she smirked.

Dr. K stood up and held a ruler, "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME WOMAN!"

And that is how the day ended.

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