XIII. I Hope They Never Find Out

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Thirteen. I Hope They Never Find Out

⋆ ˚。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚

Weeks had passed since her audition. She had been to callbacks, competing head to head with people she thought were better than her. She figured she had done okay, Jude told her so. But she just wanted to be better.

She was back in her New York apartment now, since she had left the day after her argument with her dad.

Now she was on FaceTime with Jude, which had become her daily routine. If they weren't on the phone with each other, he'd be texting her as much as he could. In between training, before and after matches. Even when he was out with his friends or family, he'd put Nevaeh first everytime.

     "Wait, Jude," she paused, staring at the notification that had just appeared. It was an email. She clicked on it, reading through it. Not processing what it said the first time, she read it again. "Oh my gosh."

"What?" he asked her from the other line. He was getting ready for training while he talked to her.

"I got the role!" she exclaimed, jumping out of her bed and screaming. He started shouting and cheering for her, genuinely proud of her. He loved seeing her happy, even if it was over something little or as big as this.

"I'm so happy for you," he showed off his smile. She wondered if he had given this treatment to other women. "When do you start shooting?"

"A month," Vaeh told him.

"Did you get the final girl?"

"Yeah, I'm breaking stereotypes," she joked, making him laugh.

"Alright, we'll I've gotta go to training," he sighed. "Again, I'm proud of you. And I'll text you once I'm done."

They told each other goodbye, ending the call.

Liked by judebellingham, jordanpeele, pablogavi, and 2,107,426 others
nevhaven  peele said this is the ONLY photo i can post while shooting, so take this as you wish 🤭

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username is this why juvaeh hasn't come back yet

username NEW MOVIE???

username okay i need this IMMEDIATELY

username i'm scared but excited

username @judebellingham when are you going to see your gf

username ok now show us ur pretty face!!



username 😍😍

florencepugh  Hopefully we don't die 🫢

pablogavi  So proud of my sister!! 🫶🏼

geminirights @jordanpeele she wont tell me the plot pls let her
nevhaven he said no.

judebellingham me cause i was the first to know about the role
geminirights FUCK U

He knew her schedule. She had repeated it to him several times over so he knew not to call her while they were filming.

He also knew she had the week off since she had already filmed most of her scenes. What better to do than show up and surprise her?

Obviously he wasn't going to come all the way from Spain and not bring Vaeh's best friend. Angela was the reason he had found out where she lived anyway, since Nevaeh had mindlessly given up her address. Angie and Jude had flown to New York together, getting separate hotel rooms and unpacking their items. Once the two were done, they had called an Uber to take them to her house.

"Hey, are you home?" Angie had called Nevaeh, making sure their plans weren't gonna be ruined.

"Yeah, I'm just working on, you know, work stuff," Vaeh sighed. "Why?"

Angie gave Jude the signal to get out of the car. He had paid the driver and thanked him once Angela muted the call. She unmuted and explained, "Oh, nothing, just wanted to talk to you."

"Well, you know I'm always here to talk."

The pair had went up the elevator in Nevaeh's apartment building, Angie making conversation with Vaeh to stall. She muted to knock, and unmuted once she heard her friend say, "Oh, hold on, someone's here."

The door opened, and Nevaeh's eyes widened. She started screaming and pulled the two into one tight hug. "Oh my gosh, I hate you guys so much for not telling me."

"We surprised you and you hate us?" Angela joked. "Don't blame me, it was all his idea." She looked at Jude, who put his hands up as if to defend himself.

"In my defense—"

"I don't care, Jude," Nevaeh laughed. "I'm just so happy you guys are here. Come in. I would've cleaned up more had I known you guys were coming over." Her apartment wasn't dirty, just cluttered with décor and plants. She showed them around, revealing her two-bedroom apartment. She showed the kitchen, her cozy living room, and skipped over her bathroom and the bed rooms. The trio sat in the living room, catching up on their lives. Well, mainly Angela and Vaeh. Jude just sat there listening to their conversation, letting the ladies talk.

"Well? Do you guys wanna go out?" Nevaeh suggested. "I mean, you've both never been here, and I'd be a horrible surprise-host if I didn't show you around."

"I'm down," Angie agreed.

"Okay, sure," Jude smiled. He would've agreed if Nevaeh had suggested they all go out in the road and attempt to get hit by cars. He wanted to do anything she wanted to, be anywhere she was. Just her being here in front of him had him ready to pass out on the spot. She was his only weakness — the only thing holding him back. Even all the way in Spain, he was worried about his social media posts and the way he played on the pitch in case she was watching.

⋆ ˚。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚

They had ended up at a restaurant, since Angela had complained that she was hungry. They had stopped by Angie and Jude's hotel first so that the two could change. Nevaeh even offered that the two could just stay at her place for the night if they were too tired later on, giving the guest bedroom to Jude and agreeing to share her bed with Angie.

"There's this club right around the corner that we could go to after this," Nevaeh told her friends. The three had spent their entire night at dinner laughing and talking, trying their best to ignore the photos that were being taken of them.

     "Well? Let's go then," Jude smiled, agreeing with Vaeh's suggestion yet again.

     "I'll stay with you the entire time so creepy men know to stay away from you," Nevaeh looked at Angie. She had noticed the worry in her best friend's face, knowing how uncapable Angela was at controlling her actions when she was drunk.

     "That's okay, I just won't drink a lot," Angela replied. "Vamos!" The three of them got up, leaving a bill and a tip for their waiter.

     Upon arrival, the fumes of alcohol and weed and B.O. took over Nevaeh's senses. It was almost as if she was already getting tipsy just by the intoxicating smell. She had dragged Angela to the bar, Jude following close behind the duo. Vaeh had ordered three shots, one for each of them.

     "No, I'm okay," Jude denied her when Nevaeh had offered him a drink.

     "More for me then," Nevaeh giggled, downing both immediately. Angela took hers too, groaning and complaining at the taste of the drink.

     The two (really, it was just Nevaeh) had spent the rest of the night like this, drinking and dancing a lot. Once Angela had disappeared off to the bathroom, it was just Jude and Vaeh.

     She stopped and stared at Jude, smiling widely at him. "What?" he asked, slightly chuckling.

     "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" she asked, touching his face. "You're just so kissable."

     "Now I know if you were sober you would never say anything like this."

     "What? I am sober, silly!" Nevaeh laughed, lightly hitting his chest while she did. He smiled with and at her, trying to ignore what she had said previously. He didn't think she meant it and that she was just heavily under the influence. He just hoped she'd be okay tomorrow.

     "I know you wanna kiss me," she looked at him, her expression switching from giggly to flirty.

     "If you were sober, I would."

     "I'm not even that drunk," Nevaeh groaned. "Please, Jude. Just this once."

     It can't be just once. If I do it once, I'll wanna keep going, he thought to himself. Everything about her drove him crazy. Kissing her, just once, would be a dream come true. But would he be able to contain himself after?

     "Vaeh, I'm not—"

     She interrupted him. Her hands were on his face and she got on her tip-toes, pushing her lips onto his. He didn't know what to do, and he didn't want to push her away. His hands fell right into place on her waist, her being the piece to complete his puzzle. Once she had let go of him, he said, "Don't do that again. At least not tonight. I'm serious." He moved his hands away from her, making her back up.

     "Don't be such a pussy," Nevaeh looked him up and down, an annoyed look on her face. "You flirt with me all while you're in Spain, but now that you're here in person you don't wanna fuck me anymore."

     "Because, Nevaeh—" he lowered his tone, "—you are far from sober. I don't want to do anything with you tonight that you're gonna regret tomorrow. I do like you, a lot actually, I just—I just wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I'd done something to hurt you."

     She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Whatever." She walked away from him, searching for the doors to exit the building. He had called after her, numerous times, trying to chase her so she wasn't alone. But then, everything started to blend and blur, and Nevaeh was nowhere to be found.

(vaeh haven👯‍♀️💝🎀, gigi 🫶🏾🩵)

Today  12:32 A.M.

gigi 🫶🏾🩵
nevaeh please answer me

gigi 🫶🏾🩵
me and jude can't find you i'm
so so worried

gigi 🫶🏾🩵
please just tell me you're okay

vaeh haven👯‍♀️💝🎀
i em fin

vaeh haven👯‍♀️💝🎀
cant c vison blurey

vaeh haven👯‍♀️💝🎀
am safe outsdie

"Oh my gosh, Vaeh, I was worried sick," Angela cried as she found her best friend standing around. She wrapped her arms tightly around Nevaeh, never wanting to let go. "Don't scare me like that again."

     "I'm sorry," Nevaeh apologized, hugging her friend back. "Just... needed air." Once the two had let go, Jude and Vaeh exchanged awkward glances.

     "Let's go home, yeah?"


⋆ ˚。⋆ ꪆৎ ˚

Three A.M. She couldn't sleep.

     By now, she had sobered up more, trying to recall what had taken place just hours prior. All she could remember was the kiss, running away, then waking up in her bed, Angela next to her. She got up, grabbing her jacket off of her dresser, and leaving the room quietly. She shut the door behind her softly, making sure not to wake her best friend. Once she had reached the living room, Nevaeh had realized Jude had beaten her. He looked over at her, a soft look in his eyes. He seemed upset by something, and she wanted to know so she could help him.

     "You—" she had started, just as he said, "I'm sorry."

     "You go first," he told her. She sat down on her comfortable couch next to him, looking him in the eyes.

     She wanted to grab his hand and tell him how horrible she felt for the way she treated him, but it just came out as a mere, "I'm so sorry Jude. I. . .I don't know why I acted like that and I—"

     "I get it. I hope I didn't, um, make you uncomfortable."

     "No, I initiated it. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," she responded.

     "So we're on the same page?" he asked, that same sad look in his eye. He wanted to tell her that he was okay with it, that he wanted to kiss her again, but. . . he didn't want to make things awkward with her.

     Luckily he was relieved when she had told him, "From what I remember, I did really enjoy it, though. I mean, like, I wouldn't. . . mind doing that again?" It came out as more of a question, as she wasn't sure how she'd reply.

     "Well when you're not, you know, drunk, just let me know," he smiled.

     "I'm less drunk now," she looked him dead in the eye, his whole demeanor switching completely. For what seemed like eternity, they just stared at each other, waiting for the other to do something. When he didn't move, she did what she had done earlier— grabbed his face and connected her lips to his. Same way he did hours prior to this, he put his hand on her waist, pulling her closer as they shared their second kiss.

     "So, where do we go from here?" she asked once they had let go of each other. "I mean, do you want to stop this now and never speak about it again, or do you wanna. . ."

     "Is that even a question?"

     "Well, yes—"

     "Nevaeh," he interfered. "You don't understand how badly I like you. It's gotten to the point where my whole team knows how bad I like you."

     She didn't speak for a moment. It worried him, made him think he had shared too much. "I talk to Angie and Gavi about you all the time, they're so sick of me. And the boys called it a long time ago."

     The two sat in a comfortable silence, neither of them wanting to break it. His feelings, what he had for her, was exactly what she had for him. He was happy, but he didn't know how to ask her to take this further. He didn't just want to be a guy she liked and kissed all the time, he wanted to be the only one. He wanted to see her whenever he woke up, be able to hug and kiss her whenever he felt.

     "What's on your mind?" She was good at that, reading his thoughts. Nevaeh wanted what he did, but she couldn't put it into words.

     "Can—" he cleared his throat after his voice came out seeming so small. She made him so nervous, and he feared what her answer would be. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

     "You mean do I want you to be my boyfriend?"

     "Yeah, that."

     "Then yes."

Liked by judebellingham, joaofelix79, and 1,798,023 others
nevhaven  when she surprises you by showing up to your apartment door 🥹🩵

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username  AWWW


username chat i love them too bad

username no comment from jude. ☹️

username CUTIESS

username @joaofelix79 do you mind sharing

username @judebellingham ok if angie can do it you can too

username their smiles seem so genuine 😕

username theyre so adorable omh

username @Jude wya bruv???

joaofelix79  Thats my gf!!!!
geminirights hey bf 🫶🏼

geminirights  gonna have such a fun time with you i fear i'm never leaving 💔
nevhaven please dont ever leave me ☹️🫶🏾

geminirights  these bitches in the comments theorizing where jude went like girl guess who took the photo
nevhaven ANGELA
   ↳ username OMGGG
         ↳ username THANK U FOR THIS VALUABLE INFO @geminirights

nia's notes
im giggling so hard

thirteen chapters in and we FINALLY got a kiss 🙌🏾 you know i had to double itt 😝😝

@Jude can i have ur gf pls

vangie 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾😍😍😍😍😍💝💝💝💝🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

lowk not proofread so correct any mistakes


olay bye i love u sm baefs take care of urselves 💝 #Goodbye

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