Chapter 16

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By the time we got home I was beat. I didn't want to lift another finger, not that I had to. The help at Lucy's house was more than happy to do everything and anything for us, and even though her mother was away and I was free to roam the house I wanted nothing more than to just go to my room and check my phone. I knew already that there would be messages from my parents that would upset me, but maybe if Blake left some messages as well it would in a way cancel each other out. Lucy however had other things on her mind. Apparently she wasn't kidding when she mentioned me painting her toes.

"You smudged again!" she screamed. It wasn't a mad scream. It was a scream full of giggles that went along with a kick that almost did enough damage for Lucy to owe me a new nose.

"Ouch!" I screamed grabbing my nose. "Why don't you just have someone professional do it?"

"Because it's more fun this way!" she squealed as she grabbed the remote to turn Taylor Swift's terrible voice louder.

"Do you have to torture me with that terrible screeching?" I looked at her with just a little bit of hatred in my eyes, and at the same time I realized something else.

This was what normal teenagers did. They fought with each other about music choices and clothing and painted each other's toenails. They talked about boys and virginity and how terrible their parents were, although their parents were perfectly fine to begin with. And then there was me who hadn't opened his mouth in such a long time that he forgot how to have fun at all. To be honest, apart from Taylor's wailing in the background I was actually enjoying myself a lot. Even the kick to the nose wasn't that bad. It wasn't even bleeding. And to top it all off I hadn't had a single urge to cut myself today, unless once again you count in the music. Listening to that I did have the urge to fall out my teeth of some road and then chew through my wrists with my gums. It would without a doubt be less painful than listening to the wailing that Lucy called music.

"Maybe we could go and see her on tour?" Lucy suggested, acting as if I didn't mention that the music was a screeching.

"Do you want to kill me?" I asked with all the seriousness I could muster.

"Quite," Lucy answered with an evil grin spread over her face. "And that looks perfect thank you."

She looked at her feet where I just finished her nails. It wasn't anywhere near perfect, but most of the smudges had been covered up.

"So what's you thing with Blake? How did you fix him?" I asked as I walked over to the little fridge in her room to retrieve myself a Dr. Pepper and Lucy a diet Coke.

"I told you... You will have to ask him," she said absentmindedly taking the can from me while still admiring her toes.

"But Lucy..." I began but she cut me off.

"Has he fucked you yet?"

Dr. Pepper for everyone! I spat out the cool drink that was in my mouth that immediately formed darker pink blotches on the lighter pink carpet that I was standing on.

"What did you say?" I knew exactly what she had said, but I needed to make sure that I heard her correctly.

"I asked if Blake has fucked you yet? As in had sex? He used to fuck his ex-boyfriend's brains out all the time," she said and then giggled.

I felt myself getting red around the face. I probably looked like an over ripe tomato. But the idea of Blake with someone else was news to me. Obviously he wasn't a virgin. I had thought that much. He was smoking hot to say the least. But the idea of another guy; and not just some random guy buy an actual boyfriend. That scared me a bit to think about. He had someone he could compare me to. Someone that might have had much less issues than I had.

"When did they break up?" I asked.

"Oh no! It doesn't work that way my little gay pet. You answer a question and then I will answer one," Lucy said with one of her stupid grins.

"No. We haven't... done it... Now you. When did they break up?" I asked again.

"About six months ago. It was a bit of an affair, but they were totally wrong for each other from the get-go," Lucy said. "No it's my turn. Are you top or bottom?"

I stared at her a moment, not knowing what she meant. She must have seen the confused look on my face because she quickly explained.

"How should I put this... Let's say it's Christmas. Would you be Father Christmas giving the gift in the sack or would you be the one receiving it?"

I was still confused. What the hell did Christmas have to do with top or bottom?

"Oh hell! Like, do you like getting fucked or would you be doing the fucking?" Lucy said loudly with an extreme look of irritation.

"What..?!" I was shocked. Damn! I didn't even know, did I? And if I wasn't already red, I would surely be now.

"So? Top or bottom?" she urged.

"I'm a virgin..." I admitted, making Lucy laugh from the pit of her stomach.

"You can't be serious?" she got through various giggles and rolling around on the bed, forgetting that her nails probably wasn't even completely dry yet.

"Why did Blake break up with his ex?" I asked. I was no longer discussing my sex life, or lack thereof, and Lucy owed me a question.

With the question she sat bold up right.

"Who ever said Blake was the one to break up with him?" She was serious now.

"Why did they break up then?" I asked again, getting annoyed. This question game wasn't fair play at all.

"Oh my gosh!" Lucy suddenly screamed. "Look at the time! You are going to be late!"

"Late for what?" I asked, feeling like a question mark for the umpteenth time today.

"Your date with Blake!"

And just like that the conversation ended, and without knowing what the heck was going on, and without being given a single detail I was pushed to my room and into the bathroom, not allowed to come out until I was properly scrubbed.

"And don't wet your hair!" Lucy called after me. "Gee did a miracle. Don't ruin it."

Two hours later I was dressed in some of the new clothing that Lucy had bought me. Against my wishes she had pushed me into a pair of red skinnies and some black boots that I didn't even know she bought. Apparently she resumed the Elijah-makeover shopping while I was getting my hair done. I also didn't recognize the Red velvet jacket she forced me into to cover the very plain black shirt I was wearing.

She had poked me in the eye twice because I wasn't sitting still and kept asking questions that wasn't going to be answered while putting on my eyeliner.

"Turn around!" Lucy yelled. "Twirl darling! Yes! Stand just like that, I need to take a picture!"

It wasn't just pictures. It was selfies with both her and myself, a posting to Instagram and Facebook.

"We should start a YouTube channel. It would be such a hit! We could call it something like Lucy and her gay pet. We would get millions of hits."

"No. Definitely not," I muttered under my breath, knowing there was no way to argue with her while she was this excited. I id however know there was no way that I would ever go and create a YouTube video for the world to see. I might be talking to her and Blake, but I was nowhere close to breaking my silence to the world just yet.

The one thing Lucy was actually right about was the fact that I looked hot. Damn, even I would do me looking like this. The outfit was perfect. I had no idea that Lucy had such good fashion sense, although it probably did make sense. She might act stupid at school, but she knew how to dress. A little bit slutty at times, but the clothing was still good and she had the figure, which probably gave her the right to dress any damn way she wanted.

"So are you going to tell me about the date?" I asked her once again, although I have kind of given up on the idea of getting a straight answer out of her.

"Like I have already told you. My driver will be taking you somewhere and Blake will already be there. That's as much as you are getting out of me," she said with a smile. "But I so wish I could be there to see your face when you see all the planning that went into this. Blake has been working on this since the day he met you."

"Just give me a hint," I asked once more.

"No. My lips are sealed. Just let him be your wings, okay?" she said with a smile that was probably meant to look mysterious, but actually made me want to punch her in the face. Could someone really be this irritating?

"Just one hint," I pleaded.

"I already gave you one," she answered.

"When? You didn't give me a hint!" I was getting really impatient. If they both knew how much I hated surprises, they would just tell me and get it over with.

"If you don't leave now, you will be late!" she screamed and grabbed me by the arm, which stung a little since it was where I made the most recent cuts in Blake's room, but with her iron lock on me I allowed her to pull me to the front of the house.

I could not believe my eyes. Right in front of the house, just like it came from a movie stood a guy, holding the door open to a pitch black limousine.

"Now go! Enjoy yourself! I won't wait up, I promise!" Lucy screamed and before I could even turn around to her she ran in the door and shut it in my face, leaving me alone and bewildered, feeling like Cinderfella who's fairy godmother just bailed on him just when he needed her the most.

A/N: I'm beginning to feel like a parrot, telling you guys over and over that I thank you for reading, but I am truly so grateful that I will say it another hundred times. So thank you again for reading. Please remember to vote and leave a comment. I will be back soon with the next chapter. The story is soon going to start going in the direction of an end. I know the last two chapters hasn't had much of the boys together in them, but believe me, it was needed for the plot. So stay with them. There will be a huge surprise hidden in the next chapter!

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