Moving in!!

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"Ugggh!" I groan, mom is making us me move to another city, AGAIN?! Really? Doesn't she ever get tired of that??

"What's wrong Y/N?" My mom asks me, "why do we always have to move, can't we stay in one place??" I sit up to look at her as she focuses on the road

"I'm sorry honey, but my work keeps me busy, but this is the last time I promise" huh? What does she mean by that? "What do you mean by that mom?" First she really plan on staying?, "Well once we move to Royal Woods, I'm going to get a new job,and we're going to stay!" Yes! Finally no more moving!

We arrive at our new home, she gets out of the car and I quickly go to hug her, "Thank you!" She hugs me back and Pat's my head, "no problem Y/N I know how much you hated moving all the time, and once my boss told me I had to come to Royal Woods I was so happy! There is a very low crime rate here and the schools are good too, so I decided to quit and get a new job so you can finally stay in one place"

I hug her tighter, "thanks mom, really" she giggled, the moving van finally turns into the driveway, and the workers start to take boxes out, me and my mom go over to help them out

My mom turns to me before I go over tho help, "Y/N why don't you go look around, and be back before 6:00 okay?" I nod and walk away

I'm already liking this town, it's peaceful and quiet, I walk about a block away from my new home before I look over to a two story home, it had toys everywhere! In the trees too, what? There is also alot of noise coming from inside, hope they aren't fighting

I walk past that home to look around more


It's 5:36 I'm heading home so my mom doesn't worry about me, I saw the elementary school I'm going to, and I passed a few other places along the way, like The Burpin Burger, Lynn's table, a mall, and a nearby gas station

On my way home I pass that same two story home, they seem to have quiet down a bit but are still a little noisy, oh well

I enter my home and I see my mother in the kitchen, "Hey mom, I'm home!" She comes over to hug me, "welcome home Y/N, so how was your day looking around the town?" We go into the kitchen and we talk for a bit about my day and the places I saw, even the house with toys in the trees

"Okay honey why don't you go to your room and unpack your things" "alright mom" I go up to my room and look around it's a little smaller than my last room, but it's my own space

I go to some boxes and open it up, my bed is already set up, just have to make it up, I stack my shelves with my comics, mostly Marvel haven't read much DC, but I also have Ace Savy and a few mangas too

I lay down on my bed and relax, I can finish tomorrow once I get home from school, yeah I just moved here, but it's a Tuesday so....yeah sad 😞

Let's just hope I have a good day

;) Oh~ he will have a good day at school tomorrow

Sorry it's short I'll try to make the next chapter a bit longer

Word count: 618

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro